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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2022-03-23 19:40:10  


摘 要




Air direct oxidation process is one of the methods used to achieve large-scale production of ethylene oxide in industry. As a kind of flammable, explosive, toxic and hazardous chemicals, the industrial production of fire and explosion prevention measures are very important. This article mainly to the air by direct oxidation of ethylene oxide production factory as a model, in consideration of the factors of the raw materials, production equipment, production process, the factory and the surrounding environment, such as, the of fire-proof and explosion-proof design, attempt to draw out the figure of division of the total area of factory layout and plant explosion hazard area. First of all, according to the actual situation, to determine the plant production, operational aspects and storage places, such as the existence or hidden danger of fire and its harm. Subsequently, the main building of the plant is determined, and the fire distance between them is determined by field measurements and calculations. Finally, according to the actual production needs, the total area of the production, operation and other areas to carry out fire and explosion proof of the overall layout and planning. In addition, in the plant selection a have explosive damage or existing plant explosion hazards, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the power plant in explosion and fire hazardous environment design standard "and so on, to the target plant were explosion risk area prediction, evaluation, classification and determine the discharge explosion area calculation and venting form.

Key words: ethylene oxide; direct oxidation; fire and explosion protection design; risk grade


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章绪论 1

第二章 工程项目分析 2

2.1工程概况 2

2.2工艺流程分析 2

2.2.1生产工艺简述 2

2.2.2安全防火重点部位 3

2.2.3安全工作重点分析 4

2.3工艺环节划分的分析 6

2.3.1生产区 6

2.3.2仓储设施 7

2.3.3其他设施 8

第三章 区域划分的分析 9

3.1总平面布置分析 10

3.1.1分区布置 10

3.2.2火灾危险类别的确定 10

3.3.3环氧乙烷及生产原料的理化性质简介 10

3.3.4生产工艺火灾危险分类 11

3.3.5存储区火灾危险分类 11

3.4耐火等级的分析 11

3.4.1生产运作区 11

3.4.2仓库储存区 12

3.4.3生活区 12

3.4.4办公及附属设施区 12

3.5防火间距分析 13

3.5.1防火间距设计原则 13

3.5.2防火间距的确定 13

3.6防爆电气的分析 15

3.6.1划分爆炸危险区域 15

3.6.2防爆电气选择 15爆炸性混合物分级、分组 15防爆电气选择 16

第四章 泄爆方式的确定及泄爆面积的计算 20

4.1泄爆方式 20

4.2泄爆面积的计算 20

4.3环氧乙烷合成车间的灭火器配置 20

4.3.1灭火器的选择 20

4.3.2灭火器设置 21

总结 26

参考文献 27

附录Ⅰ火灾危险类别划分 28





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