2020-04-15 21:22:06
摘 要
关键字:金属加工 粉尘 通风除尘
Nowadays, the world economy is developing at a rapid speed. With the rapid progress of urbanization and industrialization, the problem of environmental pollution has become increasingly serious, and it has attracted widespread attention. A large part of metal processing and industrialized, while the process of metalworking caused by environmental pollution can not be underestimated. Metal processing involves many processes such as metal grinding, polishing and electroplating. Dust and harmful gases produced during processing not only do great harm to the health of workers, but also destroy the ecological environment around the workshop and reduce air quality. Therefore, we should correctly use ventilation and dust removal technology, establish appropriate dust removal system in the factory, ensure the concentration of harmful substances in the workshop under the maximum allowable concentration stipulated by the national health standards, create a good working environment for staff, prevent occupational diseases, improve production efficiency, and effectively control the spread of pollutants from the source, reduce air. Pollution.
The graduation project is designed for a ventilation and dust removal system for metal processing plants, which consists of high temperature furnace, polishing workshop, electroplating machine room and other workshops, covering an area of about 1748 square meters. Different workshops need different ventilation and dust removal schemes, so we need to calculate the most suitable dust collector, pipe design and so on according to different situations.
Keyword: Metalworking dust Ventilation and dust removal
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
目 录 VI
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2目前国内外现状 1
1.3存在的问题 1
1.4设计内容 2
第二章 车间简介 3
2.1车间介绍 3
2.2金属加工过程中产生的有害物质 3
第三章 通风除尘方案 7
3.1通风除尘系统分类 7
3.2通风除尘方案选定 8
第四章 通风除尘设计 9
4.1集气罩选用 9
4.1.1集气罩的设计原则 9
4.1.2集气罩的分类 9
4.1.3集气罩的选择及风量计算 10
4.2除尘器选用 14
4.2.1除尘器的选型考虑因素 14
4.2.2除尘器的种类 14
4.2.3除尘器的选型 15
4.3管道设计 15
4.3.1通风管道设计原则 15
4.3.2通风管道选材与部件选取 16
4.4通风机的选用 17
4.5排风口的设计 17
4.6小结 18
第五章 水力计算 19
5.1高温炉车间的水力计算 19
5.2抛光机车间的水力计算 24
5.3电镀车间的水力计算 30
第六章 发电机室的通风设计 35
6.1排风方式及部件选择 35
6.2排风量计算 35
6.3通风机及电动机型号选择 36
第七章 工程概算 37
第八章 结论 39
参考文献 40
第一章 前言