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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 采矿工程 > 正文


 2021-03-15 20:56:35  

摘 要






Based on the test results and preliminary numerical analysis of four large scale dynamic testing of rock support (Tests 1, 2, 4, and 5), a modified test (Test 6) was designed at LKAB Kiirunavaara underground mine. The aim of the modified design was to avoid the unexpected damage of burden as was observed in earlier tests, and to modify the dynamic loading leading to increase the depth of fractured zone and if possible pushing the support system beyond its limit[21]. In this test, ground motion measurements were conducted using accelerometers, fracture investigations were made using an inspection borehole camera, and ground motion imaging and laser scanning were performed before and after blast. In Test 6, the col-umns of explosive were located in the middle of a pillar between two cross-cuts one supported by a rock support for seismic conditions, and the other supported by only plain shotcrete. Results indicated that a larger fractured zone compare to earlier tests was developed behind the support system while the installed support system was still functional. In cross-cut without support system[23], the ejection of blocks of rock from the test wall was observed. Evidence from two cross-cuts indicated a reduction of radial cracks that provide access for the gas expansion. Furthermore, the performance of the rock support was investigated by comparing with the results from the unsupported cross-cut. The results indicated that the installed support system, designed for dynamic conditions, performed well under the loading conditions which can cause ejection.

Keywords:Large scale test ,Dynamic ,Rock support,Blast design,Underground mining

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景、目的和意义 1

1.2课题研究内容 1

1.3预期目标等进行综合论述 1

第2章 矿区概况及矿床地质 2

2.1 矿山概况 2

2.1.1 位置与交通 2

2.1.2自然地理概况 2

2.1.3 地质概况 3

2.2 矿体地质 3

2.3岩、矿石物理力学性质参数: 3

2.4 工程地质及环境地质 4

第3章 开拓方案 5

3.1矿山设计服务年限 5

3.1.1根据经济上合理的服务年限验证生产能力 5

3.1.2按年下降深度验证 6

3.2开拓方案选择 6

3.2.1方案初选 6

3.2.2方案比较 6

3.2.3 方案终选 7

第4章 采矿方法 8

4.1 方案初选 8

4.2 方案终选 9

4.3 采矿方法概述 9

4.3.1 采矿方法构成要素 9

4.3.2 采准切割 9

4.4 回采工作 10

4.4.1凿岩爆破 10

4.4.2 炮眼排列 10

4.4.3爆破参数 10

第5章 矿山运输与平巷断面设计 12

5.1平巷断面设计 12

5.1.1选择巷道断面形状 12

5.1.2确定巷道断面尺寸 13

5.1.3计算巷道掘进工程量和材料消耗量 15

5.2井底运输 16

5.3 井底车场选择 17

5.4井井底车场设计 17

5.4.1储车线长度的确定: 17

5.4.2井底车场主要线路坡度: 17

第6章 矿井提升 18

6.1提升任务 18

6.2 提升方式及选择 18

6.3 提升容器选择 18

6.3.1提升容器选择 18

6.3.2箕斗容积 19

6.3.3箕斗有效载重 19

6.4钢丝绳的选择 20

6.5提升机及天轮的选择 20

第7章 矿井通风 22

7.1 通风方式选择要求 22

7.2 通风系统选择 22

7.3 采场风量计算及分配 22

7.3.1风量计算 22

7.3.2 风量分配 23

7.4 通风设备选择 24

7.5 局部通风 24

7.5.1 局部通风方式选择 24

7.6 矿井防尘与安全 25

第8章 矿山排水 26

8.1 坑道涌水量预测 26

8.1.1 矿床充水因素 26

8.3.1 选择原则 26

8.3.2 设备选型 27

第9章 基建工程量及进度 30

9.1 基建工程量及计算 30

9.1.1 基建工程设计准则 30

9.1.2 三级矿量 30

9.2 基建进度计划编制 31

9.2.1 编制步骤与方法 31

9.2.2 基建进度计划表 31

第10章 结论 33

参考文献 34

附录 35

致谢 36


1.1 研究的背景、目的和意义


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