2020-04-15 20:30:01
摘 要
关键字: 消防系统 防排烟系统 自然排烟 机械排烟 加压送风
Under the development of economic construction, the number of high-rise building fires increases sharply. Fires easily produce hot gas, smoke and toxic gases. Therefore, the design of smoke control and exhaust system of high-rise buildings will directly affect the success of the fire safety design of this building.
The purpose of this design is to design a smoke control and exhaust system for a high-rise office building. According to the code, the building is classified as a high-rise building; the underground part is divided into three fire prevention zones and three smoke prevention zones per floor; the effective area of natural smoke exhaust and window opening on the ground is checked to meet the requirements of the standard, so natural smoke exhaust is used on the ground part; the combined front room 1, the combined front room 2 and the smoke prevention staircase adopt an independent mechanical pressurized air supply system respectively, and the air supply volume of the fan is divided into two parts. They are 31200 m3/h, 31200 m3/h and 34706 m3/h, respectively. Four sets of independent smoke exhaust systems are set up on the two underground floors. The smoke exhaust volume of the fan is 37800 m3/h, 49104 m3/h, 60407 m3/h and 69120 m3/h, respectively. Four sets of independent supplementary air systems should also be adopted, and the supplementary air volume is 50% of the smoke exhaust volume. Draw the plan layout and system diagram on the drawings.
Key words: fire system smoke control and exhaust system natural smoke exhaust machinery smoke exhaust pressurized air supply
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1建筑防排烟系统概述 1
1.1.1防排烟原理 1
1.1.2系统划分 2
1.1.3国内外防排烟系统发展现状 3
第二章 工程概况 5
2.1工程概况 5
2.2设计内容 5
2.3设计流程 5
第三章 火灾烟气控制 6
3.1防火分区 6
3.1.1防火分区概念 6
3.1.2防火分区划分依据 6
3.1.3防火分区的具体划分 7
3.2防烟分区 7
3.2.1防烟分区概念 7
3.2.2防烟分区存在必要性 8
3.2.3防烟分区划分原则 8
3.2.4划分防烟分区的方法 9
3.2.5防烟分区的具体划分 9
第四章 防排烟系统设计 13
4.1防烟系统设置 13
4.2确定机械加压送风量 13
4.2.1压差法计算加压送风量 13
4.2.2查表法选择送风量 15
4.3沿程阻力损失计算方法 16
4.3.1沿程阻力计算 16
4.3.2局部阻力计算 16
4.4计算加压送风量 16
4.4.1确定加压送风部位 16
4.4.2 确定加压送风量 16
4.4.3 送风口布置 19
4.4.4管道阻力计算 21
4.5送风机的选择 25
4.6排烟系统设计 26
4.6.1机械排烟量的确定依据 26
4.7机械排烟设置 28
4.7.1机械排烟量计算 28
4.7.2排烟口的布置及尺寸的确定 33
4.7.3管道的水力计算 34
4.7.4风机选型 40
4.8补风系统 40
结语 42
参考文献 43
对高层建筑进行系统的防排烟设计的目的就是要控制火灾中烟气的流动方向,并能有效的阻止有害烟气迅速蔓延至其他区域,营造火场人员的安全疏散和消防人员扑救火灾的条件.所以防排烟技术受到社会的广泛重视,在建筑防火方面占有很重要领域,在高层建筑内设置防烟、排烟设施是十分必要的。从大量的火灾数据中可以看出,在火灾中伤亡的人群里,主要原因都是有毒的烟气所致,火灾中人们受烟气直接致死的约占死亡人员中的三分之一到三分之二之间,因火烧死的约占三分之一到二分之一,多数人是先受毒烟熏倒后烧死[3]。为了防止火灾中人员伤亡,,便必须进行布置机械排烟与正压送风防烟系统;在建筑中划分合理的防烟分区,从而达到防烟分隔与避难目的;合理有效的布置自然通风口,充分利用烟气的热浮力特性产生自然排烟效果; 对家具与建筑材料等日用品进行阻燃与消烟处理; 可以通过喷洒某些化学类消烟剂或者水雾等方式,清除掉烟气里的烟尘粒子、有毒类成份,从而提高人群能见度。