2021-04-25 23:31:49
摘 要
In the medium and low voltage distribution system distribution system, single-phase to ground fault happens frequently, accounting for about 80% of the total number of failures. After the single-phase earth fault occurs,the system can continue to run for some time because the zero sequence current is very small and the system line voltage is still symmetrical.Find the fault line in this period of time can make the power system failure rate greatly reduced.
In this thesis , the development history of fault line selection technology of single-phase earth fault in low-voltage distribution network is briefly introduced. The research on it is also introduced, the principle and application range of line selection method are analyzed. And the characteristics of different grounding types and safety requirements are studied. It analyzed the characteristics of the steady state and transient components of the system . In the MATLAB software, Low-voltage distribution system model, the normal operation and the occurrence of single-phase ground fault characteristics of the simulation.
In terms of line selection, the emerging wavelet analysis method is used.Not only the wavelet family is introduced,and also the selection method of the wavelet function, also the decomposition scale and the characteristic frequency band is introduced in this case.It simulate zero-sequence current waveform of each line is decomposed by 10-point db wavelet, and it is judged whether it is a bus fault or a line fault by comparing the direction and amplitude. Then, the phase voltage waveform of the fault line is analyzed and judged Finally, the wavelet is used to decompose the zero sequence voltage waveform of the fault line to judge the fault time. Through the comparison and analysis of multiple experiments, it is proved that the fault line selection can be carried out accurately by wavelet analysis method in the arc grounding coil grounding system without neutral and neutral.
Key Words:Medium and low voltage distribution system; earthing type; single phase ground fault; wavelet analysis
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 小电流接地系统故障选线现有方法简介 2
1.3.1基于稳态分量的故障选线法 2
1.3.2基于暂态分量的故障选线法 3
1.3.3其他方法 4
1.4本文主要研究内容 5
第2章 系统接地型式综述 5
2.1接地概念及分类 6
2.2接地型式 6
2.2.1 TN系统 8
2.2.2 TT系统 10
2.2.3 IT系统 11
2.3 系统接地的安全要求 11
2.4小结 12
第3章 故障分析原理 13
3.1配电网单相接地系统故障特征分析 13
3.1.1稳态特征分析 13
3.1.2暂态特征分析 17
3.2小波分析原理 19
3.2.1小波变换理论简述 19
3.2.2 小波母函数的选取 20
3.2.3 选线比较尺度的选择 24
3.2.4 选线特征频带的确定方法 24
第4章 小电流接地系统的仿真研究 26
4.1 中性点不接地系统 26
4.1.1 正常运行时的仿真研究 26
4.1.2 故障时的仿真研究 29
4.2 中性点经消弧线圈接地系统 33
4.3小结 34
第5章 小波变换故障选线仿真研究 35
5.1 小波变化应用于故障选线 35
5.1.1 小波母函数的选取 35
5.1.2 小波比较尺度的选取 38
5.1.3 小波选线步骤 38
5.2 仿真实例 39
5.2.1 中性点不接地系统的仿真 39
5.2.2 中性点经消弧线圈接地的仿真 46
5.2.3 数据总结 47
5.3 小结 47
第6章 总结与展望 49
6.1 全文总结 49
6.2 不足 49
6.3 展望 50
参考文献 51
致谢 53
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题背景及意义
1.2 国内外研究现状