2020-04-12 16:04:12
摘 要
能源危机和温室效应已经成为现代社会面临的2大难题,如何缓解能源短 缺以及限制以CO2为主的温室气体排放引起越来越多的关注,而且国际海事组织对船舶节能减排和控制CO2排放做出了具体要求,提出要对船舶的能效水平进行监测。我国目前并没有建立完善的船舶能效监测机制,现有的能效数据难以满足各部门进行能效分析和评估工作,对于电力推进船舶的能效监测系统研究少之又少。因此,开展内河电力推进船舶的能效监测系统研究对于我国政府准确掌握我国船舶的能效水平和CO2排放现状,科学制定船舶节能减排政策具有重要意义。
The energy crisis and global warming are the two major problems for human society today. It has attracted increasing attention to resolve the energy problems and limit greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the International Maritime Organization has made specific requirements for energy-saving, emission-reduction and CO2 emission control of ships, and proposed to monitor the energy efficiency of ships. At present, China has not established a sound monitoring system for energy efficiency of ships. Existing energy efficiency data can hardly meet the needs of various departments for energy efficiency analysis and assessment. There is little research on energy efficiency monitoring systems for electric propulsion ships. Therefore, the research on the energy efficiency monitoring system for launching inland power electric propulsion ships is of great significance for the Chinese government to accurately grasp the current state of energy efficiency and CO2 emissions of ships in China and scientifically formulate ship energy-saving and emission reduction policies.
This article takes the Inland River 500-seat electric power propulsion ship as the research object and carries out the research on the energy efficiency monitoring system. The main research contents of the paper are as follows:
(1)A 500-seat electric power propulsion ship on the river is analyzed to understand what data the energy efficiency monitoring system needs to monitor. Through the comparison of electric propulsion ships and ordinary ships, we have obtained the data types that need to be acquired for the energy efficiency monitoring system of 500-seat inland navigation vessels. Including the navigation environment influencing factors: water velocity, water depth and wind speed, direction, fuel consumption, power consumption data, ship speed and mileage, shaft power of diesel engines, motor speed and other energy efficiency data.
(2)The design of the energy efficiency monitoring system for the 500-seat electric power propulsion ship on the river. Including energy efficiency data acquisition system, energy efficiency data transmission system and information display system design. Focus on energy efficiency data collection program design, including sensor selection and design of the installation program:①Navigation environment information, using water velocity measuring instrument, depth sounder, wind speed and direction measuring instrument to collect water flow velocity, water depth, wind speed and direction; ② Using fuel consumption meters to collect fuel consumption;③ Using electricity meters to collect power consumption data ;④ Using log meter and GPS to collect ship speed and mileage ;⑤ Using host power meter to collect diesel engine shaft power; ⑥ Using the tachometer to collect the motor speed.
Key words: inland waterway; yacht; electric propulsion; energy efficiency monitorin
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 船舶能效监测 1
1.2.2 存在问题 3
1.3 论文的内容与结构 4
1.3.1 研究目标 4
1.3.2 研究内容 4
1.3.3 研究方案 4
1.3.3 论文的结构 5
第2章 能效影响因素 7
2.1船舶能效评估指数 7
2.2 能效影响因素 7
2.2.1 通航环境因素 7
2.2.2 船舶本身 8
2.3 本章小结 10
第3章 能效监测系统总体设计 11
3.1 设计目标 11
3.2 设计原则 11
3.3 需求分析 11
3.4 系统整体设计 12
3.4.1 能效数据采集系统 12
3.4.2 能效数据传输系统 17
3.5 信息显示界面设计 18
3.6 本章小结 18
第4章 总结与展望 19
4.1 论文主要工作总结 19
4.2 展望 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
随着全球经济的快速推进,航运业近年来的发展十分迅猛,船舶的运载量得到大幅度的提升,船舶也日益大型化,功率不断增加,但是,船舶所造成的温室气体排放问题也随之加剧。80%以上的货物是通过海运运输,海运占运输部门CO2排放量的30%以上,约占人类CO2排放量的3%至4%(2007年到 2012年间,航运业排放的平均CO2量大约占全球平均排放CO2量的3.1%,其中2012年,全球航运业CO2排放量约为9.49亿t,占全球CO2排放总量的2.2%),而且排放量在迅速增长。如果不采取措施,到2050年,由于全球经济的预期增长和相关的运输需求,航运业年CO2排放量将增加150%-250%,占届时全球范围内允许CO2排放量的12%-18%[1]。不仅是在国际水域航行的海船,内河船舶同样面临着巨大的节能减排压力。我国的内河航道资源非常丰富,高等级内河航道以及相应的主要沿河沿江港口遍及了全国20余个省区市,航道连接了56个50万以上人口的大城市[2]。为了节能减排,交通运输部制定了《“十二五”水运节能减排总体推进实施方案》,指出,“十二五”期间,考察内河水运节能减排的“内河营运船舶单位运输周转量能耗”和“单位运输周转量CO2排放”2个指标,分别下降14%以上和15%以上[3]。因此,减少船舶CO2的排放对于减少全球温室气体排放具有重要意义。
对于船舶来说,提升能效水平是实现节能减排的重要方法之一。要想提高船舶能效,就要对影响船舶能效的数据进行采集分析,利用数据采集技术采集相关的能效数据是评估一艘船舶具体能效水平的基础,进而才能对船舶能效进行正 确的评估。而一套完整的船舶能效监测系统可以对船舶的能效相关数据进行采集,进而对能效数据进行分析,并以此提高船舶的能效水平。因此,船舶能效监测系统对提高船舶能效水平具有重要意义。