2020-04-12 16:15:01
1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
第1-2周 查阅文献完成文献综述和开题报告;
第3-4周 完成外文翻译;
第5-6周 学习chemkin的使用方法,完成正庚烷二阶段着火特性的模拟工作;
4. 主要参考文献
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[2] Merchant S S, Goldsmith C F, Vandeputte A G, et al. Understanding low-temperature first-stage ignition delay: Propane[J]. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162(10): 3658-3673.
[3] Zhang P, Ji W, He T, et al. First-stage ignition delay in the negative temperature coefficient behavior: Experiment and simulation[J]. Combustion and Flame, 2016, 167: 14-23.
[4] Han D, Zhao P, Huang Z. Dilution, Thermal and Chemical Effects of Carbon Dioxide on n-heptane Two-Stage Auto-Ignition Process[R]. SAE Technical Paper, 2016.
[5] Zhang K, Banyon C, Bugler J, et al. An updated experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-heptane oxidation[J]. Combustion and Flame, 2016, 172: 116-135.
[6] Jiang X, Tian Z, Zhang Y, et al. Shock tube measurement and simulation of DME/n-butane/air mixtures: Effect of blending in the NTC region[J]. Fuel, 2017, 203: 316-329.