2021-04-17 23:37:01
摘 要
In recent years, the clean and efficient combustion of internal combustion engine fuel has been a concern of the society and researchers. In the experimental study, the flame structure and combustion products are different by exchanging fuel component, the combination of fuel and oxidant, the temperature of oxidant, and the formation of the oxidant, which can draw a conclusion the fuel combustion effect. Through the study of the phenomenon, the factors that affect the combustion can be derived, and the approach of fuel efficient clean combustion can be obtained. In this paper, both the oxidant temperature and the fuel component are used as independent variable. In order to meet the experimental requirements, this paper uses SolidWorks software to design a counterflow flame burner for laminar premixed stagnation combustion which includes premixing device and gas injection device. First, according to the experiment requirements to determine the shape of the burner structure, and further determine the design of each component parts. In the meantime, a counterflow diffusion flame burner for high-boiling fuel combustion and its fuel supply system were designed. A broad of fuels were covered by the burner system, and the installed experimental conditions can involve most of the important factors of fuel combustion, which will provide great help for future research.
Key words: stagnation flame; counterflow diffusion flame; combustion; fuel pool; soot
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4本文主要设计内容 3
1.4.1主要研究步骤 3
1.4.2主要章节概述 3
第2章 层流预混滞止火焰燃烧器总体设计 4
2.1气体喷射器设计 4
2.1.1喷射器材料的选择 4
2.1.2喷射器结构设计 5
2.2气体预混装置设计 7
2.2.1气体预混装置材料的选择 7
2.2.2气体预混装置结构设计 7
2.3燃烧器连接体设计 8
2.3.1 O型圈设计 9
2.3.2连接体结构设计 9
2.4燃烧器总体装配 11
2.5本章小结 11
第3章燃料池总体设计 13
3.1 对冲扩散火焰概述 13
3.2燃料池及其底座参数设计 14
3.2.1燃料池结构的设计 14
3.2.2燃料池底座的设计 14
3.3测温元件的选择 15
3.3.1铠装热电阻温度测量仪 15
3.4.2K型热电偶 16
3.4.3测温元件的安装 16
3.5本章小结 17
第4章 燃料供给系统设计 18
4.1液面指示油箱 18
4.2补给注射油泵 19
4.3本章小结 19
第5章 总结 21
5.1本文主要的研究成果 21
5.2展望 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
附 录 25
附录A 气体喷射器零件图 25
附录B 整体设计装配图 27
第1章 绪论
碳氢燃料燃烧时产生的碳烟排放对人体健康和环境均产生不利影响,特别是直径在纳米数量级的烟尘颗粒更加危害人类健康,因为他们能够穿透人体肺组织并进入血液循环系统[1, 2];在环境方面,笼罩着极地上空的烟尘会改变极地地区的表面折射率从而对气候变化产生影响[3]。另外,烟尘在燃烧源的生成物中空气动力学直径小于10微米的颗粒物称为PM10,这种颗粒物可以通过口鼻进去人体呼吸道,因此有可称为可吸入颗粒物[4],美国EPA和一些研究机构在上世纪八、九十年代进行了流行病学研究,发现PM10是城市中影响人类健康最重要的空气污染物,其浓度变化与住院病人数、急诊数、慢性病发病率、呼吸道疾病、死亡率及儿童发育有较强的相关性。中国预防医学科学院环境卫生工程研究所也进行了长期系统的研究,同样发现其与人类健康密切的相关性,许多国家已经制定了针对空气中PM10的防止标准。我国也建立了主要城市PM10的污染预报制度[5]。