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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 20:53:02  

摘 要





Nitrogen oxides emitted during coal combustion in power plant boilers have caused great damage to the ecological environment of our country. photochemical smog, high content of nitric acid rain, ozone reduction and some other problems are all related to low concentration NOx. The control of pollutant from thermal power plants is becoming more and more strict. Clean and efficient combustion of power station boiler is the most important work of energy saving and emission reduction in our country. In addition, the high temperature corrosion problem of water wall of boiler is the direct cause of water wall pipe burst accident, and its reliability is directly related to whether the boiler life cycle of power station can be reduced slowly and whether it is safe and effective and whether it can bring huge economic benefits to the power plant. How to transform boiler high temperature corrosion has become a hot topic for researchers at home and abroad.

This study is divided into two parts, which are briefed as follows: low NOx combustion transformation and water wall high temperature anticorrosion transformation. The first part, after mastering the formation mechanism of the NOx, takes 300 MW quadrangular cut circular boiler of a factory as the transformation target, under the original foundation condition, uses the furnace space abundant and so on characteristic, proposes the longitudinal three zones and the transverse two zones arrangement air classification combustion technical transformation plan, and rearranges to the burnout air area. The fluent software is used to simulate the furnace before and after the transformation. Through the analysis of the contrast diagram of temperature field and NO concentration field before and after the transformation, and combined with the theoretical knowledge, it can be determined that the modified boiler can effectively reduce the emission of NOx. The second part is to analyze the water wall Based on the principle of corrosion, this paper puts forward a scheme of adding two layers of burnout air, changing the arrangement of primary air, cutting circle direction of secondary air and reducing the diameter of cut circle in furnace. After the scheme is determined, numerical simulation is carried out on the furnace before and after the transformation. Through the analysis of the temperature field and the distribution of pulverized coal particles before and after the transformation, and combined with the theoretical knowledge, it can be preliminarily determined that the high temperature corrosion phenomenon of the modified boiler water wall will be improved.

Keywords: coal-fired boiler; low NOx combustion; water wall corrosion; numerical simulation

目 录

中文摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 降低NOx的排放 2

1.2.2 水冷壁高温腐蚀防护 3

1.3 本课题研究内容 5

第2章 煤燃烧过程中NOx的生成机理 6

2.1 热力型NOx的生成机理 6

2.2 快速型NOx的生成机理 7

2.3 燃料型NOx的生成机理 7

2.4 本章小结 8

第3章 低NOx燃烧的改造方案 9

3.1 入炉煤质分析 9

3.2 锅炉运行存在的问题 9

3.3 低NOx燃烧的改造方案 10

3.3.1 纵向三区分布 10

3.3.2 横向双区分布 11

3.3.3 燃尽风区域改造 12

3.3 低NOx燃烧改造论证 13

3.4 本章小结 15

第4章 锅炉水冷壁高温腐蚀机理 16

4.1 腐蚀分类 16

4.1.1 硫酸盐型高温腐蚀腐蚀 16

4.1.2 H2S型高温腐蚀 17

4.1.3 氯化氢腐蚀 17

4.1.4 还原性气氛引起的高温腐蚀 18

4.2 锅炉水冷壁高温腐蚀的预防措施 18

4.2.1 燃煤品质的改善 18

4.2.2 燃烧工况 19

4.3 本章小结 19

第5章 水冷壁高温腐蚀改造 20

5.1 改造对象 20

5.2 运行煤质分析 20

5.3 改造方案及对比分析 21

5.4 本章小结 23

第6章 水冷壁高温防腐改造论证 24

6.1 仿真论证 24

6.2 本章小结 25

第7章 总结及展望 26

7.1 全文总结 26

7.2 不足和展望 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义


虽然煤炭在燃烧过程中会产生大量的SOx、NOx以及CO2,,会对环境造成巨大的破坏,但它作为我国十分重要的一次能源,在将来很长一段时间还是要被频繁使用。我们目前需要采用一些措施来降低燃烧过程中污染物的排放。我国在“十五”期间主要解决了SOx 的排放问题,但NOx的排放随着火电机组发电量的不断提高而增加[2]。科学研究发现:NOx会和碳氢化合物在阳光作用下生成有害的蓝色烟雾,这种烟雾不仅对会直接危害人体,还会破坏动植物的生命、腐蚀建筑物等。除此之外,氮氧化物还会造成大气层臭氧的减少,导致紫外线侵害皮肤,造成一系列的皮肤疾病。2014年7月1日,最新的《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》[3]提供了氮氧化物排放控制小于100mg/Nm3的要求。因此,作为一个火力电站,NOx的主要排放源之一,必须采取有效措施,减少NOx的排放。


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