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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-06-11 21:44:08  


摘 要



关键字:脉动热管 传热特性 物性分析 丙酮-水双工质

Heat transfer performance of acetone/water pulsating heat pipe and its analysis of thermal properties


With the miniaturization of electronic components and system,as well as continous increase in the power density,the pulsating heat pipe (PHP) plays an important role in the thermal management. In this study, Experiments of pulsating heat pipes (PHP)were conducted, with acetone/water binary mixtures at different ratios (0.3:0.7,0.5:0.5,0.9:0.2) under 50% filling ratios and heat inputs (5-230W).The experimental results were analyzed and compared with the heat transfer performance.meanwhile calculated and analyzed the effect of different ratios and heat input on the working fluid flow parameters,such as saturation pressure, dryness, sensible heat, latent heat , mass flow and velocity.Then, the effect of the temperature and different ratio on the thermal propertiesof the mixture of acetone/water, the influence of temperature and volume ratio on the thermal properties of the refrigerant is analyzed.

The results show that for the three ratio of acetone/water pulsating heat pipe filled with 50% ratio, The heat transfer thermal resistance decrease to the stability with the heat input ,and the thermal resistance of the heat pipe is greatly affected by The heat input and the ratio when the heat input is less than 100W. When the heat input is less than 200W,the high acetone share(0.9:0.1) of the PHP posses the lowest thermal resistance. The mainly heat transfer of pulsating heat pipe is sensible heat, When the heat input rise from 5W to 230W, the sensible heat transfer rate decrease from 99% to 80%, while the latent heat transfer share increase from 1% to 20%. The higher the acetone share, the higher the latent heat share when the filling rate and heat input are the same. The mass flow and the flow velocity of the mixture fluid first increase to the maximum flow velocity and then decrease with the increase of the heat input,which the The larger the acetone share, the higher the mass flow and the velocity and the smaller power when it achieves its maximum velocity. The latent heat

water increases with the increase of temperature when the temperature of working fluids rise 1 degree. The higher the acetone share, the higher the latent heat when the filling rate and the temperature of the working fluids are the same. While The sensible heat and total heat decrease with the increase of the temperature of mixture working fluids. Instead,the higher the acetone share, the less sensible heat and the total heat. when the filling rate and the temperature of the working fluids are the same.

Key words:Pulsating heat pipe; Heat transfer characteristics; physical property analysis; water-actone Two working fluids

目 录



第一章 绪论………………………………………………………………………1



1.2.1 脉动热管介绍…………………………………………………………2

1.2.2 性能测试实验系统……………………………………………………2







1.6本课题研究内容 …………………………………………………………11

第二章 丙酮-水脉动热管实验结果及分析………………………………12

2.1实验装置简介 ……………………………………………………………12

2.2实验处理的结果 …………………………………………………………13

2.3实验处理分析 ……………………………………………………………14

2.4流动传热性能分析 ………………………………………………………16

2.5随功率变化的各物性分析 ………………………………………………19

2.6本章小结 …………………………………………………………………22

第三章 丙酮-水物性分析……………………………………………………24

3.1丙酮和水工质的各物性参数 ……………………………………………24

3.2丙酮和水三种体积配比的各物性参数 …………………………………26

3.2.1计算方法分析 ………………………………………………………27

3.2.2 三种配比温升1℃各物性分析 ……………………………………27

3.3本章小结 …………………………………………………………………30

第四章 结论与展望 …………………………………………………………32



第1章 绪论

1.1 课题背景

热管是一种具有极高导热性能的传热元件,近几十年得到了飞速发展。美国人Gaugler[1]于1942 年提出了热管这一概念。他当时设想将热管应用于冷冻机,但是这种设想在当时并没有得到实现。20世纪70年代以来,由于宇宙航行对传热所提出的特殊要求,再加上热管能够很好的节约能源,这使得热管理论研究和工程应用得到飞速的发展。我国热管研究开始于1970年左右,1972年第一根钠热管运行成功,以后相继研制成功氨、水、钠、汞、连苯等各种介质的热管,并在应用上取得了一定的进展。1980年国内第一台实验性热管换热器运转成功[2],各地相继出现各种不同类型的、不同温度范围的气—气热管换热器及气—液换热器,在工业余热回收方面发挥了良好的作用, 并积累了一定的使用经验。


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