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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-06-14 21:03:08  


摘 要

环境问题已成为一个全球性问题 ,大气污染是环境问题中最为突出的问题之一,而工业废气是大气污染物的重要来源 。许多工业领域在其生产和加工过程产生了大量含有有机化合物的废气,未加处理排人大气后 ,会带来严重的大气污染 ,危害人体健康,影响动植物的正常生长 ,而且环境污染也严重制约了经济发展和人民生活水平的提高。在美国国家环保局公布的有毒气体排放清单中,有机气体的排放占到了18种。在我国环境监测总站报告的环境优先污染物中,共有68种优先控制污染物,其中有机化合物就占了58种。这些有机化合物大部分容易蒸发。为有效处理这部分气体,还我清洁的环境,对这部分废气进行焚烧处理是一种切实可行的方法,同时还能利用焚烧热量产生蒸汽,变废为宝,本课题对装置产生的废气作焚烧处理,再利用烟气产生饱和蒸汽供生产用。


关键词: 废气燃烧 废热利用 余热回收

Vertical 9500 Nm3 / h organic waste incineration system


Environmental issues have become a global problem, air pollution is one of the most prominent environmental issues problem, and is an important source of industrial emissions of air pollutants. Many industries in their production and processing produces a large amount of organic compounds in the exhaust gas after discharged into the atmosphere untreated, will cause serious air pollution, harm to human health, affecting the normal growth of plants and animals, but also serious environmental pollution restricted the economic development and people's living standards improve. In the list of toxic gas emissions released by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the organic gas emissions accounted for 18 kinds. In China Environmental Monitoring Center reported priority pollutants in the environment, there are 68 kinds of priority pollutants, which accounted for 58 kinds of organic compounds. Most of these compounds evaporate easily. To effectively deal with this part of the gas, but also I clean environment, this portion of the waste incineration is a practical approach, while the use of incineration to generate steam heat, turning waste into treasure, the subject of the gas generating means for incineration, recycling flue gas for the production of saturated steam.

This topic through the design of a waste heat boiler to achieve Superheated steam generated by the combustion exhaust gas to heat water. Must first combustion calculation, it is concluded that the composition of flue gas products composition and proportion. First you need to make before thermal equilibrium calculation temperature of flue gas enthalpy table look up for easy calculation. Recycling is calculated in the energy conservation principle of boiler and working medium evaporation heat loss. Then is the evaporator and the structure of economizer thermodynamic calculation.

Key Words: Exhaust gas combustion;Waste heat utilization ;Waste heat recovery


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 IV

第一章 引言 1

1.1设计研究意义 1

1.2研究对象: 1

1.3国内外处理技术: 1

1.3.1 吸附法 2

1.3.2 冷凝法 2

1.3.3 热破坏法 3

1.3.4 膜分离法 3

1.3.5 生物法 3

1.3.6 光氧化分解法 3

1.4废气焚烧 4

1.5余热锅炉: 5

1.6行业展望: 6

第二章 计算说明书 8

2.1、原始数据 8

2.2热力计算 9

2.2.1燃烧计算 9

2.2.2焓温表 11

2.2.3物性参数 13

2.3蒸发量计算: 17

2.4热平衡计算 18

2.5一级蒸发器(光管)的结构设计 20

2.5.1管子参数 20

2.5.2管子排布 21

2.5.3热力计算: 23

2.5.4 管内换热系数 24

2.5.5 总传热系数及管排数 25

2.5.6 流动阻力计算 26

2.6过热器的结构设计 27

2.6.1管子参数 27

2.6.2管子排布 28

2.6.3烟气换热系数 29

2.6.4 管内换热系数 30

2.6.5 总传热系数及管排数 31

2.6.6 压降计算 32

2.7二级蒸发器(翅片管)的结构设计 32

2.7.1管子参数 33

2.7.2管子排布 34

2.7.3烟气换热系数 35

2.7.4 管内换热系数 37

2.7.5 总传热系数及管排数 38

2.7.6 压降计算 38

2.8省煤器(翅片管)的结构设计 39

2.8.1管子参数 40

2.8.2管子排布 41

2.8.3烟气换热系数 42

2.8.4 管内换热系数 43

2.8.5 总传热系数及管排数 45

2.8.6 压降计算 45

第三章 总结 47

参考文献 48

致谢 50

第一章 引言




在美国国家环保局公布的有毒气体排放清单中,有机气体的排放占到了18种。有机废气一般来于工业生产过程中。多包含了有机硫化物、多环芳烃、苯、甲苯等易挥的有 机物以及恶臭物质[1]。甚至畜牧业中动物消化过程中含有甲烷的废气会加剧温室效应,如何变废为宝,找到高效利用这些废气的方法已经迫在眉。



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