2020-05-17 21:20:44
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
]C.-J. Li,Z. Li,D.J. Evans,T. Zhang.A note on an SOR-like method for augmented systems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis . 2003 [2] Z.-Z.Bai,Z.-Q.Wang.On parameterized inexact Uzawa methods for generalized saddle point problems. Linear Algebra and Its Applications . 2008 [3] Jianjun Zhang,Jijuan Shang. A class of Uzawa-SOR methods for saddle point problems.2010 [4] Zhao-Zheng Liang, Guo-Feng Zhang. Variants of the accelerated parameterized inexact Uzawa method for saddle-point problems.2015 [5] Qingqing Zheng,Changfeng Ma. A new SOR-like method for the saddle point problems[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation . 2014 [6] 季翠 鞍点问题的迭代解法研究 东北大学, 计算数学, 2010 [7]沈海龙,邵新慧,张铁,李长军 求解鞍点问题的修正SOR-like方法 东北大学学报(自然科学版) 2009
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
1-3周,查找文献,阅读讨论文献; 4-5周,开题报告,建立模型; 6-9周,完成解析式的推导; 9-12周,编写程序,数值试验; 13-14周,论文写作; 15-16周,修改论文,准备答辩。