2021-04-26 21:57:06
摘 要
With the increasing oil production, the demand for oil reserves and quantity is also doubled. In a large number of construction, transformation of the oil depot behind. In recent years, foreign and domestic oil depot fire and explosion also showed an upward trend, each accident has led to light or heavy consequences. Therefore, it is of great significance to evaluate and prevent the damage of oil fire and explosion, and to ensure the safe operation of oil depot and reduce the loss of personnel and property.
This paper reviews and summarizes the data, describes the process of fire and explosion in the Bunsfield oil depot in England, and analyzes the causes that may lead to the accident, and expounds the investigation and treatment of the British government after the accident. Through the study of the status quo at home and abroad, the research and analysis direction of this paper are determined. In the analysis process, the accident tree method is introduced, and the accident tree is established to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the accident. Finally, with the Bunsfield oil depot accident as the mirror, combined with the status quo of China's oil depot management operations, learn from such accidents, sum up experience, put forward preventive measures for the safe operation of domestic oil depot to provide recommendations.
Key words:The Bunsfield oil depot accident; Accident analysis; prevention; Suggests;
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 地面储油罐火灾原因和可燃蒸汽云爆炸机理 3
2.1 石油及石油产品的燃烧原理 3
2.2 油品的危险特性 3
2.2.1 燃烧性 3
2.2.2 易爆性 3
2.2.3 挥发性 4
2.2.4 流动性 4
2.2.5 带电性 4
2.2.6 毒性 4
2.3 油罐火灾原因 4
2.4 可燃蒸汽云爆炸机理 5
2.5 可燃蒸汽云爆炸的危害 5
2.6 本章小结 6
第3章 邦斯菲尔德事故介绍及原因分析 7
3.1 事故概述 7
3.2 事故过程 7
3.3 英国政府对事故的处理 7
3.4 事故原因分析 8
3.4.1 液位超限报警系统失灵 8
3.4.2 储油罐设计存在缺陷 8
3.4.3 库区布置不合理 9
3.4.4 防火堤容积、质量不达标 9
3.4.5 无有效的明火、电火花预防措施 9
3.4.6 应急预案不全面 9
3.4.7 排水系统设计缺陷 10
3.5 本章小结 10
第4章 事故树方法分析邦斯菲尔德事故 11
4.1 事故树介绍、常用符号、优点及分析步骤 11
4.1.1 事故树分析的概念 11
4.1.2 事故树符号及说明 11
4.1.3 事故树分析的优点 13
4.1.4 事故树分析步骤 13
4.2 建立邦斯菲尔德事故的事故树 13
4.3 邦斯菲尔德油库事故树定性分析 15
4.3.1 确定最小割集 15
4.3.2 结构重要度分析 15
4.4 邦斯菲尔德油库事故树定量分析 16
4.4.1 事故树顶事件发生概率计算 16
4.4.2 事故树概率重要度分析 16
4.4.3 事故树临界重要度分析 18
4.5 事故预防措施 19
4.6 邦斯菲尔德事故研究总结 20
4.7 本章小结 22
第5章 结论及展望 23
5.1 本文总结 23
5.2 进一步的研究前景与展望 24
5.3 本章小结 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27
第1章 绪论