2022-01-14 20:39:16
1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状
2. 研究的基本内容
(1)综述前景运动目标检测的研究现状;(2)分析鲁棒PCA的基本原理,研究基于鲁棒PCA的运动目标检测算法;(3)建立鲁棒PCA目标检测的优化算法,提取各帧图像中的运动目标;(4)对多种算法进行实验评估与分析3. 实施方案、进度安排及预期效果
4. 参考文献
1) Candes, E. J., Li, X., Ma, Y., and Wright, J. Robust principal `component analysis? Journal of the ACM (submitted), 2009.2) Chandrasekaran, Venkat, Sanghavi, Sujay, Parrilo, Pablo A, andWillsky, Alan S. Rank-sparsity incoherence for matrix decomposition.arXiv:0906.2220, 2009.3) Cheng, L., Gong, M., Schuurmans, D., and Caelli, T. Realtimediscriminative background subtraction. to appear in IEEETrans on Image Processing, 2010.4) Donoho, D. L. Compressed sensing. IEEE Trans on InformationTheory, 52(4):1289–1306, 2006.5) Fazel, M., Candes, E. J., Recht, B., and Parrilo, P. Com- pressed sensing and robust recovery of low rank matrices. In42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,2008.6) Halko, N., Martinsson, P. G., and Tropp, J. A. Finding structurewith randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing approximatematrix decompositions. arXiv: 0909.4061,2009.7) Keshavan, R. and Oh, S. Optspace: A gradient descent algorithmon grassman manifold for matrix completion. Submittedto IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 2009.8) Lewis, A. S. and Malick, J. Alternating projections on manifolds.Mathematics of Operations Research, 33(1):216–234, 2008.9) Roweis, S. Em algorithms for pca and spca. In NIPS, pp. 626–632, 1998.10) Zhou, T. and Tao, D. Bilateral random projection based low-rankapproximation. Technical report, 2010.11) Zhou, T., Tao, D., and Wu, X. Manifold elastic net: a unifiedframework for sparse dimension reduction. Data Mining andKnowledge Discovery (Springer), 22(3):340–371, 2011.12) Zhou, Z., Li, X., Wright, J., Candes, E. J., and Ma, Y. Stable `principal component pursuit. In ISIT, 2010.