2022-07-27 10:53:32
书名:Programming JavaScript Applications 作者:Eric Eliott
出版商:Orsquo;Reilly Media 出版年:2014 页数:254 ISBN:987-1-49195-029-6
Chapter 2.Fuctions
Functions are the building blocks of applications. They are particularly important in JavaScript because JavaScript supports first-class functions, functions as objects, runtime function definition, and so on. JavaScript#39;s features allow you to use functions in ways that you may not be familiar with. It#39;s important to have a thorough understanding of how functions work in JavaScript so you can leverage them to full advantage in your applications. By the end of this chapter, you should see functions in a whole new light.
Here are some guidelines that will help you write better functions:
Don#39;t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
Good programmers are both lazy and very productive. They express a lot of functionality in very little code. Once you have established a pattern for something that gets repeated again in the code, it#39;s time to write a function, object, or module that encapsulates that pattern so that it can be easily reused.
Doing so also quarantines that functionality to a single spot in the code base, so that if you later find something wrong with the code or the algorithm, you only have to fix it in one place.
Writing a reusable function also forces you to isolate the pattern from the problem, which helps you keep related functionality grouped together.
Do One Thing (DOT)
Each function should do only one thing, and do that one thing as well as it can. Following this principle will make your function more reusable, more readable, and easier to debug.
Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)
Programmers are often tempted to come up with clever solutions to problems. That#39;s a good thing, of course, but sometimes programmers are too clever, and the solutions are cryptic. This tends to happen when a single line of code is used to accomplish more than a single atomic goal.
Less Is More
In order to aid readability and reduce the temptation to do more than one thing, functions should be as short as possible: Just enough code to do the one thing they were made to do, and no more. In most cases, functions should be just a handful of lines long. If they run much longer, consider breaking out subtasks and data into separate functions and objects.
Minimize Side Effects
There are two classes of bugs that are extremely common and easily avoidable. The first is syntax errors (covered in “Code Quality”). The second is unintentional side effects.
Unintentional side effects are the bane of code reuse. They occur when multiple functions depend on and manipulate the values of the same variables or object properties. In this situation, it becomes much more difficult to refactor code, because your functions assume too much about the state of the program. For example, imagine your app includes a shopping cart, and your users can save cart contents between sessions.
Now the user wants to change the order for the current session, only:
test(#39;Order WITH unintentional side effect.#39;, function () {
var cartProto = {
items: [],
addItem: function addItem(item) {
createCart = function (items) {
var cart = Object.create(cartProto);
cart.items = items;
return cart;
// Load cart with stored items.
savedCart = createCart(['apple', 'pear', 'orange']),
session = {
get: function get() {
return this.cart;
// Grab the saved cart.
cart: createCart(savedCart.items)
// addItem gets triggered by an event handler somewhere:
!== -1, #39;Passes: Session cart has grapefruit.#39;);
ok(savedCart.items.indexOf(#39;grapefruit#39;) === -1,
#39;Fails: The stored cart is unchanged.#39;);});
Sadly, when the user adds or removes items from his session cart, those changes will destroy the settings for the stored cart that he wants to use later. The trouble with this code is here:
createCart = function (items) {
var cart = Object.create(cartProto);
cart.items = items;
return cart;},
At this point, cart.items is a reference to the prototype items attribute. This is improved with one small change to the code:
cart.items = Object.create(items);
Now the new cart will have its own copy of the item data, so changes will not be destructive to storedCart.
The best way to ensure that your program contains few unintentional side effects is to avoid them in yourfunctions. If your function operates on outside variables, return a copy instead of the original.
A pure function has no side effects. It does not alter existing variables or program state in any way, and always returns the same value given the same inputs.
Wherever possible, make sure that your functions don#39;t change anything outside the function itself. Return amended copies rather than originals. Note that you can still alter program state. REST works this way: you get a copy of the data resource (called a representation), manipulate it, and send the copy back to the server. Sometimes performance implications make this advice impractical, but it#39;s helpful to consider the possibility of using pure functions.
Writing most of your functions in a similar fashion can help you separate concerns and reduce code duplication. For example, if you need to implement data validation months after you wrote the original code and you have a sing
第二章 功能
函数是应用程序的基础。由于javascript支持第一类函数(该等级类型的值可以传给子程序作为参数,可以从子程序里返回,可以赋给变量。大多数程序设计语言里,整型、字符类型等简单类型都是一级的。 ),对象函数等等,所以函数在javascript中尤为重要。
每个函数应该 做只有一件事,做一件它能做到的事。遵循这个原则增加函数的可复用性,可读性,且更易调试。
test(#39;Order WITH unintentional side effect.#39;, function () {
var cartProto = {
items: [],
addItem: function addItem(item) {
createCart = function (items) {
var cart = Object.create(cartProto);
cart.items = items;
return cart;
// Load cart with stored items.
savedCart = createCart(['apple', 'pear', 'orange']),
session = {
get: function get() {
return this.cart;
// Grab the saved cart.
cart: createCart(savedCart.items)
// addItem gets triggered by an event handler somewhere:
!== -1, #39;Passes: Session cart has grapefruit.#39;);
ok(savedCart.items.indexOf(#39;grapefruit#39;) === -1,
#39;Fails: The stored cart is unchanged.#39;);});
createCart = function (items) {
var cart = Object.create(cartProto);
cart.items = items;
return cart;},
cart.items = Object.create(items);
确保程序包含少量副作用的最佳方法是在函数中避免它们 。如果函数对外部变量进行操作,则返回一个副本而不是原始数据。
function foo() {
/* Warning: arguments.callee is deprecated. Use with caution. Used here strictly for illustration. */
return arguments.callee;}
foo(); //=gt; [Function: foo]
在这段代码中,foo()是一个函数声明。 如“提升”中所述,重要的是,你不能用条件语句声明一个函数。 例如,以下代码将失败:
var score = 6;
if (score gt; 5) {
function grade() {
return #39;pass#39;;
}} else {
function grade() {
return #39;fail#39;;
module(#39;Pass or Fail#39;);
test(#39;Conditional function declaration.#39;, function () {
// Firefox: Pass
// Chrome, Safari, IE, Opera: Fail
equal(grade(), #39;pass#39;,
#39;Grade should pass.#39;);});
更糟糕的是,这种模式在浏览器之间不一致。 最好是完全避免使用条件语句进行函数声明。 更多相关详细信息,请参阅“提升”。
var bar = function () {
return arguments.callee;};
bar(); //=gt; [Function] (Note: It#39;s anonymous.)
bar()示例将一个函数体分配给变量bar。 这个实现称为函数expressio
函数表达式的优点是可以使用与向变量赋值相同的方法给函数赋值。 您可以依赖函数表达式来可靠地跟踪应用程序逻辑。 如果你想做一个条件赋值,它会按预期工作。
函数表达式的缺点是除非你显式地提供名称,否则函数表达式会创建匿名函数,。 匿名函数在JavaScript中经常使用 - 可能是肆无忌惮地放弃。 想象一下,你已经声明了所有的函数,你有一堆函数调用函数调用更多的函数。 这是一个在架构良好,事件驱动的应用程序中的常见情况。 现在想象你有12个函数调用深,出现问题。 你需要调试和查看你的调用堆栈,但它看起来像这样:
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
(Anonymous function)
var baz = {
f: function () {
return arguments.callee;
baz.f(); // =gt; [Function] (Note: Also anonymous.)
var lightBulbAPI = {
toggle: function () {},
getState: function () {},
off: function () {},
on: function () {},
blink: function () {}
如你看到的, 所有的函数定义技术都有弱点,但它可能获得代码组织和条件函数定义的好处,而不是乱堆栈的跟踪与匿名函数。让我们再来看看lightbulbAPI这个例子:
var lightbulbAPI = {
toggle: function toggle() {},
getState: function getState() {},
off: function off() {},
on: function on() {},
blink: function blink() {}