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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2023-03-10 09:06:31  


摘 要





Analysis and Research on Dynamic Stability of Double Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Regulation System


Double closed-loop DC speed control system has become the dominant field in the field of motion system. It has the advantages of wide speed range, good stability and high precision, and it has a very mature system both in theory and in practical engineering application. With the application of industrial applications increasingly demanding, theoretical analysis is relatively abstract and difficult to understand. Therefore, this paper uses MATLAB to build the model, through modeling and speed analysis to understand the contents of double closed-loop DC speed control system, the system simulation to achieve the best results.

This paper mainly studies the dynamic stability of double closed-loop speed control system. Research on Dynamic Stability of Double Closed - loop DC Speed Regulating System Based on MATLAB Software in Virtual Environment. According to the dynamic structure of the system block diagram to establish dynamic mathematical model to MATLAB simulation software as the core. The dynamic performance of the control system is analyzed by Bode diagram, root trajectory and PID respectively. The simulation results are corrected by the corresponding algorithm. The results of the actual test data and the theoretical analysis are compared with the analytic hierarchy process, so that the optimized parameters can effectively improve the dynamic performance index of the speed control system.

Through the research and analysis of the dynamic stability of the double closed-loop DC speed control system, it can be intuitively seen that the double closed-loop DC speed control system has good dynamic stability. In the given speed range, to achieve no static speed control for the DC speed control system hardware test provides a theoretical basis and to achieve the minimum static difference.

KeywordsDC Speed Control; Double Closed Loop System; Dynamic Stability; Computer Simulation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景、目的以及意义 1

1.2 直流调速系统研究概况 1

1.2.1 直流调速系统的组成 1

1.2.2 转速控制的要求与调速指标 1

1.2.3 国内外发展现状 2

1.3 主要研究内容和方案 2

第二章 Bode、根轨迹、PID概述 3

2.1 Bode理论介绍 3

2.1.1 Bode的定义 3

2.1.2 Bode判别系统稳定性的依据 3

2.1.3 Bode动态性能指标 3

2.2根轨迹理论介绍 4

2.2.1 根轨迹的定义 4

2.2.2 根轨迹判别系统稳定性的依据 4

2.2.3 根轨迹动态性能指标 5

2.3 PID理论介绍 5

2.3.1 PID的定义 5

2.3.2 PID判别系统稳定性的依据 6

2.3.3 PID动态性能指标 6

2.4 本章小结 6

第三章 直流单闭环调速系统动态稳定性分析 7

3.1 单闭环直流调速系统的工作原理 7

3.2 利用MATLAB软件对单闭环调速系统动态稳定性分析 7

3.2.1 Bode在MATLAB软件中动态稳定性的分析 8

3.2.2 根轨迹在MATLAB软件中动态稳定性的分析 9

3.2.3 PID在MATLAB软件中动态稳定性的分析 10

3.3 单闭环直流调速系统及其存在的弊端 13

3.3.1 开环系统与单闭环系统机械的比较 13

3.3.2 单闭环直流调速系统存在的弊端及解决的方法 13

3.4 本章总结 14

第四章 直流双闭环调速系统动态稳定性分析 15

4.1 双闭环直流调速系统 15

4.1.1 双闭环直流调速系统工作原理 15

4.1.2 双闭环直流调速的动态结构框图的分析 15

4.1.3 转速调节器、电流调节器的作用 16

4.1.4 双闭环直流调速的动态抗扰性能 16

4.2 双闭环调速系统动态结构图实验数据分析 16

4.3 分析Bode图、根轨迹、PID的动态稳定性并对系统校正 17

4.3.1 用MATLAB软件分析Bode图 17

4.3.2 用MATLAB软件分析根轨迹图 21

4.3.3 用MATLAB软件分析PID图 25

4.4 上述三种判别稳定性的方式对比 30

4.5 本章总结 31

第五章 总 结 32

5. 1 全文总结 32

5.2 课题提高 32

致 谢 33

参考文献(References) 34

附 录 35

第一章 绪 论


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