1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) With the rapid development of global technology and society, energy and environmental protection have become the most concerned issues in the 21st century.Because of the overexploitation and utilization of oil resources by human beings in the past 200 years, if the oil continues to be extracted and consumed at this rate, the world's oil resources will be exhausted in less than 50 years.Therefore, in recent years, many countries have taken the development of new energy vehicles as a very important work.Take a look at China,since the launch of the "ten cities per thousand" project in 2009, China's electric vehicle industry has been developing rapidly with the strong support of the Chinese government.The production of pure electric vehicles is expected to exceed 2 million in 2020. However, as the core of electric vehicles, power battery.Its performance has a very big impact on electric vehicles.However, in modern society, compared with the recyc
1. 本选题研究的目的及意义喷油泵作为柴油发动机燃油供给系统中的核心部件,其性能直接影响着发动机的动力性、经济性和排放性能。随着现代柴油发动机对性能要求的不断提高,对喷油泵的性能测试也提出了更高的要求。传统的喷油泵试验台大多采用机械或简单的电子控制方式,存在着测试精度低、效率低下、自动化程度不高等问题,难以满足现代柴油发动机喷油系统开发和生产的需求。因此,研制一种高精度、高效率、自动化程度高的喷油泵试验台测控系统,对提高喷油泵的测试水平,促进柴油发动机技术的进步具有重要的现实意义。1. 研究目的本课题旨在设计和开发一套用于喷油泵性能测试的智能化测控系统软件,以取代传统的测试手段,提高测试效率和精度。具体目标如下:1.实现对喷油泵关键性能参数的高精度自动测量,例如喷油压
1. 本选题研究的目的及意义随着我国经济的快速发展和城市化进程的不断推进,建筑行业对新型墙体材料的需求日益增长。循环流化床燃烧(CFB)灰渣作为一种工业副产物,具有产量大、成本低等特点,将其应用于墙体材料制备,符合国家可持续发展战略。然而,CFB灰渣墙板存在易开裂的缺陷,限制了其推广应用。纤维作为一种有效的增强材料,将其掺入CFB灰渣墙板中,可以显著提高其抗裂性能,延长其使用寿命。本课题研究以提高CFB灰渣墙板的抗裂性能为目标,探索不同种类和掺量的纤维对CFB灰渣墙板抗裂性能的影响规律,揭示纤维增强CFB灰渣墙板的抗裂机理,为CFB灰渣墙板的推广应用提供理论依据和技术支持。1. 研究目的本研究旨在通过实验研究,明确不同种类和掺量的纤维对CFB灰渣墙板抗裂性能的影响,确定最佳纤维种类和掺量,并分析纤维
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1. Purpose and significance (including analysis of research status at home and abroad) 1.1 Purpose and significance The brake system is one of the most important systems on the car. It allows the outside world (mainly the road surface) to exert a certain force on certain parts of the car (mainly the wheels), thus forcing the car to a certain degree. The function of the braking system is to enable the running car to be forced to decelerate or even stop according to the driver's intention; or to enable the stopped car to be stably parked under various road conditions (such as on a ramp); The speed of the car on the slope remains stable. The braking effect on the car can only be the external force acting on the car and the direction opposite to the direction of the car. The magnitude of these external forces is random and uncontrollable. Therefore, the car must be equipped with a set to control and adjust. Brake system of braking force to ach
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 研究目的: 为解决国内气压ABS控制器产品专用测试系统存在的自动化程度低和测试不稳定的问题,提出一种气压ABS控制器产品的下线测试方法,并针对某型气压ABS控制器产品设计一种专用下线测试系统。 研究意义: 气压ABS的主要组成部件包括轮速传感器、电磁阀、控制器,其中轮速传感器与电磁阀的性能在出厂时已经过专用测试设备的验证。控制器作为气压ABS系统的核心控制单元,在控制器产品下线阶段必须验证其功能是否合格。国内外针对气压ABS的测试主要有三种方法:实车试验、台架混合仿真试验和硬件在环试验。其中实车试验虽然试验效果最好,但是试验周期长、成本高、重复性差,测试过程中,影响测试结果的因素较多并很难把握,所以试验参数不可控;台架混合仿真试验能很好的测试系统的性能,在国
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) The car steering system is an important component of the car. It is a very important safety device to ensure the safe driving of the car. Its function is to control the driving direction of the car according to the driver's intention. It directly affects the overall maneuverability and driving stability of the car. In the history of automobile development, the steering system has gone through four stages, they are: Manual Steering (MS), Hydraulic Power Steering (HPS), and Electric Hydraulic Power Steering Power Steering (EHPS) and Electric Power Steering (EPS)[18]. The first application of electric power steering was in Japan. In February 1988, Japan's Suzuki Motor Company first applied the EPS system to Cervo mini cars[1], and later also used it on Alto cars. After that, EPS technology has been favored by major car manufacturers and has been innovated and improved step by step. In 1993, Honda Motors of Japan installed EPS on the premium sport
全文总字数:12651字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Ⅰ. Purpose and meaning An automobile axle (also called an axle) is connected to a frame (or a load-bearing body) through a suspension, and wheels are installed at both ends thereof.The role of the axle is to bear the load of the car and maintain the normal driving of the car on the road.According to different driving methods, the axle is also divided into four types: steering axle, drive axle, steering axle and support axle. As environmental pollution and the energy crisis have attracted widespread attention, the development of the automotive industry has also shifted from traditional fuel vehicles to clean energy vehicles.Pure electric vehicles have the advantages of zero pollution and low noise, and have long-term development prospects.With the widespread use of electric vehicles, people have put forward higher requirements for the use of electric vehicles.At the same time, in the process of technology research a
全文总字数:12571字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1. Purpose and significance (including analysis of research status at home and abroad) 1.1 Purpose and significance The brake system is one of the most important systems on the car. It allows the outside world (mainly the road surface) to exert a certain force on certain parts of the car (mainly the wheels), thus forcing the car to a certain degree. The function of the braking system is to enable the running car to be forced to decelerate or even stop according to the driver's intention; or to enable the stopped car to be stably parked under various road conditions (such as on a ramp); The speed of the car on the slope remains stable. The braking effect on the car can only be the external force acting on the car and the direction opposite to the direction of the car. The magnitude of these external forces is random and uncontrollable. Therefore, the car must be equipped with a set to control and adjust. Brake syst
1. 研究目的与意义牛奶制品有很丰富的营养,蛋白质的含量很高,尤其是经发酵的牛奶制品,经过发酵后蛋白质进行一定程度的降解更容易消化吸收。随着经济的发展牛奶制品的需求越来越高,随之而来的牛奶制品的相关问题也越来越多,从三鹿奶粉问题出现之后,蒙牛、伊利、光明这些牛奶行业的巨头也纷纷被曝出问题。改革开放以后中国市场上对牛奶制品的需求急速上升,相关问题被曝出之后,很多消费者放弃了国内制造的牛奶制品,转向国外的产品。中国奶制品质量问题近5年一直在中国十大最令人担心的问题前几位,中国牛奶制品质量的提升是必须要实现的。数据融合技术是指利用计算机对按时序获得的若干观测信息,在一定准则下加以自动分析、综合,以完成所需的决策和评估任务而进行的信息处理技术。数据融合分析技术运用到牛奶制
1. 研究目的与意义一、毕业设计内容抑郁症是以情绪低落、乐趣丧失为主要表现的一组精神障碍性疾病。目前抑郁症的基础和临床研究非常重要,其中抑郁症动物模型是研究抑郁症发病机制及抗抑郁药物研究的关键。慢性轻度应激(Chronic mild stress,CMS)抑郁症动物模型有着很好的表面效度、预测效度和理论建构效度,因此常用于抑郁症发病机制的研究。LU201701主要功效为:补肝宁心,益气安神,清热除烦,祛痰通络;用于心胆气虚所致的抑郁症。症见情绪不宁,胆怯恐惧,心中剔剔不安,自卑绝望,难以决断。或伴烦躁善哭,失眠多梦,易于惊醒,心悸气短,咽中异物感,倦怠,面色晄白,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉沉细或细弱无力。这些症状与西医抑郁症临床表现一致。针对本方中补肝宁心,益气安神的功效,拟采用慢性轻度应激抑郁症模型针对性的进