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    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 自21世纪以来,计算机在各方面的应用越来越广,自然也蔓延到教育领域,在教育领域中,考试是整个教学过程中的重要环节,它既可以检测学生对所学知识的掌握情况,也可以衡量教师教学效果得优劣,方便于学生和老师在考后进行对自身的调整。传统考试一直采用人工出题方式,众多学校在试题排版、印刷等过程中用了大量的时间和资源。手工方式出题,由于没有统一的科学命题要求和试题各项技术指标,因此同一学科的考试,在班级之间,学校之间,或同一学校的考试,在不同年度之间缺乏可比性,不利于检查和评估教学质量和学生的学习情况,同时,由于缺乏大量试题作参考,教师只能靠个人的经验与知识的积累来命题,另外不同教师出题风格不同,评分标准和评分方法也不同,命题带有较大的主观性,不


    全文总字数:10360字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) In today's world,the shortage of fossil resources and the problem of environmental pollution arebecoming more serious. These problems are forcing the automotive industry totransform and move towards efficient, green and clean. At this time, the developmentof pure electric vehicles is the right thing to do. The development of pureelectric vehicles can reduce China's dependence on oil, use more coal toprotect the country's energy security; move towards pure electricity, use thenew energy revolution to end the technological advantages of developedcountries, and achieve curve overtaking. As early as themid-19th century, in 1881, the first electric car using lead-acid batteriesappeared; in the early 20th century, the development of internal combustion enginesbrought pure electric vehicles out of the market; in the 1960s, the oil crisiscaused people to re-emphasize pure electric vehicles. Automobiles; in the1990s, batt


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Depuis l’établissement du Test national du fran#231;ais enseigné à titre de spécialité, niveau IV (ci-après TFS-4) en 2004 et jusqu’ à la détermination de sa composition en 2007, la Comission nationale d’examen des langues étrangères et l’Association Chinoise des Professeurs de Fran#231;ais ont mis le TFS-4 sur la bonne voie. La normalisation et la systématisation du TFS-4, lequel jouit d’une grande autorité dans le système évaluatif universitaire de la spécialité fran#231;aise, ont conduit naturellement des recherches et des études chez des professeurs et des étudiants spécialisés en fran#231;ais ou en FLE. Cependant, des recherches et des études se révèlent peu nombreuses. D’un c#244;té, ce test ne fonctionne que depuis 13 ans, c’est-à-dire que notre objet de recherche se limite à seulement 13 copies d’examen. Si l’on a l’ambition d’analyser à fond ce test, il vaut mieux étud


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.1 Purpose and significance Nowadays, the number of cars in the worldkeeps increasing, the pollution of the vehicle emission to the environment andthe use of the resources are greatly increased. With the rapid development ofthe automotive industry, a large number of internal combustion engine vehicles,a large number of emissions on the environment is very bad, and now the cityhas been very serious haze phenomenon. And, the use of diesel locomotiveconsumes a lot of oil this non-renewable resources, it will cause the shortageof petroleum resources, in this context, China vigorously promote energy-savingenvironmental protection and sustainable development strategy [10].New energy vehicles have great advantages in solving the problems ofenvironment and resources. Compared with the internal combustion engine, the electricvehicle uses the electric energy as the energy source, and the power system iscomposed of a driving motor, a single speed reduc

    Solid Phase Chemical Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of a Bioactive Peptide-KLPLIGGILSKVL-NH2开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义OBJECTIVE: Synthesis of a peptide that reorganized from nature peptide and test of its antimicrobial activity against staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli and candida albicansSIGNIFICANCE: Antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) are an indispensable part of the innate immune system for its broad spectrum of activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and often, their killing activities extend to enveloped viruses, parasites and sometimes even to cancerous cells. Unfortunately, the number of new antibiotics in the pipeline of the big pharmaceutical companies has been declining because they have shifted their attention towards more lucrative areas of drug development even though the emergence of multidrug-resistant super drug bacteria has created an urgent need for the development of novel classes of antimicrobials.Given the situation, our group keens on optimizing the peptides segregated from natural animals like frogs, snakes and scorpions to heighten its resistance


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 一、研究目的及意义 1.2研究目的 中国当前对于校园欺凌的研究主要集中在成因、对策及法制法规上,研究对象则集中于初中生与小学生,相关研究大多集中在教育理论、中国政治以及中等教育等领域,而对于青少年欺凌被害-越轨行为关系的研究非常少。与之相对的是,国外对青少年欺凌被害-越轨/犯罪关系的研究非常普遍(具体论述见文献综述部分)。Agnew(1992;2001)提出的一般压力理论(generalstrain theory)[1][2]将被害经历视作一种压力源,是解释欺凌被害-越轨/犯罪机制的较好视角。而本研究拟通过问卷法收集武汉市6个区10所初中的实证数据,基于一般压力理论分析:(1)青少年欺凌被害与越轨行为机制,(2)青少年欺凌被害与越轨行为机制中的性别差异。 1.3研究意义 校园欺凌会对青少年的心理和行为造成严

    Effects of Learning Motivation and L2MSS on ESL Proficiency 学习动机与二语动机自我系统对英语学习成绩的影响开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1. Introduction 1.1 Background of the study The study of foreign language learning motivation began in the 1950s when Gardner and Lambert (1972) proposed a classic social-educational motive model. As the research work went further and more detailed, the classic theory has begun to be questioned by more and more researchers. Therefore, D#246;rnyei (2001)proposed L2 Motivational Self System to complete the theory. Many scholars have done research to verify this theory. According to Liu Fengge (2015), there is a significant correlation between the two theories and ESL Proficiency. Learning motivation has always been regarded as one of the most important emotional factors affecting the effectiveness of foreign language learning. It is an important emotional factor to maintain the enthusiasm of L2 learners and determine the success of learning. Based on it, D#246;rnyei (2009) constructed the theoretical framework of L

    基于Verilog HDL的ATA主机控制器设计开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义ATA发展至今经过多次修改和升级,每新一代的接口都建立在前一代标准之上,并保持着向后兼容性。第一代是ATA-1,就是用于康柏桌面386系列的最初的标准规范。它被制定为主/从结构。ATA-1是建立在ISA96-pin标准连接器上的附属设备,使用40或44pin的连接器和电缆。ATA-2还提供对电源管理、PCMCIA卡和可移动设备的支持,通过标准寻址方法CHS(柱面、磁头、扇区)支持最高8.4GB的硬盘容量。随着自我监控检测和SMART等技术的介入,IDE驱动器被设计制造得更加可靠。ATA-3也增加了密码保护措施来控制存取设备,提供了一个很有意义的安全特性。ATA-4融合的最大两个特点就是支持Ultra DMA和整合了ATAPI(AT Attachment Packet Interface)标准。ATAPI为CD-ROM、磁带备份机和其它可移动存储设备提供了通用接口。ATA-5建立在ATA-4的基础上,同样采用了UDMA技术。UDM


    1. 研究目的与意义缓释胶囊主要是将囊内的药物利用固体分散技术,用水不溶性高分子聚合物、肠溶性材料、脂质材料等为载体制成不同释放速度材料载体或包衣,制备缓释胶囊剂。缓释制剂可按需要在预定期间内为人体提供适宜的血药浓度,减少服用次数并可获得良好的治疗效果。其重要特点是可使人体维持此种血液浓度达较长的时间,而不象普通制剂那样较快地下降,从而就可以避免普通制剂频繁给药所出现的蜂谷现象(即药物的血液浓度波动大),使药物的安全性、有效性和适应性有所提高。因减少了用药次数,大大方便了患者,特别是长期用药的病人。缓释胶囊是缓释制剂的一种。溶出度:是指药物从片剂等固体制剂在规定溶剂中溶出的速度和程度。  溶出度是一种控制药物制剂质量的体处检测方法。是以实验为基础,以溶解为理论,采用


    1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述)母犬去势即母犬绝育术,通常有卵巢切除术和卵巢子宫切除术两种。为了使母犬去势完全,临床中通常采用卵巢子宫切除术。由于我国畜牧业生产需要,对犬的去势少有报道。随着经济发展,工作犬、宠物犬及比赛犬等数量增多,对母犬去势要求随之增加。常用的方法有中兽医的挑花式[1 ]及通过严谨的外科手术摘除卵巢及子宫体[2 ]。母犬去势后对前警犬警用行为的影响尚未见报到。有学者通过综述国外相关资料,对母犬去势后的生长发育及疾病情况有所描述。认为母犬去势可提高工作性能,减少生殖相关疾病发生;但也有增加骨癌、尿失禁等风险[ 2,3 ]。有学者认为,从消除母犬发情现象、控制犬繁殖数量、母犬手术操作便捷、术后恢复快、并发症少等角度考虑,母犬的早期去势(6-14周)也许是






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