1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.1 Research Purpose: Suspension is one of the important assemblies on modern cars thatelastically connect the frame (or body) to the axle (or wheel). While its maintask is to transmit all the forces and moments acting between the wheel and theframe (or the body), it has multiple other purposes to serve such as; tomitigate the impact load transmitted by the road to the frame (or the body), toattenuate the vibration of the Chassis caused by the car, and to ensure thecar's smooth ride; to ensure that the wheel has ideal motion characteristicswhen the road is uneven and the load changes and to ensure the steeringstability of the car, so that the car can obtain high-speed driving ability[1]. In this research, a rear torsion beam suspension will be designed for DongFeng Peugeot 308 sedan using the given design parameters with the focus on; · mastering theunderstanding of assembly and function of the suspension system · designing and analyzing
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 一、课题的目的与意义 随着国民经济的增强,我国高速公路建设发展迅速。与此同时,汽车运输也进入一个快速发展时期,交通量增大,重载车辆日益增加,对沥青路面带来严重的考验,从而对沥青和沥青混合料提出了相应的路用性能要求。目前,我国道路高等级路面主要是沥青混凝土路面,要使路面具有足够承载力和良好的耐久性,除了要有稳定的路基外,主要取决于路面结构和路面结构层的配合比。高等级路面结构已基本成定局:20cm 厚的石灰土,18-19cm 厚二灰碎石,18cm 厚水泥碎石,15cm 厚沥青混合料。15cm 厚沥青混合料分三层铺筑,6cm 粗粒式沥青混凝土,5cm 中粒式沥青混合料,4cm 中粒式沥青混合料[4]。因材料、施工设备和施工工艺的限制,路面结构基本定型。所以,要改变路面使用性能,提高路面服务水
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Research purpose: According to EnglishCurriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2017), natural and normativepronunciation and intonation will lay a good foundation for effective communication.Yet it is noticeable that compared with the counterparts in urban areas, thecurrent middle school students in rural areas have more problems anddifficulties in English pronunciation due to the shortage of high-qualityteachers, the backward teaching methods, the restricted language learningenvironment and the lack of parents’ supervision. Although there is someresearch about oral English for middle school students, the study mainly aimsto explore oral English learning problems and teaching strategies based on oralcommunicative competence and teaching methodology, principally focusing onteachers rather than students. This research will shift the focus to studentsand explore English pronunciation problems of middle school students in ruralChina base
全文总字数:12321字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) As the environmental protection and low-carbon electric vehicle has been more popular in the current social environment, and the research of electric drive vehicle is the inevitable trend of the development of electric vehicle industry in the future. With the rapid develop-ment of modern automobile technology, people will also have new requirements for the driving safety, maneuverability, smoothness and economy of the vehicle. With the progress of science and technology, the mature technology of the traditional automobile can not fully support the new development. As a rather complex system, the dynamic structure of the automobile also needs further research, which can improve the safety and stability of the vehicle chassis dynamics control system from three aspects: longitudinal dynamics control, lateral dynamics control and integrated dynamics control[3]. The main research object of this paper is distri
全文总字数:13928字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.Purpose and Significance This design aims to design a set of data collection systembased on Baja racing, which can realize the data collection, transmission,storage and display of driving data. Baja SAE China (BSC for short) is an off-road vehicle design,manufacturing and testing competition for undergraduate and vocational collegestudents in automotive and related majors, which is organized by China Societyof Automotive Engineering. In accordance with the race rules and race carmanufacturing standards, each participating team uses the same type of engineto design and manufacture a single-seat, mid-engine and rear-drive smalloff-road vehicle within a specified period of time to complete static item anddynamic item competitions. Static items include technical inspection, racingcar design, cost and manufacturing, business marketing, etc. Dynamic eventsinclude one-way races such as traction test, control test, hill cli
全文总字数:4550字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 自从1977年我国恢复高考制度以来,我国的高考制度在这40年间不断地革新完善,形成了一套具有中国特色的高考制度,这套制度为国家为社会不断的提供一批又一批优秀的高级知识人才,推动了社会的进步,同时也让许多贫困地区的人能够改变自己的命运。 无可否认,我国的高考制度是一套行之有效的制度,但是我们应该清楚的看到,在高考选拔过程中出现了一系列不公平现象,遭到了社会上许多人士的批判,如同卷不同分、地区歧视、地区名额分配不均等,其中分省定额招生是其中最典型的代表。 我国高考的招生配额制度大致经历了三个时期,配额权上收、大行政区配额和分省配额制。其中分省配额制是自1977年恢复高考以来一直沿用的制度。设立分省配额制度的主要目的是为了缓解我国高等
全文总字数:5695字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 近年来,随着计算机硬件技术和软件技术的不断更迭发展,各种新概念层出不穷,例如云计算、物联网、5G等,“万物互联”已经迈向了“万物智联”。作为联系计算机硬件和软件,为用户有效利用计算机提供良好运行环境支持的系统软件——操作系统,更是一直以来国内外专家、学者的研究热点。虽然它的庞大和复杂让许多人望之却步,但这激起了更多的人探索它的奥秘的兴趣和热情。 由于很多嵌入式系统对实时性有很高的要求,例如自动驾驶、航空航天等,微小的延时可能会造成很严重的后果。所以,硬实时系统已被广泛研究,并显现了它们在任何条件下都能够有效满足所有任务的截止期的优点。然而,在实际应用的系统中,许多组件可以容许超出截止期限些许,而不会影响它们功能上的正
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) (1)研究背景: 随着汽车工业技术的不断发展,全球的汽车保有量不断增加,给人们的生活以及出行带来了极大的便利,当然事物都具有两面性,在汽车在不断提高我们的生活质量的痛时,也给我们带来了很多负面的影响,诸如环境污染以及交通事故等[1,2]。根据我国公安部门统计数据显示,我国近年来每年死于交通事故人数都达六万人以上,交通事故不仅造成了巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失,而且给人们的心灵造成了巨大的伤害[3]。所以提高汽车的安全性成为整个汽车行业所共同面对的问题[4,5]。 分析近年来发生的诸多交通事故,汽车正面碰撞事故在其中占巨大的比例,所以提高汽车的被动安全性能够有效的降低汽车安全碰撞事故的损失,而在被动安全性中最重要的也是最首要的当指汽车的抗撞性[6]。汽车保
1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述)我国经济自改革开放以来持续增长,人民生活水平逐渐提高,人民对精神文化的需求越发旺盛,宠物市场也随之兴起。宠物能够满足主人的精神需求,成为了家庭的一员,宠物发生疾病也引起了主人的重视,对高品质的宠物医疗服务需求日益增加。胰腺炎是犬猫等常见伴侣动物常发的消化系统疾病。胰腺是重要的消化系统分泌器官,其分泌的消化液经胰导管进入十二指肠,具有很强的消化功能。胰腺炎是由于各种原因导致胰酶在胰腺内被激活,引起胰腺自身消化的炎症。胰腺炎主要分为急性胰腺炎与慢性胰腺炎,其中急性胰腺炎又可分为急性水肿型胰腺炎与急性坏死型胰腺炎,临床中以急性水肿型胰腺炎最为常见,犬较猫更易发生,尤成年犬多见。[1]引起胰腺炎的原因有很多,其中主要有1.暴饮暴
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Introduction1.1 Research backgroundVocabulary plays an important role in English learning and teaching. Without grammar, only a little can be expressed; without words, nothing can be expressed. A British psycholinguist (Meara, 1980), published the article "vocabulary acquisition is a neglected aspect of language learning" in the journal language teaching and linguistics. Since then, topics about vocabulary in various aspects have been brought into a heated debate. Numerous studies of different kinds have been carried out gradually. The emphasis of the study is mainly on the breadth (generally refers to the vocabulary size) and the depth (the proficiency in using various aspects of vocabulary). 1.2Definitions1.2.1 Vocabulary abilityVocabulary level is the core of language proficiency. The size of vocabulary and vocabulary breadth are the important barometers of English learners' language level. For L2 learners, mastering langua