1. 本选题研究的目的及意义随着软件规模的不断扩大和复杂性的提高,软件测试作为保证软件质量的关键环节,其重要性日益凸显。传统的软件测试方法主要依赖人工设计测试用例,存在效率低、覆盖率不足、成本高等问题。自动化测试用例生成技术应运而生,旨在利用算法自动生成测试用例,提高测试效率和质量。随机算法作为一种重要的算法设计方法,具有简单易实现、效率高等特点,在自动化测试用例生成领域展现出巨大潜力。将随机算法应用于自动化测试用例生成,能够克服传统方法的局限性,有效提高测试用例的生成效率、覆盖率和缺陷检测能力。1. 研究目的本研究旨在探索随机算法在自动化测试用例生成中的应用,设计并实现一种基于随机算法的自动化测试用例生成框架,以提高测试用例的生成效率、覆盖率和缺陷检测能力。2. 研究
1. 研究目的与意义Reading is an important way for people to obtaininformation in today''s society. In the process of language learning, learnersare required to do a lot of reading. It can be said that reading ability is thebasis for learners to develop other language abilities. With the development oflearning strategy research, reading strategy research has attracted more andmore attention. Reading strategies refer to the skills and methods of reading.They are the subjective selective and controlled behaviors taken by the readersin order to achieve the desired purpose. Reading strategies not only help toimprove the reading effect, but also help to guide learners to explore theirown reading and learning methods, and to enhance their ability to learnindependently and autonomously.2. 研究内容和预期目标 Theresearch content is the impacts of reading strategies (cognitive strategy/metacognitive strategy) on college students’ performance in tests. The keyquestion to be solv
全文总字数:2829字1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 管道运输由于其成本低、运输快、供给稳定等特点,已成为石油、天然气、生活用水、工业废物、工业原燃料等物质的基础运输工具,并与铁路、公路、航空、水运并列为五大基础运输方式之一。管道在使用过程中由于腐蚀、磨损、人为破坏等原因会造成管道内流体的泄露,给管道运输带来安全危害。当运输介质为易燃、易爆或有毒、有害物质时,发生泄露会造成巨大的损失和环境污染。因此,管道泄漏的早起检测越来越受到工程界的关注。 声发射是指伴随固体材料在断裂时释放储存的能量产生弹性波的现象。利用接收声发射信号研究材料、动态评价结构的完整性称为声发射检测技术。在管道泄漏上有十分广泛的应用。国内外研究现状 管道泄漏检测是随着管道运输业的发展而发展起来的,
1. 研究目的与意义本文旨在研究非英语专业学生的阅读焦虑和阅读策略的整体情况、阅读焦虑和阅读策略对于四级英语成绩的影响以及阅读焦虑和阅读策略与四级成绩之间的关系。2. 文献综述Literature ReviewIts necessary to create an integrate and scientific framework, based on the pertinent literature on the relationship between foreign language reading anxiety, reading strategies and CET-4 scores.2.1 Foreign Language Reading Anxiety 2.1.1 Foreign Language Reading AnxietyForeign language reading anxietyis a processing activity which is of great value to us. Anxiety is a negative emotion. It refers to an individual's self-esteem, frustration, or anxiety caused by an increase in sense of failure and guilt due to the inability to achieve the desired goal or failure to overcome obstacles (Zhu Zhixian, 1989). Since the 1970s, the anxiety of language learning has gradually received attention from the academic session. In 1986, Am
1. 研究目的与意义Oral English learning is the most important part of learning,based on the current situation of Chineseinternational cooperation and economic reform and opening up.The paperhopesthat the research on the anxiety of students' oral English learning will help students to solve the problems of learning anxiety.First of all, this paper attempts to explore whether there is existence of anxietyof English Majors in Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and the reasons for the anxiety.This paper will combine the input hypothesis and the affective filter hypothesis to propose suggestions to reduce the students' oral English learning anxiety and improvetheiroral English abilityand give teachers advices to arouse the enthusiasm of students, help students to rebuild the confidence of learning English, cultivatestudents' positive emotional attitude in English learning process, increase students' interest in learning English, make them be willing to understand the foreign cultu
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)English Majors Lexical Variety and Sophistication in Writing 英语专业学生作文词汇多样性和复杂度研究1. Introduction1.1Background of the researchEnglish vocabulary output ability is an important indicator of English ability and a prerequisite for conveying accurate information. For a long time in the past, due to the influence of Chomskys universal grammar, grammar acquisition has become the focus of linguists attention, while the study of vocabulary acquisition has been neglected. It was not until the 1980s that vocabulary acquisition began to arouse people's attention. Nowadays, with the popularization of computers and the continuous development and update of related data statistics software, the research on English vocabulary output ability tends to adopt quantitative empirical research, revealing and analyzing the vocabulary output ability behind the research object through objective data. At the beginning
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)文 献 综 述 1.膜分离技术 膜技术[1]的发展起源于人们对生物膜渗析现象的认识。Noletl在1748 年观察到水会自发地扩散穿过猪膀胱而进入到酒精中发现渗析现象。但是直到1854 年,Gerham关于可利用膜渗析现象分离混合物的文章发表后,人们开始重视对膜的研究。1864 年,Truabe才成功地制成人类历史上第一张人造膜#8212;亚铁氰化铜膜。随着科学技术的深人发展和新型膜材料及制膜技术的不断开拓,1950 年,w.juda等试制成功了第一张其有实用价值的离子交换膜,电渗析过程得到了迅速的发展。1960 年,Loob和sourriajna共同制成了具有高脱盐率、高渗水量的非对称醋酸纤维素反渗透膜,使反渗透膜迅速由实验室走向了工业应用。与此同时,这种用相转化法技术制备具有超薄分离皮层(皮层)的复合分离膜的新工艺,
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 汽车问世百余年来,特别是从汽车的大批量生产及汽车工业的大发展以来,汽车己为世界经济的发展、为人类进入现代生活,产生了无法估量的巨大影响,为人类社会的进步做出了不可磨灭的巨大贡献,掀起了一场划时代的革命。 作为汽车传动系统的重要组成部分,变速器对整车的动力性与经济性、操纵的可靠性与轻便性、传动的平稳性与效率都有着较为直接的影响。虽然传统手动变速器具有换档冲击大,体积大,操纵麻烦等诸多缺点,但仍以其传动效率高、生产制造工艺成熟以及成本低等特点,广泛应用于现代汽车上。 在自动挡汽车越来越普遍的今天,手动变速器依然占有很大的市场份额,它直接影响着汽车的动力性、燃油经济性、传动平稳性和操控稳定性。相比于自动变速器,手动变速器在操作上略显复杂,但能给汽车
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 起重机是现代工业在实现出产过程机械化、自己主动化,改善物料搬运前提,提高劳动出产率必不可少的重要机械设备。它对于发展国民经济,改善人们的事物、文化生活的需要都起着重要的作用。随着经济建设的迅速发展,机械化、自己主动化程度也在不停提高。近20年世界工程起重机行业发生了很大变化,在经济发展及市场激烈竞争冲击下,导致世界工程起重机市场进一步趋向一体化。现根据起重机的新理论、新技术和新动向,简要说说国外先进起重机的特点和发展趋势:1、重点产品大型化,高速化和专用化;2、系列产品模块化、组合化和标准化;3、通用产品小型化、轻型化和多样化;4、产品性能自动化、智能化和数字化;5、产品组合成套化、集成化和柔性化;6、产品构造新型化、美观化和实用化。美国既
1. 研究目的与意义股利政策是财务学研究的经典课题,也是现代财务理论历经半个多世纪的发展仍然未能解决的难题。股利政策是对提取各项公积金后的净利润如何分配的决策,它的目标是公司持续发展,它的关键是为了股价稳定。股利政策作为上市公司在特定制度背景和治理结构下做出的制度安排,它的恰当制定和有效实施有利于公司的长期发展,有利于实现公司价值的最大化。但我国上市公司在制定股利政策时有许多影响因素,存在很大的随意性,而且也很少会考虑随意性的股利政策会给公司的形象带来很多负面影响,忽视可持续发展的重要性,缺乏长远见识。与此同时,由于股利政策不仅是最困难的更是最重要的财务政策,所以日益受到人们的普遍重视。因此,税后的利润是否应该留在企业或者分配给股东,如果分配给股东则应以什么样的