1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 随着石油等不可再生燃料的日益减少,环境问题的愈发严重,低污染、低能耗的新能源汽车在世界各地都受到了越来越广泛的关注。新能源汽车性能要求的进一步提高,日本及欧美的主要发达国家政府都出台了大量政策推动电动汽车的发展,国际大型车企也同步积极地开展了电动汽车的研发工作,推出了Pruis, Volt, Leaf等先进的电动汽车产品,相继拉动了其附属产业的优化升级。电机、电池、整车控制器作为其三电核心,其性能的安全与稳定对整车而言,起着关键作用。电动汽车的电子控制工作主要由整车控制器(VCU} Vehicle Control Unit)来完成,VCU独立于电机、电池、ABS等传统的底层控制器,负责协调控制整车底层主要部件的工作,并保证整车系统的安全可靠运行。 纯电动汽车VCU硬件在环测试技术研究不仅大量减少了实车
1. 研究目的与意义意杨结构胶合板能否用于轻型木结构建筑的结构覆面板,取决于意杨结构胶合板的抗冲击性能。意杨结构胶合板如果达不到既定的抗冲击性能,将会大大影响大整个轻型木结构房屋的抗冲击性能,从而影响到木结构房屋的结构安全性。本研究通过对不同规格的意杨结构胶合板进行冲击性能试验,得出相关数据进行研究和分析,以认识意杨结构胶合板的冲击性能。这对以后轻型木结构用意杨结构胶合板的结构设计和生产复合工艺有一定的指导意义。 通过本研究,参照欧洲标准,分析意杨结构胶合板是否满足欧洲的力学参数。有利于合理利用我国速生林资源,扩大出口,增加经济和社会效益。2. 国内外研究现状分析目前国内外此类研究主要集中在:1均布荷载下意杨结构胶合板的性能研究2010年02月南京林业大学土木工程学院的赵亮,
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Literature Review There are still a lot of researches to do concerning how linguistic complexity influences fluency in oral performance since previous studies related to fluency mainly focus on the discussion of definition and the comparative studies between accuracy and fluency in second language acquisition. Therefore, we have this literature review in four parts: Firstly, the classification and definition of fluency; secondly, Krashen#8217;s input hypothesis; thirdly, the factors that influence fluency; finally, the empirical studies of fluency. As to the definition of fluency, scholars have different opinions. Though definitions are varied, they mainly lie in two groups: In a broad sense or in a narrow sense. Definitions in a broad sense deal more with EFL learners#8217; overall language using abilities regardless of qualities of their output. Like Brumfit (1984:42), who believes that fluency is ”the maximally effectiv
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) The purpose and significance of design With the development of transportation system, the proportion of cars in daily transportation is increasing, and the dependence on cars is also increasing. In pursuit of speed, car safety is also an important measure index, car manufacturers and users have put more attention to the car braking performance. The main function of the car brake system is to reduce the speed of the car in motion or even stop, keep the car speed stable in downhill driving, and make the car stop moving. In the complex traffic situation, the brake system as the speed control system of car, its performance is directly related to the strength of car speed control ability, is directly related to the life safety of car drivers. At the same time, improving and improving the braking performance of cars has always been an important task for car manufacturers. Therefore, by improving and improving the performance of car brake, the safety
1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述)金花小檗,小檗科小檗属植物。半常绿小灌木,老枝棕灰色,具棱,成熟果实为红色【1,2,3】。分布在甘肃、西藏、四川、云南等地,是一种集观花、果, 赏叶和药用于一体的园林药用乡土植物。目前,对小檗属植物的研究主要集中在药用资源、化学成分、药理作用等方面,现代药理实验和临床应用表明,小檗属植物含有的多种生物碱具有抗菌、消炎、抗心律失常、降血压、降血糖、降低血清胆固醇、抗血小板聚集、抗癌、升高白细胞、抗病毒等多方面的生理活性【4-10】。对金花小檗的研究主要集中在其繁殖技术与同其他小檗属植物的种间亲缘关系上。对金花小檗种内变异式样的研究未见具体的报道。 四川省甘孜地区地形错综复杂,雨量适中,光照充足,气候类型、植被类型和土壤类型多种多样,
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) With the rapid development of industrial technology and informationtechnology, the system equipment in various fields related to automobilemanufacturing is becoming more and more complex, and the degree of integrationand intelligence is also improving. With the development of complex equipment,the whole life cycle cost in design, development, test, operation, maintenanceand so on increases greatly. Therefore, higher requirements are put forward forthe display form of data and the omni-directional display of the actualoperation of the organization. With the rapid development of industrial technology, the development ofmodeling and simulation, which is widely used in automobile design andevaluation, has not slowed down. In the 1960s, modeling and simulationtechniques could only calculate specific physical phenomena with relativesimplicity. However, with the continuous improvement of computing power andalgorithm and the improvement of sensor tech
全文总字数:8821字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) The suspension of a cargo truck has anindispensable role, it can mitigate and suppress the vibration and impactcaused by uneven roads, thereby ensuring the comfort of the passengers and theintegrity of the goods being transported. In addition to transmitting thevertical force of the car It also transmits forces and moments in otherdirections, organically connecting the front and rear of the vehicle as awhole, and ensuring a certain kinematic relationship between the wheel and thebody (or frame), so that the car has good driving performance. The developmentof society and the advancement of science and technology, improving thepassenger's riding comfort, driving safety, and economy will become the maingoal of designing automotive suspension in the future. This also shows that thedesign of automotive suspension involves the "Automotive Theory"Knowledge of ride comfort and handling stability in China. The basic rules
全文总字数:2945字1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 消费者物价指数(Comsumer Price Index),英文缩写CPI,是反映与居民生活有关的商品及劳务价格统计出来的物价变动指标,通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指标。如果消费者物价指数升幅过大,表明通货膨胀已经成为经济不稳定因素,央行会有紧缩货币政策和财政政策的风险,从而造成经济前景的不明朗,因此,该指数过高的升幅往往不被市场欢迎。CPI的意义在于对宏观经济政策的选择、调整和节奏把握上具有重要的指标作用。在整个经济体系中CPI与货币供应量、汇率、股市、投资与消费、需求和供给等有着千丝万缕的联系,它既是一面镜子,反映着经济环境的变化,同时又是一个传感器,来自国际国内的经济变动因素通过它切实地传导入了每一个人的经济生活。 因此我们希望通过本论文的研
1. 研究目的与意义似然比检验(likelihood ratiotest, LRT)是一种检验参数能否反映真实约束的方法,其思想是:“如果参数约束是有效的,那么加上这样的约束不应该引起似然函数最大值的大幅度降低。” 奈曼-皮尔森引理说明,似然比检验是所有具有同等显著性差异的检验中最有统计效力的检验。可见似然比检验是一种比t检验、卡方检验等适用范围更广的通用的检验方法,其应用范围包括:均值(包括均值向量)的比较、重复度量、轮廓分析(趋势比较)、模型适合度等等。生活在大数据时代,统计分析在我们日常生活中扮演着愈加重要的角色,而对似然比检验方法的掌握与研究有助于我们对统计参数做出更精准的估计与评判,从而降低参数检验错误的可能性并在一定程度上降低由此将造成的损失,以上便是我选择该课题的原因。2. 研究内容和预期
全文总字数:2212字1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 高等教育中,考试是高校检测学生学业水平最常用的一种考核方式。传统的出卷方式费时费力,教师批改试卷也需要浪费大量精力。这2个行为中包含了大量的重复劳动,且发生时间集中于期中期末,教师很容易为此身心疲惫。 此外,在常年的教学过程中,各个任课老师都有着自己整理的一套经典试题。大学教育中,同科目的任课老师彼此之间大多数不是互相熟悉,没有一个很好的交流机会。试题库可以提供一个平台,让任课老师们互相交流自己的出题经验,从而提高整体的教学水平。 现在各行各业中,使用计算机提高行业效率已经是一个大的趋势。使用计算机技术开发在线考试系统,完成自动出卷、阅卷,可以极大的提高试卷的质量,全面的覆盖考试大纲的要点。如今,各大高校或多或少