2022-11-12 19:55:58
Realistic Simulation of Emotion by Animated Characters
Ariel Beck1, 2
1Department of Creative Technologies, 2Expert Centre, Portsmouth University, Portsmouth,
Hampshire, PO1 2DJ, UK
Abstract. A truly realistic virtual environment for simulation would require
human characters to display realistic features and behaviours. However,
another requirement is believability. These elements would be vital, for
example, in order to train students in a medical field by immersing them in
scenarios using realistic and believable animated humans. It should provide a concrete experience for effective learning; as defined in Kolb‟s learning cycle [1].
To facilitate this, animation is reaching a point where animated characters are becoming visually realistic. However, due to the effect of the uncanny valley [2], which is a drop in believability as animated characters approach visual perfection, it may be necessary to display realistic behaviour in order to preserve the credibility of the experience.
Further, realistic human behaviour by definition conveys emotions. Therefore, it is first necessary to define emotion in ways, which could be simulated by animated characters. The display of emotion has been considered previously for facial animation, but 55% of non-verbal communication is conveyed through the body [3] and it is not clear how viewers respond to computer generated body cues, or how such a response could be assessed. In this paper the body is presented as a medium for expressing emotion and the methods that could be used to measure the emotional impact of such characters on the user are discussed.
Keywords: Emotion, Animated character, perceived realism, emotional behaviours, simulation
1 Introduction
As animation techniques are reaching a point where animated characters are
becoming visually highly realistic, animators are likely to be confronted with the issue of the “uncanny valley”. The “uncanny valley” models a drop in believability and comfort as characters acquire greater similarity to humans [2].
As displayed realism increases, there is a peak in believability just before the
“uncanny valley”. While, animation is sensitive to this optimal stage the characters that are required to simulate a medical environment are expected to be highly realistic
and hence are more likely to “fall” in the valley. In other words, for animated
characters that look more and more realistic (similar to humans) the viewers expect a
higher degree of realism in behaviour and non-verbal expression. Without displaying convincing emotions they tend to look unnatural [4] and hence, cannot avoid the
pitfall of the “uncanny valley”. So, finding ways for the character to express
emotions, which are interpreted by the user as realistic or near realistic may be one way of avoiding the drop in believability.
This high realism would be needed in order to build a truly realistic virtual environment in order to train students from the medical fields, by immersing them in
realistic scenarios. In these scenarios, the character would need the capacity to
display non-verbal cues (including body language) from which trainees could assess
the inner emotional state of the character. As in real life even though, the user
interprets what is communicated both verbally and through body language, the
messages conveyed may be contradictory. Simulating the multi-channel
communication we naturally use in real life should facilitate a stronger sense of social
presence [5]. A higher sense of presence would be beneficial as it should provide a more engaging and hence concrete experience for effective learning [1]. However, before developing applications it is necessary to gain an understanding of the effect that an animated character displaying emotions may have on the observer.
Fig.1. Field of investigation
Therefore, Studies on the perception of emotional behaviour are required before constructing a highly realistic AI dedicated to emotions (Fig.1.). Since emotions have
to be displayed by an animated character and will have to be assessed on observers, this paper presents a preliminary working definition derived from the psychology of emotion. Then body-language is presented as a medium to express emotions because
“55% of non-verbal communication is said to be expressed through body language”
(Mehrabian and Friar 1969) cited by [3]. Finally methods for measuring the
emotional impact caused on the observer by such characters are discussed.
2 A Definition and the Project within James-Lang Theory
Defining what an emotion is is problematic, Ledoux (1996) states “one of the most significant things ever said about emotion may be that everyone knows what it is until they are asked to define it” [6]. The problem in defining the term mainly comes from the difficulty of drawing a distinction between what is emotional and what is not. Questions such as when do emotions occur are also very controversial. Moreover, putting such borders in is very subjective.
This paper uses bdquo;general‟definition proposed by Keltner and Gross (1999) as an emotion as an “episodic, relatively short-term, biologically-based pattern of perception, experience, physiology, action and communication that occur to specific physical and social challenges and opportunities” [7]. In order to use this definition, the elements are grouped into three main components:
Action: Physical responses to an emotion (including physiological) Cognitive: Appraisal of the situation
Feeling: Consciousness of the emotion, subjective state [6].
Fig. 2. Emotional flow (following James-Lang theory) for an
姿势:姿势是身体在一段时间内所采取的特定位置。人们普遍认为姿势是表达情感的媒介。例如,教育家通常把学生的姿势作为他们内心状态的一个标志。因此,一个表现现实情感的人物会做出与自身情感相对应的姿势。一些人机交互的研究者已经开始研究和分类姿势。例如,De Silva和Bianchi-Berthouze通过对姿势的解释研究了愤怒、恐惧、快乐、悲伤四种情绪的跨文化识别。他们建立了一套利用演员来表现情绪姿态的方法,并分析了代表的情绪的解释。他们的研究有助于这个项目,为收集和分类情绪姿势提供了一种方法。。