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毕业论文网 > 外文翻译 > 设计学类 > 动画 > 正文


 2022-12-26 19:22:39  

Study on Image Design in Animation


In this article, the author makes analysis and study on the three aspects of the technique of expression of image design in animation, artistic style of its image design and local characteristics of its image design, and analyzes such figures of speeches as transformation, exaggeration, combination and personification. It is exactly these expressive elements that enrich image of animation and fills it with more vitality. This article mainly studies the expressive elements of image design from the three perspectives of artistic style, that is, modeling style, motion performance, and indisguise, while design of modeling, motion and indisguise are expressive elements without which the style of animation can not go. Finally, the author explores and studies local characteristics of Chinese animation, Japanese animation and American animation, and comes to the conclusion that image design of animation has indiscerptible relationship with local characteristics of a country and local cultural tradition of the country has a direct effect on design connotation of the image.

Keywords: Cartoon, Image design

1. Introduction

Animation image is the most characteristic animation element, and thus has the most expressive force. Design of the image of characters in animation is to demonstrate the internal spiritual ethos and traits of character through their external image. Quality of the image design of animation has a direct effect on vividness of the entire animation, and furthermore, influences the immersion feeling of audience. Design of image of animation plays an immeasurable role in development of animation.

2. Technique of expression in the image design of animation

There are some companies that still employ traditional animation methods in particular situations. At present, some animation manufacturers employ the method of frame, which realizes TF Tween Frame by use of computer. This method is mainly used in two dimensional animations. Another method is virtual technology, which is used in three dimensional software, and is mainly applied in three dimensional animation, realized by Maya or 3Dmax. Besides, there is also the computer motion capture technology, which is directly performed by real people, and which is transferred to animation after capture of motion by the computer. The final one is immediate generation technology, which is mainly applied in game playing. Its basic principle is to separate expression, motion and changes of characters and objects into several subsections to draw multiple pictures, and finally to shoot continuously these pictures into a series of pictures with a virtual camera, producing a continuously changing effect to the vision. Animation is a sort of visual artistic form which is humorous, active in its technique of expression and has somewhat the implication of caricature. Its image design methods should follow the artistic form and artistic characteristics of design.

Image design of animation is not only a symbol of the image, but also has some other properties, such as external appearance of the image, its characteristics and motion, etc. Only if these properties are endowed to the image of design, can a designer succeed in designing a lifelike and vigorous image. Image design is a fruit of the rich imagination of an animation designer who employees several figures of speech, such as exaggeration, transformation, combination and personification, etc, to bring life to the lifeless organism, to abstract the image of concrete versachlichung, to endow animals and plants with humane characters, to bring people into integration of illusion and reality, and to delineate vivid, interesting, peculiar and humorous visual image, which will bring strong visual impact to human beings and leave them with a deep impression. Although there are several methods for the image design of animation, they can be mainly generalized as the following several:

2.1 Exaggeration and transformation

Exaggeration is to exaggerate a certain motion and form of a role to emphasize characteristics of an image based on the reality of the visual object in the objective world. In the image design, it is the distinct characteristics of the position that is mostly exaggerated, making the long part longer, the short part shorter, the fat part fatter and the thin part thinner, etc, which may make the form and image of a role more vivid and its appearance characteristics more distinct and prominent. For instance, at the earlier stage in China, the motion picture film mainly adopted the means of folk art for fabrication, and the paper-cut, puppet, clay animation and shadow puppet, etc, employed the technique of expression of exaggeration and transformation to endow the image of characters and animals with more clear-cut characteristics. There has been someone who says, 'Lets have a look at the method of Disney in its modeling of professional characters: after the modeling designer has an in-depth grasp of the drama, he will then search for a model with similar character with the professional character, and copy the model from the real life. After having seized the overall shape and characteristics of the target, the designer then abstracts and refines him/her. Only such a role created can impress the audience. It thus is obvious that, transformation and exaggeration both are two important technique of expression, and one should not be partial to either of the two.

2.2 Combination

Combination is a frequently used suppositive image design method, in which a designer organizes different objects into new image after his processing. The designer fabricates those imaginary objects that may not exist in the real life after combination or confabulation so as to create the image of animation that people may not have a chance to see or that may





















在动画运动的设计是指在动画角色的运动状态设计,包括一个动画图像和运动特性的定位角色定位,等运动设计必须最具特色的模式定位根据动画图像的不同运动过程赋予每个图像的特征与理性的体现。幽默和戏剧是动画形象运动设计的主要特征,而表现则是动画设计中的必修课程。行为艺术本身是经典和升华现实生活,而不是生活的原始状态。动画的动作设计也是一个突出和强调这一主题的尝试,具有更大的美学意义。动作设计风格与形象设计风格密切相关。如果形象设计风格夸张,那么相应地,动作设计风格也就夸张了。如果说形象设计的风格是漫画的表现手法,那么动作设计的风格也应该是漫画的表现手法。一些极其夸张的动作设计会给人带来荒诞、怪异和不可思议的感觉,但它也与观众的幻觉或潜意识意象模式相吻合。如此夸张和幽默的表演和动作设计符合艺术创作的规律,也符合自然规律。这是很清楚的观众,这只是为了表达特定的感情,感情和想法,是放大一个特定的熟悉的表达成一个特殊的视觉符号。这样一个符号可能给人们带来新奇的视觉和心理感受,刺激和兴奋等,从以往的视觉经验完全不同。这种多样化的视觉感受正是动画的魅力所在,也是动画设计中运动设计追求的目的。众所周知,动画的形象是多种多样的,包括人物、动物和各种各样的生物,在大多数情况下,一些道具可以设计成动画对象。因此,运动规律的运动设计似乎是非常重要的。由于不同的动画图像具有不同的结构,运动的规律和节奏也不同。例如,“功夫熊猫”是中国传统文化与美国先进技术相结合的产物,可以说是中西元素的结合体。活泼的熊猫阿宝,它跳上屋顶和墙壁跳马,其点穴,西提和风格,流派,在各种各样的武侠常见的兄弟武侠精神和代码,框架和金庸的小说和Gu Long,甚至是佛教的思想,都会反映在电影。观众可以跟着画面的节奏和角色的动作流畅体验的兴趣和审美的运动的感觉,并获得视觉美感。此外,对于一般“骄傲的将军”的角色,它借用了脸谱网和运动在北京歌剧院,并配合有节奏的戏曲鼓点,使角色新颖高雅的运动,充满了中国传统文化的特点。



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