2021-09-07 19:16:53
摘 要
Nowadays, natural disasters occur frequently. When the disasters like the earthquakes, landslides and so on occur, we need disaster rescue immediately. However, complex road conditions after the disaster makes it difficult for vehicles to pass, and rescue workers can not reach the disaster site quickly. What’s more, some of the necessary emergency supplies can’t be delivered to the affected area in time. Although the coordination design technology of the existing pickup trucks in the shape and the dynamic system has been more mature, it still can’t be well adapted to the complex road conditions.
This paper is based on the traditional existing compact, medium and all-terrain pickups, then respectively extracts their shape characteristics and dynamic characteristics. Also it analyses the complex road conditions and the problems which we may face in the rescue process. Through the above things, I finally complete the design of the all-terrain pickup for disaster rescue. The main point of my design is the function design. At the same time, to meet the needs of the disaster relief concerning its functionality, crossing performance, space rationality and aesthetics, full consideration has been given to a reasonable space allocation of people and cargo on the basis of ergonomics principles.
Key Words:disaster rescue; pickup; all-terrain vehicles; function requirements
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景和现状 1
1.2研究的内容与意义 1
1.2.1 研究的内容 1
1.2.2研究的意义 2
第2章 市场调查报告与分析 3
2.1全路况救灾专用皮卡需求分析 3
2.1.1目前灾后救援过程中存在的问题 3
2.1.2未来灾后救援展望 3
2.1.3全路况救灾专用皮卡的需求 3
2.2全路况救灾专用皮卡概述 4
2.3全路况救灾专用皮卡现状 5
2.4市场调研小结 7
第3章 设计相关说明 8
3.1设计理念 8
3.1.1设计命名 8
3.1.2设计要点 8
3.1.3设计定位 9
3.2造型创意 9
3.3设计创新 12
3.3.1后保险杠特定角度设计 12
3.3.2后车厢挡板内部储物箱设计 12
3.3.3推拉开门方式设计 13
3.3.4 空气悬架设计 13
3.4色彩方案 14
3.5设计小结 17
第4章 方案设计 18
第5章 设计效果图 38
第6章 外观示意图与人机布置图 43
第7章 三维数字模型和油泥模型 45
结束语 50
参考文献 51
附 录 52
致 谢 53
第1章 绪论
皮卡,顾名思义,亦轿亦卡,是一种采用轿车头部并且尾部带有敞开式车厢的车型,是一种集轿车、卡车优点于一身的、具有独特外形的车型[[1]],有较好的承载性和通过性,以动力出众而广为人知。全地形车,其英文全称是All Terrain Vehicle,车辆实用性强、越野性好[2],可以在任何地形上行驶的车,其宽大的轮胎大大增加了与地面的接触面积,而其特有的轮胎花纹又能产生更大的摩擦力,使其在沙滩、河床、林道、泥泞路面等其他的恶劣地形上行驶自如。[3]