2021-10-26 21:51:42
摘 要
With the development of the new era under the "Belt and Road" world pattern,The economy, politics, culture and other aspects are undergoing rapid changes. "Silk Road" as the mother body that breeds all civilizations, whether it is human history, local customs, or works of art, religious philosophy, its overall cultural and artistic view still has extremely high learning value in the contemporary era. As a design product that combines cultural connotation and functionality, cultural and creative products have become an indispensable bridge between culture and art and daily life. It is also a very popular form that is popular with people and has positive features. Energy orientation and design aesthetics combine functionality, aesthetics, culture, and sociality to expand the channels and expressions of traditional culture.
This topic aims to capture the preferences and interests of contemporary teenagers, look at the hotspots in the new era, and use interactive, entertaining, and safe board games as a medium to explore how Silk Road culture and modern board game product design Combined, it is entertaining and entertaining, so that users can not only feel the fun of the game, but also learn and appreciate the magnificence and magic of the Silk Road tour during the game, and understand the face of the country along the Silk Road and the moving stories, Make the Silk Road more vivid and easy to accept, open up the field of cultural and creative products, and make Silk Road cultural and creative products more diverse.
This article takes the theme of "Journey of the Silk Road, the passing of the ancient and the present, and inheriting the future" as the theme, exploring and innovating a new way of historical and cultural education. Through the design of game scenarios such as simulated scenarios and story triggers, the silk road that flows through the region is simulated. Map and illustration design spread the overall world view of the Silk Road in front of users. Breaking through the simple entertainment of traditional board games, contemporary teenagers can not only reap the happiness of the board game process, but also learn the grandeur of Chinese traditional culture, improve their cultural heritage, continuously inherit and promote excellent culture, and enhance cultural pride.
Key words: Silk Road; cultural and creative products; table games; historical culture; creative design
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 课题提出的背景和意义 3
1.1.1课题提出的背景 3
1.1.2课题提出的意义 3
1.2国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1丝绸之路文化产业开发的研究现状 4
1.2.2当前文创产品的研究现状 5
1.2.3桌游市场的研究现状 6
1.3研究内容与方法 6
1.3.1研究内容 6
1.3.2研究方法 6
第2章 丝绸之路相关传统文化调研 8
2.1丝绸之路背景及概况 8
2.2丝绸之路上的商品文化 8
2.3丝绸之路上的艺术文化 9
2.3.1中原艺术文化 9
2.3.2西域艺术文化 10
2.4丝绸之路上的精神文明 12
2.4.1丝绸之路精神文明的历史根源 12
2.4.2丝绸之路精神文明的当代价值 13
第3章 桌游文创产品调研 14
3.1桌面游戏的定义 14
3.2桌面游戏的前世今生 14
3.2.1传统桌面游戏 14
3.2.2现代桌面游戏 15
3.3桌游文创产品的开发环境 16
3.4桌游文创产品的价值多元化 17
第4章:基于“丝绸之路”传统文化的文创产品实例 18
——以桌游设计为例 18
4.1方案提出灵感及流程规划 18
4.1.1灵感来源 18
4.1.2 产品设计流程 19
4.2需求解读 19
4.3调研当前市场现状、确定产品核心竞争力 20
4.4产品定位 20
4.5具体设计方法 21
4.6方案视觉化 21
4.6.1游戏地图设计 21
4.6.2游戏卡牌设计 23
4.6.3 游戏说明书设计 27
4.6.4游戏棋子设计 27
4.6.5游戏包装设计 28
4.6.6 整体效果展示 30
4.7 衍生文创产品设计 30
4.8 后期宣传策略 31
第5章 总结 33
参考文献 34
附 录 35
致 谢 36
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题提出的背景和意义
文化自信是最深厚的自信,自十八大以来,我国的文化产业也迈进了新阶段,丝绸之路的文化内涵逐渐普及,使这一新型产业面临更宽阔的发展前景,文创产业正值一片生机勃勃之景,然而当前文创领域发展也面临着诸多问题,理念与产品结合不够紧密,内容新式较为单一,面向的年龄层较为局限,过度看重外观 忽视内涵教育等,这也引起了我们的很多反思,如何解决当前的这些问题,发掘当下的热点产品领域,与丝绸之路的文化相契合,并能够让使用者真正理解其中的天地,是亟待解决的课题。