2023-11-14 08:40:53
摘 要
:本工程位于镇江东昌南路以西,陆羽路以南。施工对象为地上十一层,地下二层的小高层,框架剪力墙结构,室外地面至主体屋面的建筑控制高度为33m,建筑总面积9890.19m2,地下室面积1551.13m2,共四单元,一梯两户。本工程为二类高层建筑,耐火等级为二级,地下室耐火等级为二级,结构设计使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为七度。本论文主要内容如下:投标须知、投标须知前附表、施工合同、工程建设标准、工程量清单、投标文件格式、招标控制价。[1]为保证符合国家建筑建设要求,满足业主对质量安全的要求,同时也为了实现使用价值的最优化,保障投资效益在满足市场的前提下最大化,建中置业有限公司(以下简称甲方)决定采用公开招标,招标方式采用工程量清单综合单价招标。为了方便符合资质的投标者更有效率的投标,甲方已经在招标文件中就有关工程的概况以及工程量清单等具体化,同时细化了对日后可能产生纠纷的事项。希望各投标者审慎察看,积极参与,不得肆意扰乱投标竞标,在公开公正的前提下进行。关键词: 招标文件;施工合同;工程量清单;招标控制价;工程造价
Abstract:The project is located west of Dongchang South Road in Zhenjiang and south of Luyu Road.The construction object is 11 floors above the ground, a small high-rise on the second floor underground, a frame shear wall structure, an outdoor ground to the main roof with a building control height of 33 m, a total construction area of 9890.19m2, a basement area of 1551.13 m2, a total of four units, a ladder Two households.The project is a type II high-rise building with a fire resistance rating of two grades, a basement fire resistance rating of two grades, a structure design service life of 50 years, and an earthquake-resistant fortification intensity of seven degrees.The main contents of this thesis are as follows: bidding instructions, pre-bidding instructions schedule, construction contract, construction standards, project quantity list, bidding documents format, bidding control price. In order to ensure that it meets the requirements of the National construction construction, satisfies the owner"s requirements for quality and safety, and at the same time realizes the optimization of the use value and guarantees the maximum investment benefit under the premise of satisfying the market, Jianzhong Real Estate Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Party A) decided to adopt open bidding. The bidding method adopts the comprehensive unit price bidding of the bill of quantities. In order to facilitate the more efficient bidding of qualified tenderers, party a has specified the general situation of the relevant projects and the bill of quantities in the tender documents, and at the same time has detailed the matters that may cause disputes in the future. It is hoped that the bidders will exercise due diligence and participate actively and that they will not arbitrarily disrupt the bidding process and proceed on the basis of public and fair conditions.
Keywords:Tender documents;Construction contracts; List of quantities; Bid control price; construction costs
1投标须知及投标须知前附表 5
1.1投标须知前附表 5
1.2投 标 须 知 7
1.2.1总 则 7
1.2.2招标文件 7
1.2.3投标文件 9
1.2.4投标报价 10
1.2.5投标文件的密封和递交 15
1.2.6开标 16
1.2.7评标、定标 16
1.2.8授予合同 23
2建设工程施工合同 24
2.1协议书 24
2.2通用条款 26
2.3专用条款 26
2.3.1词语定义 26
2.3.2一般权利和义务 26
2.3.3施工组织设计和工期 27
2.3.4质量与验收 28
2.3.5安全施工 28
2.3.6合同价款与支付 28
2.3.7材料设备供应 29
2.3.8工程变更 29
2.3.9竣工验收与结算 29
2.3.10违约、索赔和争议 29
2.3.11其他 30
3工程建设标准 34
3.1工程采用的计价规范 34
3.2本工程采用的技术规范 34
3.3本工程对施工工艺的特殊要求 34
4图纸、技术资料及附件(另附) 34
5工程量清单 35
5.1签字盖章 35
5.2填表须知 36
5.3总说明 37
5.4分部分项工程量清单 38
5.5措施项目清单(一) 53
5.6措施项目清单(二) 54
5.8规费、税金项目清单 55
6投标文件格式 56
6.1投标函 57
7招标控制价 60
参考文献 61
项 号 | 内 容 | 说明与要求 |
1 | 工程名称 | 建中新城雅居79号楼施工项目 |
2 | 建设地点 | 东昌南路以西,陆羽路以南 |
3 | 建设规模 | 地下二层,地上十一层,剪力墙结构,建筑总面积 剩余内容已隐藏,请支付后下载全文,论文总字数:44179字
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