2021-03-19 21:54:31
摘 要
关键词 房地产开发;可行性研究;投资与融资;SWOT分析;市场调研
Feasibility study is a comprehensive technical and economic analysis of the project construction project "can work through the program" before the project investment decision. The main task is to conduct market research and forecast the product to do the necessity of investment research; technical solutions and construction conditions for technical basis feasibility study; and focus on the economic effect of "rationality" and effectiveness of the analysis and evaluation The The main task of the feasibility study is in accordance with the long-term planning of the national economy and regional planning, industry planning requirements, the proposed project investment planning, engineering and technical demonstration, social and economic effects forecast and organizational analysis, after a variety of calculations , Analysis of demonstration evaluation, project decision-making to provide a reliable basis and recommendations.
This paper is based on the current real estate industry prospects and the current needs of residents of the housing, Wuhan Country Garden Tai Fu City real estate projects using SWOT to study the real estate projects in the economic and technical and demand feasibility. First of all, access to a variety of information on the current real estate market in Wuhan to investigate and analyze, combined with the location of the project to accurately locate the prospects after the opening of the project; and then, in the human (staffing and organization), financial (investment and cost) (Material and balance), time (construction and investment progress) to make a reasonable demonstration and analysis of the selected optimal program; Finally, the Wuhan Country Garden Tai Fu City project from the economic, environmental, energy saving, social impact and risk To conduct a comprehensive analysis and demonstration. Finally determined that the real estate project is feasible in all aspects.
Key Words: Real estate development;Feasibility study;Investment and financing;
SWOT analysis;
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 项目概况综述 1
1.1.1 周边配套 1
1.1.2 房屋信息 2
1.1.3 地理位置 3
1.2 项目的综合背景 3
1.3 可行性研究依据 4
1.3.1 可行性研究的工作范围 4
1.3.2 可行性研究的要求 4
1.4 项目主要经济指标 5
1.5 项目建设条件 5
第2章 市场调查与预测 6
2.1 市场调查国内外近期投资环境及需求状况 6
2.1.1 2016年国内房地产市场运行情况及2017年形势预测 6
2.1.2 2016年武汉市房地产市场的运行状况 7
2.1.3 项目所在位置房地产市场运行情况 10
2.2 项目周边房地产开发情况 10
2.3 项目市场定位 11
2.3.1 定位背景 11
2.3.2 市场定位 12
2.3.3 客户群定位 14
2.4 项目SWOT分析 14
2.4.1 Strength(优势) 14
2.4.2 Weakness(劣势) 15
2.4.3 Opportunity(机会) 15
2.4.4 Threat(威胁) 16
第3章 项目的规划与策划 18
3.1 项目地块简介 18
3.2 项目拟建规模 18
3.3 项目实施方案 19
3.4 项目结构设计 20
3.4.1 技术规范 20
3.4.2 结构设计概况 20
3.5 环境影响评价 21
3.5.1 项目周边环境调查及分析 21
3.5.2 环境保护措施 21
3.5.3 环境影响评价 21
第4章 项目实施方案 23
4.1 组织机构及人力资源配置 23
4.1.1 组织机构设置 23
4.1.2 员工的培训与发展 24
4.2 项目实施进度计划 26
第5章 投资估算与融资方案 28
5.1 建设投资 28
5.1.1 土地费用 28
5.1.2 建筑安装工程费 29
5.1.3 前期工程费 29
5.1.4 基础设施建设费 30
5.1.5 公共设施配套费 31
5.1.6 开发期间税费 31
5.1.7 不可预见费 31
5.2 资金使用计划与融资方案 32
5.2.1 资金使用计划 32
5.2.2 融资方案 32
5.2.3 建设期利息 34
第6章 投资分析基础数据 36
6.1 销售收入 36
6.2 成本及税金 37
6.2.1 投资成本 37
6.2.2 销售费用 37
6.2.3 税金 37
6.3 利润分配 38
第7章 项目经济效益评价 40
7.1 现金流量表 40
7.2 财务评价 41
7.2.1 盈利能力分析 41
7.2.2 偿债能力分析 44
7.2.3 不确定分析 45
第8章 社会评价 50
第9章 结论和建议 51
9.1 项目结论 51
9.2 建议 51
参考文献 52
附 录 53
致 谢 54
第1章 绪论
1.1 项目概况综述
1.1.1 周边配套