2021-09-09 21:55:33
摘 要
关键词:招投标制度 工程量清单 最低价中标法 公正性
Construction project bidding system is a scientific management system implemented in the field of construction.To achieve economic transition in the field of construction , and to explore the international construction market with international standards, it is of great strategic significance . As our economy keeps rapid and steady developing ,and thanks to the production policy guidance of the country, construction industry is developing rapidly,at the meanwhile, construction bidding system is regarded as the most competitive way in the filed of construction. Bidding system is constantly going deep into all aspects of social life, not only impact on the macroeconomic but also is constantly being integrated into the micro-individual interests.
In this paper, the main contents is divide into ten sections.The first part of paper is the content of tender announcement, focusing on project profiles and the qualification requirements for bidders. The second part focuses on tender notes, including the specific rules which bidder must clear during bidding and bid opening and evaluation. The third part describes the evaluation rules.And according to the characteristics of the bidding for the project, the paper chooses the Evaluated Lowest Bid Price to apply to this project to determine the tenderer. The next part is about the contract terms and file formats, including the introduction of general and special tender terms. The fifth part is the Bill of Quantities of this project,which is used by the bidders to tender.The sixth part is the drawing part of the project.And Part VII describes the construction standards.Part VIII and IX are introduced to make the tender format and business section format of tender documents clear.The bidding document is worked out combining the specific situation of Hubei projects with the exact problem found out during the bidding,and according to the Lowest Price method in bid,it is examined on the basis of the Bill of Quantities and tender documents format.The main work of bidding is the preparation of Bill of Quantities and evaluation methods , which must seek to ensure the fairness of the tender.
Keyword:Bidding System Bill of Quantities Lowest Price in Bid Impartiality
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
绪论 1
第一章 招标公告 2
1.1 工程概况 2
1.2 资格审查 2
1.3 投标保证金 3
1.4 投标截止日期 3
1.5 招标公告注意事项 4
第二章 投标人须知 5
2.1 投标人须知前附表 5
2.2 总 则 7
2.2.1 工程说明 7
2.2.2 招标范围及工期 7
2.2.3 资金来源 7
2.2.4 合格的投标人 7
2.2.5 踏勘现场 8
2.2.6 投标费用 8
2.3 招标文件 8
2.3.1 招标文件的组成 8
2.3.2 招标文件的澄清 8
2.3.3 招标文件的修改 9
2.4 投标文件 9
2.4.1 投标文件的组成 9
2.4.2 投标报价 9
2.4.3 投标有效期 10
2.4.4 投标保证金 10
2.4.5 资格审查资料 10
2.4.6投标文件的编制 11
2.5 投标 11
2.5.1 投标文件的密封和标记 11
2.5.2 投标文件的递交 11
2.5.3 投标文件的修改与撤回 12
2.6 开标 12
2.6.1 开标时间和地点 12
2.6.2 开标程序 12
2.6.3 开标异议 12
2.7 评标 13
2.7.1 评标委员会 13
2.7.2 评标原则 13
2.7.3 评标 13
2.8 合同授予 13
2.8.1 定标方式 13
2.8.2 中标候选人公示 13
2.8.3 中标通知 13
2.8.4 履约担保 14
2.8.5 签订合同 14
2.9 纪律和监督 14
2.9.1 对招标人的纪律要求 14
2.9.2 对投标人的纪律要求 14
2.9.3 对评标委员会成员的纪律要求 14
2.9.4 对与评标活动有关的工作人员的纪律要求 15
2.9.5 投诉 15
2.10 需要补充的其他内容 15
2.11 电子招标投标 16
第三章 评标办法(经评审的最低投标价法) 16
3.1 评标办法前附表 16
3.2 评标方法 17
3.3 评审标准 17
3.3.1 初步评审标准 17
3.3.2 详细评审标准 18
3.4 评标程序 18
3.4.1 初步评审 18
3.4.2 详细评审 18
3.4.3 投标文件的澄清和补正 20
3.4.4 评标结果 21
第四章 合同条款及格式 22
4.1 通用合同条款 22
4.2 专用合同条款 22
4.3 合同附件格式 23
第五章 工程量清单 24
5.1 工程量清单说明 24
5.2 工程量清单汇总表 25
第六章 图 纸 36
6.1 图纸目录 36
6.2 图纸 37
6.3 标准图集清单 37
第七章 工程建设标准 37
7.1本工程采用的技术规范和质量标准 38
第八章 投标文件投标函部分格式 39
8.1企业法定代表人营业执照(复印件). 41
8.3法定代表人授权委托书 43
8.4投标函 44
8.5 投标函附录 46
8.6 投标担保 48
8.7投标担保银行保函 49
8.8 机构配备情况 50
8.8.1 项目管理机构配备情况表 50
8.8.2 施工项目负责人或项目经理简历表 51
8.8.3 项目技术负责人简历表 52
8.8.4项目管理机构配备情况辅助说明资料 53
第九章 投标文件商务部分格式 54
9.1 投标总报价 56
9.2 建项目报价汇总表 58
9.3单项工程投标报价汇总表 59
9.4单位工程投标报价汇总表 60
9.5 分部工程直接工程费计算表 62
9.6 施工技术措施费用计算表 63
9.7 工料机价差计算表 64
9.8 主要材料、设备报价汇总表 65
第十章 投标文件技术部分格式 66
10.1 施工组织设计 66
10.2 拟分包项目情况一览表 72
致谢. 73
附件............................................................................................................................................ 75