2023-01-16 08:55:38
摘 要
Compilation of bidding documents for Huijing residential area project
The bidding document is an important part of the bidding activities. All the responses of the bidders to the bidding before the bid opening are reflected through the bidding documents. The credible bidders with good reputation, strong technical ability, high management level and reasonable quotation that the bidder ultimately chooses are all decided through the situation of the bidding documents.The tender documents must include all the documents that the bidder must submit as specified in the instructions to bidders. In today"s increasingly competitive market environment, in order to survive and develop, the bidder must prepare a competitive tender to win the bid and obtain the construction rights of the project.The quotation is the core content of the bidding document.It is not only the key to win the bid, but also one of the main key factors to make profits for the construction unit after winning the bid. The bill of quantities pricing is based on the company"s own characteristics, management level, enterprise quota, reference to the unified consumption quota, which is compiled according to the market price. The bidding document of this graduation project is mainly to respond to the economic bid in the bidding document. The main purpose is to make use of the quotation software and the market price we now know to quote the quantities in the bill of quantities of this project, make the engineering quotation, and finally get a reasonable engineering cost of the whole construction stage, You can win the bid.
Key words: bidder; Tender documents; Valuation with bill of quantities.
摘要 I
第一部分 毕业设计综述
第一章 毕业设计任务 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2小组任务 1
1.3个人任务 2
第二章 工作进程 3
2.1初步熟悉阶段 3
2.2对量阶段 3
2.3编制技术标阶段 3
2.4编制商务标阶段 3
第三章 毕业设计心得 4
第二部分 工程施工投标文件
第一章 投标函及投标函附录 6
1.1投标函 6
1.2投标函附录 7
第二章 法定代表人身份证明 8
第三章 授权委托书 9
第四章 投标保证金 10
第五章 已标价工程量清单 11
5.1总说明 11
5.2 投标总价 12
5.3单位工程投标报价汇总表 13
5.4分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 14
5.5总价措施项目清单与计价表 21
5.6其他项目清单与计价汇总表 23
5.7规费、税金项目清单与计价表 24
第六章 施工组织设计 25
6.1编制依据 25
6.2工程概况 26
6.3施工部署 26
6.4施工工序及做法 32
6.5施工组织设计附表 39
第七章 项目管理机构 44
7.1项目管理机构组成表 44
7.2主要人员简历表 45
第三部分 科技小论文
浅谈投标工程量清单的编制原则 46
致谢 53
参考文献 54
第一章 毕业设计任务
工程建设地点为江苏省南通市;计划开工日期为 2020 年 5月1 日,计划竣工日期为 2021年 8 月 25日,工期480日历天;本工程的质量要求应依据国家规定的建筑工程项目施工过程中的质量检查和验收的统一标准进行。建筑高度:21.8米室外地坪到六层屋面高度 耐火等级:2级 抗震设防烈度:6度 建筑结构形式:框架结构 平屋面防水等级:III级 本建筑设计使用年限:70年