2022-01-06 20:01:00
摘 要
Design calculation sheet of sewage plant in a heavy industry park
This graduation design requires a sewage treatment plant to be designed according to relevant data. After water volume demonstration, a group of treatment structures with a capacity of 2500 cubic meters per day will be proposed in the near future. In the medium term, the two groups will be the same, and in the later stage, the four groups will be the same. Through the analysis of water quality, it is known that the wastewater in the heavy industry park has a high concentration and contains a large amount of phenol and ammonia, which is a kind of industrial wastewater that is difficult to be degraded. Therefore, a three-level treatment process is designed, which is first the pretreatment process, second the secondary treatment process, and finally the three-level treatment process. The most important process is biochemical reaction process such as UASB, AA / O, MBR, etc. The main contents of the design include the demonstration of sewage quantity, process comparison and selection, calculation of each treatment structure, equipment selection, plant layout, etc. The advantage of this design is that the MBR process is adopted in the advanced treatment, and the combination of the activated sludge process and the membrane separation technology is conducive to the improvement of the degradation efficiency of the refractory organics, and the quality and stability of the effluent water.
Key word:Industrial wastewater; Wastewater treatment process; MBR
第一章、设计任务要求 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2 进出水水质 1
第二章、处理工艺选择 3
2.1 污水处理工艺流程初步选择 3
2.2 污水处理工艺比选和确定 3
第三章、污水处理构筑物的计算 6
3.1 细格栅 6
3.2 调节池 9
3.3 提升泵房 10
3.4 水解酸化池 13
3.5 UASB厌氧反应器 15
3.6 沉淀池1 18
3.7 生物接触氧化池AA/O 20
3.8 二沉池 27
3.9 臭氧消毒池 30
3.10 MBR膜生物反应器 31
3.11 清水池 33
第四章、污泥处理系统 36
4.1 处理工艺流程的选择 36
4.2 污泥回流泵房 36
4.3 污泥浓缩池 37
4.4 贮泥池 39
4.5 污泥脱水 40
第五章、污水厂布置 42
5.1 平面布置 42
5.2 高程布置 42
第六章、造价 45
第七章、总结 49
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………50
本重工业园区内多数是一些煤炭工业,还有一些煤化工业,工业园区总面积 2903公顷。工业园所在区域属于于荒漠和戈壁滩地形,地势较为平坦,地面标高31.00m。
1.2 进出水水质
表 1 进水水质监测数据 单位:mg/L(p H 值除外)
污染物项目 | 浓度 |
PH值 | 6~9 |
SS | 2400 |
CODcr | 48000 |
BOD5 | 8000 |
氨氮 | 4500 |
表 2 污水处理水质指标 单位:mg/L(p H 值除外)
污染物项目 | 浓度 |
PH值 | 6~9 |
SS | 70 |
CODcr | 150 |
BOD5 | 30 |
氨氮 | 25 |
2.1 污水处理工艺流程初步选择
选择处理深度 | |
一级 | 一级处理是用物理方法来去除水中的一些杂质,一般是一些固体悬浮物,对于本设计来说,含有大量的无机污染物就注定了无法用普通的物理方法处理使之达到可以排放的指标。物理方法一般是在二级处理之前简单的前期处理。 |
二级 | 污水中COD、BOD等指标较高的时候建厂一般会采用二级处理的工艺,来达到一个较高的去除率,使出水在要求的范围内。 |
三级 | 当污水的水质会使得水体有富营养化的风险、即里面富含氮和磷,还有一些非常难以降解有机物质污染时,需要更深一步的对水体做出净化处理。 |
结论:在本设计中重工业园区的废水浓度很高,含有大量酚氨类物质,属于难降解的工业废水,根据以上这些特点分析之后确定选择采用三级处理以满足要求,即先预处理,再生化处理,最后深度处理使得水体更加干净。 |
2.2 污水处理工艺比选和确定