2020-04-09 12:04:39
摘 要:随着社会的发展,建筑给排水节水问题成为社会关注的焦点。本文对建筑给排水节水新技术进行了介绍, 具体阐述了六种可行性措施, 包括推广应用新型节水设备, 完善热水供应循环系统, 开发中水作为第二水资源, 雨水利用和加强水表管理等, 以期达到节约水资源的目的。
关键词:建筑, 给排水, 节水设备, 中水
The water saving new technology of building water supply and sewerage
Abstract :With the development of society, building water supply and drainage water conservation issues become the focus of attention.The water saving new technology of building water supply and sewerage was introduced in this article, six feasible measures were illustrated,including popularization new water saving equipment application,completing heat water supply circular system,developing middle water as second water resource, rain water utilization and strengthening water meter management etc. , so as to obtain water saving goal.
Key words :building, water supply and sewerage, water saving equipment, middle water
1 前言
2 高层建筑给排水系统中水资源浪费现状及原因