2022-04-17 22:16:43
摘 要
本建筑为住宅楼,耐火等级为一级,建筑高度为90.40m,设计范围包括生活给水系统、排水系统、雨水系统以及消防给排水工程设计。生活用水、消防用水均以城市自来水为供水水源。从城市自来水管引入一路进水管DN250,在小区内形成环网,提供市政给水压力为0.20MPa。给水采用分区供水,-1层~ 3层为市政管网直接供水区,4层~ 12层为低区,由小区生活变频供水加压设备供水;13层~ 22层为中区,由小区生活变频供水加压设备供水;23层~ 31层为高区,由小区生活变频供水加压设备供水;本建筑采用污水、废水分流的排水体制。消火栓均采用地下式,以便消防车向室内消防管网供水。消火栓系统的初期灭火是由水箱供水,后期供水是由地下室的加压水泵供水到高区。关键词:分区供水 变频供水 分流排水 消防
Qian Long Thanh Building 4 high-rise building water supply and drainage design
Abstract: The construction of residential buildings, fire-resistant grade level, building height of 90.40m, includes a range of domestic water supply system, drainage system, rainwater drainage systems and fire protection engineering design. Domestic water, fire water supply for the city water are water. All the way from the city water pipe is introduced into the pipe DN250, form a ring network in the district, provide municipal water pressure is 0.20MPa. Water Water use zoning, level -1 to 3 layers of the municipal pipe network water supply area, 4 layers to 12 layers for the low zone, by the cell life frequency of water supply equipment, water supply pressure; 13 layers to 22 layers of the area by the cell life frequency of water supply equipment, water supply pressure; 23 layers to 31 layers high area by the cell life frequency of water supply equipment, water supply pressure; this building is sewage, waste water diversion drainage system. Underground fire hydrants are used to fire water supply pipe to the indoor fire. Early fire hydrant water supply system from the tank, the late supply by pressurized water is pumped into the basement of a high region.
Keywords: Water Partition;Frequency of water supply;Drainage shunt;Firefighting
摘要 II
Abstract III
第一章 建筑内部给水系统 1
1.1项目概况 1
1.2设计依据 1
1.3给水条件及形式选择 1
1.4给水管网布置 1
1.5生活用水量计算 1
1.5.1最高日用水量的计算 1
1.5.2最大时用水量的计算 2
1.5.3设计秒流量 2
1.6给水管网水力计算 2
1.6.1室内市政直供区给水管网水力计算 2
1.6.2室内低区给水管网水力计算 6
1.6.3室内中区给水管网水力计算 11
1.6.4室内高区给水管网水力计算 16
1.7水泵机组的选择及减压阀的计算 21
第二章 建筑内部排水系统 22
2.1排水系统水力计算 22
2.2排水管计算 22
2.3化粪池计算 26
2.4排水管道安装要求 27
第三章 建筑雨水系统 28
3.1设计概况 28
3.2普通外排水系统设计计算 28
3.2.1设计暴雨强度 28
3.2.2汇水面积 28
3.2.3雨水量计算 28
3.2.4雨水斗泄流量 29
第四章 消火栓系统 31
4.1消火栓的布置 31
4.2水枪喷嘴处所需的水压 31
4.3水枪喷嘴的出流量 31
4.4水带阻力 31
4.5消火栓口所需的水压 31
4.6室内消火栓立管管径确定 32
4.7校核 32
4.8水力计算 32
4.9消防水箱 33
4.10消防贮水池 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35
- 建筑内部给水系统
(2)建筑设计防火规范GB50016 (2014年版)
(6)消防给水及消火栓系统技术规范GB50974 (2014年版)
-1层~ 3层为市政管网直接供水区;[3-7]
4层~ 12层为低区,由小区生活变频供水加压设备供水;