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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文

高墩大跨(66 120 66)m预应力混凝土连续刚构桥设计毕业论文

 2021-04-26 22:40:45  

摘 要







关键词: Midas;连续刚构桥;内力验算;桥梁结构


The graduation design is about the design of continuous rigid frame bridge. its span is 66 120 66m. This bridge structure is good at its rigidity, and it is comfortable to drive on it and the pile beam consolidation makes it easier to construct. Therefore, in recent years, the application of continuous rigid frame bridge is more common.

Before the bridge design work, the need for bridge engineering, basic engineering and structural mechanics and other subjects to conduct a comprehensive review. So as to be able to design the bridge of the various aspects of the force. So when we design the bridge that can be more relaxed and convenient. And we also need to be familiar with the Midas software application, which is conducive to the correct establishment of the model structure.

The first step in the design is familiar with the topography of the bridge site and geological conditions. And then we can start to choose the bridge type of comparison. The design of the bridge from the force and the advantages and disadvantages of several bridge structures were compared. The continuous rigid bridge is the final selection of for the design of the bridge. And then we should decide the initial development of the bridge geometry, where need for more reference to the information to make the appropriate choice.

Then, we can start Midas software by using the proposed size.We can build a bridge model. The results from the model is estimated to calculate the number of the prestressed beam. And then the steel beam and mobile load construction stage can be imported in the model.Now we can start the various stages of the internal force calculation, such as the main section of the main compressive stress calculation.

In addition, the design also takes the impact of prestress loss and secondary forces on the structure into account and get the results of the analysis. The design add vehicle load and shrinkage into the model and so on to ensure the safety of bridge design. Finally, the design of the bridge deck and the lower structure is done by hand.

According to the Midas calculation results and through manual checking.The results of the analysis shows that the graduation design method is correct.The construction phase and the use of section of the internal force and stress are in line with the requirements and the design task is completed.

Key words: Midas; continuous rigid frame bridge; internal force checking; bridge structure

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 桥型方案的比选 1

1.1 设计初始资料 1

1.1.1 桥位以及水文情况 1

1.1.2 工程地质概况 2

1.1.3 设计标准及规范 5

1.2 方案比选 5

1.2.1 方案一:三跨预应力混凝土连续刚构桥 5

1.2.2 方案二:三跨连续梁桥 6

1.2.3 方案比较 8

1.3 连续刚构桥简介 9

第2章 桥梁总体布置及结构主要尺寸 11

2.1 桥跨布置 11

2.2 上部结构尺寸拟定 11

2.2.1 跨度 11

2.2.2 主梁高度 11

2.2.3 箱梁腹板厚度 12

2.2.4 箱梁底板厚度 12

2.2.5 箱梁顶板厚度 12

2.3 下部结构尺寸拟定 14

2.3.1 墩身尺寸的拟定 14

2.3.2 桩基础尺寸的拟定 14

2.4 主梁分段与施工阶段的划分 15

2.4.1 分段原则 15

2.4.2 具体分段 15

2.4.3 施工方案及注意事项 15

第3章 建模 17

3.1 概述 17

3.2 模型的建立 17

3.2.1 节段的划分 17

3.2.2 材料参数 17

3.2.3 荷载参数 18

3.2.4 截面的定义以及边界条件的添加 19

3.2.5 施工阶段的定义 19

3.2.6最终模型 20

第4章 桥梁结构内力计算 21

4.1 桥梁恒载内力计算 21

4.1.1 计算阶段划分 21

4.1.2 施工阶段内力计算 21

4.2 桥梁活载内力计算 26

4.2.1 横向分布系数 26

4.2.2 冲击系数 26

4.2.3 人群荷载 26

4.2.4 基础变位 26

第5章 预应力钢筋设计 28

5.1 纵向预应力筋估算 28

5.1.1 手算原理及方法 28

5.1.2 手算电算结果及对比 31

5.2 预应力损失及有效预应力计算 32

5.2.1 预应力筋与管道之间的摩擦引起的预应力损失 32

5.2.2锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的应力损失 33

5.2.3 预应力钢筋与台座之间的温差引起的损失 33

5.2.4 弹性压缩损失 34

5.2.5 钢筋松驰引起的应力损失 34

5.2.6 混凝土收缩和徐变引起的预应力损失 35

5.2.7 预应力损失计算结果 35

第6章 次内力计算及内力组合 38

6.1 预应力次内力 38

6.1.1 预应力次内力计算方法 38

6.1.2 预应力次内力计算结果 38

6.2 收缩次内力 39

6.3 徐变次内力 41

6.3.1 徐变变形对结构内力的影响 41

6.3.2 徐变次内力计算方法 41

6.3.3 徐变次内力计算结果 42

6.4 温度次内力 43

6.4.1 温度变化对结构的影响 43

6.4.2 温度变化次内力计算方法 44

6.4.3 温度次内力计算结果 44

6.5 荷载组合 46

6.5.1 作用分类和作用效应 46

6.5.2 按承载能力极限状态组合 46

6.5.3 按正常使用极限状态组合 48

第7章 主要截面验算 52

7.1承载能力极限状态截面验算 52

7.1.1 计算依据 52

7.1.1计算结果 52

7.2 正常使用极限状态截面验算 54

7.2.1 施工阶段正截面法向应力验算 54

7.2.2 正截面抗裂验算 56

7.3 扰度验算 59

第8章 行车道板计算 60

8.1中间单向板计算 60

8.1.1 恒载内力 60

8.1.2 活载内力 60

8.1.3 荷载组合 61

8.2外边梁悬臂板内力计算 61

8.2.1 恒载内力 61

8.2.2 活载内力 62

8.2.3 荷载组合 62

8.3配筋设计 63

8.3.1 支点处配筋 63

8.3.2 跨中配筋 63

第9章 下部结构计算 65

9.1桥墩计算 65

9.1.1 内力计算 65

9.1.2 截面设计 65

9.1.3 截面复核 66

9.2钻孔灌注桩计算 66

9.2.1 基本假定 66

9.2.2 桩径桩长拟定 67

9.2.3 桩基础内力计算 67

9.2.4 桩基础内力验算 72

9.2.5 桩身配筋计算 73

参考文献 75

第1章 桥型方案的比选


1.1 设计初始资料

1.1.1 桥位以及水文情况

(1) 河流概况

该河为地表水流的汇集和排洪通道,该河纵面顺直,河床面较窄,水面宽 。水量大小受季节影响明显,但常年有水,水深 。 年代农田水利大修时,该河桥址处将河滩改为大面积(约 亩)粮田,上覆 的暗拱涵。 年该流域发洪水桥址区域全部被淹,最高洪水位 。

(2) 桥址特征

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