2021-05-15 22:18:18
摘 要
The graduation project is designed in accordance with the mission statement designed to provide teachers and the highway bridge’’ requirement,elect the bridge programme and design the road bridge of Xianyao River road Cross Han Nanhe bridge project. The design of the bridge is firlished in a spirit of "security, economic, aesthetic, application" principles. In the design, list two different bridge-based programme of the design and made a comparison between and select: one is prestressed concrete simple supported beam Bridge, the other is prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges. For the above principles and through construction, and other aspects to consider, more determined the prestressed concrete simple supported beam bridge (anchoring cone tool) as recommended.
In the design, the main analysis is the applications of the simple supported beam bridge in the application works, role situation of hang out and live out. Use the size and respect factor of the main beam reinforcement, load sets degrees for a hang contained endogenous force for the calculation; and use lever principles france, partial pressure france to derive the horizontal distribution of load factor; and use the largest load the constitution and use the largest load the constitution for the law contained live calculation. Know clearly simple supported beam reinforcement of the calculation, the estimates of numbers anchorage zone local strength loss calculations, the cross-section of the intensity and stress simple supported beam reinforcement which checked, the Department of beam reinforcement local vessels who checked (intensity checking computations and resistance cracks calculation).
All of the design drawings in the design using computer-aided design CAD mapping, computer archiving and typesetting , printing out maps and brochures calculation.
Keywords: prestressed concrete 、simple supported beam bridge,、anchoring cone tool
目 录
第1章 绪论 4
1.1 本课题的提出及研究意义 4
1.2 本课题的研究现状 4
1.3 本课题的内容与方法 5
第2章 上部结构计算 6
2.1 概况 6
2.1.1 项目概况 6
2.1.2 地质勘探资料 6
2.1.3 桥梁主要技术标准 7
2.1.4 主要参考规范 7
2.1.5 主要材料 7
2.2 建立结构模型 9
2.2.1 计算荷载 9
2.2.2 计算模型 11
2.2.3 施工阶段划分 14
2.2.4 全桥三维图 14
2.3 桥博结果输出 15
2.3.1 输出总体信息 15
2.3.2 输出单元信息 16
2.3.3 输出钢束信息 24
2.3.4 输出施工信息 28
2.1.3 输出使用阶段信息 34
2.4 纵向计算 37
2.4.1 承载能力极限状态计算 37
2.4.2 正常使用极限状态计算 39
2.4.3 持久状况构件的应力验算 46
2.4.4 短暂状况构件的应力验算 53
第3章 桥墩计算 53
3.1 盖梁计算 53
3.1.1 计算假定 53
3.1.2 计算荷载 54
3.1.3 计算模型 55
3.1.4 持久状况承载能力极限状态计算 58
3.1.5 正常使用极限状态计算 60
3.2 墩柱计算 60
3.2.1 恒载计算 60
3.2.2 活载计算 61
3.2.3 刚度计算 62
3.2.4 制动力计算 62
3.2.5 温度力计算 63
3.2.6 各墩台水平力汇总 63
3.2.7 荷载组合计算 64
3.2.8 墩柱验算 65
3.3 桩基计算 65
3.3.1 单桩容许承载力验算 65
3.3.2 桩基承载能力计算 67
3.3.3 桩基裂缝宽度验算 69
第4章 桥台计算 71
4.1 桥台计算 71
4.1.1 恒载计算 72
4.1.2 桥台自重 72
4.2 土压力计算 72
4.2.1 后台填土引起的土压力计算 74
4.2.2 后台有车(车辆荷载)引起的土压力计算 76
4.3 台身底面以上所有恒载对A的偏心距 76
4.3.1 承台顶面周边土重 76
4.3.2 支座摩阻力 77
4.3.3 全桥三维图 77
4.3.4 桥台盖梁单元划分 77
4.3.5 荷载组合 79
4.4 桥台桩基础计算 79
4.4.1 桩基计算 79
4.4.2 桩身强度验算 80
4.4.3 桩身裂缝验算(极限承载力法) 80
4.4.4 钻孔摩擦桩容许承载力计算 80
参考文献 82
结束语 83
致谢 84
第1章 绪论