2022-05-09 23:37:16
摘 要
本次毕业设计的题目为“泰州市建筑设计研究院办公楼设计(方案一)”,采用钢筋混凝土结构,共六层,建筑面积约为3600 m2,分为建筑和结构两部分。
The design of the graduation-product content to have reinforced concrete frame building, The construct area is about 3600 ㎡. The building drawing up to set up is total 6floors high . Construction and structure is divided into two parts .
Architectural design is the premise of the overall plan, according to the design task, considering the functional use,construction, materials, construction equipment, architectural art and economy. Address the layout and architectural details of various structures, and the final design, construction painted map. Structural design is preliminary design of the buildings identified on the basis of the structure of the program; Choosing a rational structure of the system; the structural layout, and a preliminary estimate, to determine structural component size, structure calculation. Structural load calculation packages, checking deformation, stress analysis and design section.
The completion of the structure of the calculation, based on the construction program and structural design is complete structure of the construction design. The program for a building, the main part of the five-storey reinforced concrete frame structure, the actual situation of Hefei, The basic seismic intensity venues for the seven, the basic design of the earthquake acceleration 0.10g/kg/d. a seismic design for the first team and the construction site for the Class III category. Structural Design is the main framework for the design stage, we must first meet the horizontal seismic forces under the framework of the lateral checked, conducting seismic calculation of the level of force used in the base shear, and the use of secondary distribution method moment right framework for calculating internal forces.
Part of the design basis, according to the geological data, the basis for the use of precast form pile, and a cap, Pile the design and calculation.
key Words: Reinforced concrete frame ; The lotus carry; Inside the dint combine; Go together with Ji
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 工程及建筑设计概况 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 气象条件 1
1.3 工程地质资料 1
1.4 结构和基础的安全等级 4
1.5 荷载取值 4
1.6 施工技术条件 4
1.7 材料供应 4
1.8 水、电供应 4
1.9建筑设计 5
1.9.1 平面设计 5
1.9.2 立面设计 5
1.9.3 剖面设计 5
第二章 结构的选型与布置 6
2.1确定计算简图 6
2.2梁、柱截面尺寸 6
2.3材料强度等级 6
2.4 荷载计算 7
2.4.1 屋面横梁竖向线荷载标准值 7
2.4.2 楼面横梁竖向线荷载标准值 8
2.4.3 屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值 9
2.4.4 楼面框架节点集中荷载标准值 10
2.5 风荷载 11
2.6 地震作用 12
2.6.1 建筑物总重力荷载代表值Gi的计算 12
2.6.2 地震作用计算 14
第三章 框架内力计算 17
3.1 恒载作用下的框架内力 17
3.1.1计算弯矩分配系数 17
3.1.2 杆件固端弯矩 18
3.1.3 节点不平衡弯矩 19
3.1.4 内力计算 20
3.2 活载作用下的框架内力 23
3.2.1 横梁固端弯矩 23
3.2.2 纵梁引起柱端附加弯矩 23
3.2.3 本工程考虑如下四种最不利组合 23
3.2.4 各节点不平衡弯矩 26
3.2.5 内力计算 26
3.3风荷载作用内力计算 38
3.3.1 水平风载作用下框架层间剪力 39
3.3.2 确定各层柱反弯点位置 39
3.3.3 内力计算 41
3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 42
3.4.1 0.5(雪 活)重力荷载作用下横向框架的内力计算 42
3.4.2 地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 47
第四章 框架内力组合 58
4.1 横向框架梁弯矩调幅 58
4.2 横向框架内力组合 58
第五章 框架梁柱截面设计 59
第六章 楼梯结构计算设计 79
6.1 梯段板计算 79
6.1.1 荷载计算 79
6.1.2 内力计算 80
6.1.3 配筋计算 80
6.2 休息平台板计算 80
6.2.1 荷载计算 80
6.2.2 内力计算 81
6.2.3.配筋计算 81
6.3 梯段梁TL1计算 81
6.3.1 荷载计算 81
6.3.2 内力计算 81
6.3.3 配筋计算 81
第七章 现浇楼面板设计 82
7.1 跨中最大弯矩 83
7.2 求支座中点最大弯矩 83
7.3 A区格 84
7.4 配筋计算 84
第八章 基础设计 88
10.1 选择桩型、桩端持力层、承台埋深 88
10.1.1 选择桩型 88
10.1.2 选择桩的几何尺寸以及承台埋深 88
10.2 确定单桩极限承载力标准值 89
10.3 承台计算 90
10.3.1 承台受冲切承载力验算 90
10.3.2 承台受剪承载力计算 81
10.3.3 承台受弯承载力计算 81
结束语 93
致谢 94
参考文献 95
第一章 工程及建筑设计概况
1.1 工程概况
1.2 气象资料
1.3 工程地质资料