2023-01-30 10:35:28
摘 要
Compilation of BIM-based bidding control price documents for yibin office building project
With the development of information technology in construction industry, BIM and other technologies have been widely used in construction engineering. The introduction of these new technologies has changed the traditional production mode and management mode, improved the production efficiency and management level of enterprises, and improved the production efficiency of the construction industry. Now, the construction engineering industry has gone from the initial stage of doubting and not knowing whether to use BIM to the stage of exploring how to use BIM well. In order to complete the project on time with high quality, it is very necessary to use information methods. And with the complexity and artistry of architectural modeling nowadays, better grasp of bidding control price has become the key to bidding and tendering work, and improve the accuracy of the calculation of project amount. After years of market gestation and trial, BIM technology has started to accelerate. This has greatly improved the tendering and bidding consulting agencies and service agencies work accuracy and engineering management level. In the bidding, the BIM model built by us can automatically derive the geometry and material properties of the building, making the information of the whole construction process convenient and the benefits significant.This project, on the basis of BIM, compiles bidding control price documents for yibin office building project, and makes reasonable bidding price. In order to complete the compilation of bidding control price documents, we need to complete the establishment of civil engineering and steel reinforcement model, have an accurate grasp of the engineering quantity, and use pricing software to complete the compilation of bidding documents. Finally, we need to export the forms we need.
Keywords: building information model; Informatization of construction industry; Bidding work; The management level.
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一部分 毕业设计综述 1
第一章 工程概况 1
1 基础结构 1
2 主体结构 1
3 装饰工程 1
第二章 毕业设计过程描述 2
1 任务介绍 2
1.1 建模阶段 2
1.2 编制招标控制价文件阶段 2
2 工作进程 2
2.1 熟悉图纸 2
2.2 建立模型 2
2.3 编制招标控制价文件 11
2.4 整理修订 11
3 总结 11
3.1 收获 11
3.2 体会 12
3.3 建议 12
第二部分 宜宾办公楼工程招标控制价编制 14
第一章 广联达算量成果 15
1 土建算量报表: 15
1.1 清单定额汇总表 15
1.2 工程综合指标表 22
1.3 广联达算量与手工算量对比分析 23
2钢筋算量报表 25
1.4 工程技术指标 25
1.5 钢筋经济指标表(一) 25
1.6 构件汇总信息明细表 28
1.7 楼层构件类型级别直径汇总表 34
第二章 招标控制价文件 45
2.1 单位工程招标控制价汇总表 49
2.2 分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 50
2.3 总价措施项目清单与计价表 56
2.4 其他项目清单与计价汇总表 59
2.5 暂列金额明细表 60
2.6 材料(工程设备)暂估价及调整表 60
2.7 专业工程暂估价及结算价表 61
2.8 计日工表 61
2.9 总承包服务费计价表 62
2.10 规费、税金项目计价表 63
2.11 发包人提供主要材料和工程设备一览表 63
2.12 承包人提供主要材料和工程设备一览表 64
2.13 分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表 65
2.14 措施全费用综合单价分析表 74
第三部分 科技小论文 75
BIM在工程造价全过程的应用探讨 75
结 束 语 79
谢 辞 80
参 考 文 献 81
- 工程概况
1 基础结构
2 主体结构
3 装饰工程