2020-02-16 23:43:53
摘 要
As an important parameter in the dynamic features of soil of geotechnical engineering, small-strain parameter is of great significance in the research fields of soil deformation prediction and disaster prevention and control. The small-strain of soil can generally be regarded as linear elastic. The shear modulus of small-strain is one of the important parameters of small-strain. Therefore, it is important to find a simple, fast and accurate method to measure the small-strain shear modulus of soil. The main methods of measuring the velocity of shear wave are resonant column method and bender element method. The reliability of the resonance column method for testing the small-strain shear modulus of soil has been recognized widely. However, there are some disputes on how to accurately determine the arriving time of shear wave by using bender element method.
In this paper, on the basis of previous research conditions, the Fujian standard sand and quartz glass beads were taken as the research object. Based on the accepted reliability of the resonance column instrument, a set of bender element- resonance column tester was developed by combining the bender element and the resonant column instrument, and found the method to determine the initial arriving time of shear wave accurately. In addition, based on the laboratory test of the bender element of quartz glass beads, this paper reproduces the whole process of the laboratory test of bender element test through the DEM software PFC3D, and discussed the process of shear wave propagation in granular materials from the perspective of microscopy comparing the difference between DEM and physical method. The following research contents are as follows:
1. The test principle and structure of the bender element and resonant column instrument are introduced, and the disputes of the two test methods were summarized, expounded the theoretical foundation for the combining of the bender element and the resonant column.
2. The joint equipment of bender element and resonant column was reformed, and the resonant column with bender element was re-calibrated.Fujian standard sand dry sand and quartz glass beads were investigated respectively by using bender elements-resonant column joint tester.They were investigated under the same sample compactness, two different confining pressure conditions.The reliability of the initial wave method to determine the propagation time of the shear wave is verified. At the same time, the take-off point of the peak located before the main peak of the received wave (the maximum peak of the amplitude) is the most accurate point, which is consistent with the value of the resonance column test.Experiments on two different materials show that this method is applicable to materials of different shapes and sizes.
3. In order to investigate the propagation process of shear wave in soil particles, PFC3D was used to simulate the velocity of shear wave measurement test of bender element test in the laboratory.It is realized through following steps:contact constitutive model selection, mesoscopic parameter selection, modeling and running program.Finally, the simulated bending element test results are compared with the laboratory test results to find the connection between macro wave response and mesoscopic transmission mechanism.
The conclusion is drawn from the study: it is necessary to use the bender element- resonance column tester to measure the velocity of shear wave of soil.In the selection of contact constitutive model for discrete element simulation, it is found that hertz-mindlin model is more reasonable.By comparing the simulated waveform with the physical test waveform, it is found that the waveform measured by the two methods is very similar under the same excitation frequency.It is observed that the law of force transfer shows the same trend as the shear wave shape, that is, the wave shape develops from top to bottom.In terms of the distribution of displacement, the particle displacement in the whole sample increases obviously with time, and the process of downward fluctuation transfer occurs.In the process of propagation, the displacement field gradually decreases, and the amplitude of elastic wave is negatively correlated with the propagation distance, which is consistent with the propagation characteristics of real shear wave in soil.
Key Words: small-strain; shear modulus; bender elements; resonant column; discrete element methods; shear wave
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 土体小应变模量 2
1.3 小应变剪切模量的测量方法 3
1.4 本文研究内容 5
第二章 试验设备改造与实现 7
2.1试验设备简介 7
2.1.1 弯曲元原理简介 7
2.1.2 共振柱原理简介 9
2.2试验原理 11
2.2.1 剪切波初始到达时间的影响因素及解决办法 12
2.2.2 剪切波到达时间的判定方法 12
2.3共振柱—弯曲元联合试验装置的开发及标定 13
第三章 共振柱—弯曲元联合测试试验 17
3.1 试验材料 17
3.1.1福建标准砂 17
3.1.2 石英玻璃珠 18
3.2 试验方案 19
3.3 试验结果对比 20
第四章 弯曲元剪切波的离散元模拟 22
4.1 离散元模拟介绍 22
4.1.1离散元基本原理和应用 22
4.1.2接触本构模型 22
4.2 建模过程 23
4.2.1 三轴室的生成 24
4.2.2 颗粒的生成 24
4.2.3 加载过程及激发剪切波过程 25
4.2.4 接触本构模型的选择 28
4.3 参数的选取、标定 29
4.4 数值模拟与物理试验对比 30
4.5 剪切波细观传播特性分析 32
4.5.1 力的传递规律 32
4.5.2 位移分布规律 33
第五章 结论与展望 35
5.1 本文主要结论 35
5.2 进一步研究建议 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 40
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
图1.1 各荷载条件下岩土体的应变范围 (汪中卫等[6],2007)
1.2 土体小应变模量