2023-01-09 11:48:19
原文作者 M.C.Wittrock 单位 全国数学教师委员会
首先,我们可以为数学学习方面的研究感到自豪,包括课程材料的开发。第二点是建议 数学学习方面的研究应该越来越多地致力于研究学生在学习数学时所从事的一步一步的、具体的、更高层次的智力过程。例如当他们加、减、微分和积分时。
关键词:数学学习; 生成性; 认知
图1所示。看看上面的黑色物体。他们是什么?(改编自W. Brown和H. Gilhousen,《大学心理学》,1950年,Prentice-Hall提供)
这个过程其实很简单。首先,你根据他们的构成把东西分成不同的组。当然,一堆可能就足够了,这取决于有多少工作要做。如果由于缺乏设施而不得不下一步去其他地方,那么您已经做好了准备。 重要的是不要过度努力。也就是说,一次做的事情太少总比做的事情太多好。从短期来看,这似乎并不重要,但过多的操作很容易产生并发症。一个错误也可能是代价高昂的。适当机制的操作应该是不言自明的,我们在这里不必赘述。起初,整个过程似乎很复杂。然而,很快,它将成为生活的另一个方面。在不久的将来,很难预见这项任务的必要性会有什么结束,但谁也说不准。[布兰斯福德和约翰逊,1972年]
第一个字符串 (17) (683) (9452) (7) (56)
第二个字符串 (176) (8) (394) (5275) (6)
每个字符串的数字及其顺序在整个字符串中均保持不变,而分组从第一个字符串更改为第二个字符串。结果表明,更改字符串的组织并不能改善跨字符串的学习效果,尽管数字和字符串的表示顺序保持不变。 显然,每个字符串都是像一个全新的字符串那样学习的。通过改变结构组织,似乎向学习者提出了一项新任务。实际上,根据跨字符串数字的相似性,可以在此任务中预测到主动干扰。由于没有发生数字之间的主动干扰,这可能意味着这组数字被视为要学习的单元。需要检查学习和存储的单元的概念。这些单位可能比假定的要大。
第三个关于结构组织的实证研究(Marks,Doctorow,amp; Wittrock, 1974)涉及公立学校儿童的阅读教学。222名学生被随机分配到两种不同的情况下,这两种情况下20%的单词的意义不同。根据上述假设,可以预测词汇的语义属性将决定对故事的理解和记忆。预测的原因与全有或全无假设有关。通过增加词汇的意义,叙事的组织应该在全有或全无的基础上被发现。
阅读理解和记忆后测正确率的均值和标准差 |
阅读 水平 |
高于受试者阅读水平的理解测试 |
主体阅读水平的理解测验 |
完形力测试 |
高频率处理 |
低频率处理 |
高频率处理 |
低频率处理 |
高频率处理 |
低频率处理 |
高 |
73(14) |
48(19) |
67(14) |
47(17) |
58(15) |
36(16) |
中 |
74(14) |
47(16) |
57(14) |
29(13) |
53(16) |
31(15) |
低 |
71(14) |
45(22) |
61(14) |
36(15) |
55(15) |
20(16) |
51(14) |
29(14) |
第四项研究(Wittrock,Doctorow,amp;Marks,即将出版)旨在通过使用熟悉的组织(熟悉的故事)向482名小学生教授新单词的含义,以此进一步测试上述生成性学习的概念。再次有理由认为,熟悉的结构组织可以使孩子“发现”新单词的含义而无需为他定义。从表2可以看出本研究的结果,使用常用的教材。所有的孩子都读过两次相同的故事。 但是,高意义组首先阅读了一个熟悉的版本,该版本使用了非常有意义的单词,然后阅读了相同的故事,但使用了许多新的不熟悉的同义词,这些同义词并没有改变故事的含义。 对照组两次阅读了低义词版本。 在测试不熟悉的单词的定义时,首先阅读故事的熟悉版本的小组比对照组要好得多。
阅读理解和记忆后测正确率的均值和标准差 |
阅读水平 |
测试 |
四个实验组的平均得分 |
阅读 |
听力 |
(1)高频率 |
(2)低频率 |
(3)高频率 |
(4)低频率 |
低 |
理解 词汇 保留 |
7.0 7.3 19.2 |
4.2 5.3 8.9 |
8.1 7.8 20.2 |
3.9 5.7 9.0 |
中 |
理解 词汇 保留 |
6.9 10.9 45.5 |
4.0 7.0 25.2 |
7.9 10.2 52.4 |
4.2 7.1 24.5 |
高 |
理解 词汇 保留 |
7.3 12.7 53.6 |
4.8 10.5 26.6 |
7.8 13.5 61.2 |
4.7 10.1 26.4 |
在结构组织这一节的结尾,我们应该提到David Ausubel的研究,他是这一领域的先驱,在有意义的语言学习方面著述颇多。奥苏贝尔对学习佛教的研究,作为一种新的组织,可以强加于一个人以前学过的宗教,继续激起人们对结构组织的兴趣。
从S-R的角度看,本顿·安德伍德(1957)也在这一领域开展了工作,他的经典研究是关于主动学习和记忆过程的重要性。无论是联想方法还是认知方法都能够处理这些研究的数据。事实上,当这两种方法在一项关于句子记忆的研究中进行显式测试时(Anderson amp; Bower, 1971),联想模型得到了支持。
An important, welcome evolution from behaviorism to cognitivism is occurring in the study of human learning and retention. As a result of recent research, our understanding of the processes involved in cognition and in the learning of mathematics is increasing.
As a way to organize some of this research and to focus interest on its meaning for mathematics education, this paper will begin with a hypothesis about human learning that has been developed from the investigators re- search in cognition, discovery learning, and instruction in schools. It will then present a sample of the empirical studies that led to the generation of the hypothesis. Finally, some of the meaning of this research for mathematics learning will be discussed.
The first point to emerge will be that we can be proud of the research in the learning of mathematics, including the development of curricular materials. The second point will be a recommendation that research in mathematics learning should increasingly be devoted to studying the step- by-step specific and higher-order intellectual processes that students engage in when they learn mathematics; such as when they are adding, subtracting, differentiating, and integrating
The hypothesis and empirical studies presented in this paper focus on the cognitive, generative processes that are involved in the learning of mathematics. These processes could perhaps be presented in simpler S-R terminology. The cognitive model emphasizes the learners active, step- by-step processing of information, and is more compatible with the authors point of view.
The data to be discussed will probably arouse recollections of the dilemmas about nativism and the role of abstractions in memory,which Plato and Aristotle wrote about. In the Meno,Socrates taught the slave boy to prove that the diagonal of a square is equal to the side of a square twice the area of the given square。To Plato,it seemed that the abstraction were inherited and primary.
Aristotle circumvented Platos stress on nativism and the primacy of abstractions by reducing the abstractions to the commonalities across particulars. He made sensory data and the particulars the focus of human learning. The hypothesis and data presented here may appear to raise again this ancient dilemma. The reader is left to decide whether or not that is the case.
Learning as a generative process
Succinctly, but abstractly stated, the hypothesis is that human learning with understanding is a generative process involving the construction of (a) organizational structures for storing and retrieving information, and (b) processes for relating new information to the stored inform
Stated more directly, all learning that involves understanding is discovery learning. We can determine the effects of instruction in terms of what the instruction causes the learner to do. Effective instruction causes the learner to generate a relationship between new information and previous experience.
Further, one should not construe learning, even so-called reception learning, as a passive reception of someone elses organizations and abstractions. It is better to look beyond the nominal stimuli to the functional stimuli they become for the learner. In the past, the importance of the environment and instruction on the learner has been emphasized. New stress must be placed on the active role of the individual in learning.
From this point of view, there is no one best method of teaching all students, although there may be one best logical organization of the subject matter. It is possible for reception-learning treatments to lead to discovery learning, contingent on the teachers ability to build on the learners previous knowledge and upon what the instruction causes the learner to do. A variety of teaching methods will be needed by each student, depending on his background and its relationship to the subject matter he is taught.
In sum, learning with understanding can occur with discovery treatments or with reception treatments. The important point is what these treatments cause the learner to do.
One way to summarize the above conception is as follows. Although a student may not understand sentences spoken to him by his teacher, it is highly likely that a student understands sentences that he generates himself. In this context, generation and understanding are closely related; possibly one causes the other, or perhaps the terms are synonymous.
Demonstrations of learning as a generative process.
The above argument may be elaborated by presenting two brief demonstrations, one perceptual and one verbal. For the first demonstration, look at the black irregularly shaped objects in Figure 1. What does one see?
Fig. 1. Look at the black objects above. What are they? (adapted from W. Brown and H. Gilhousen, College Psychology, 1950, courtesy Prentice-Hall.)
One probably sees only black irregularly shaped objects because previous experience has trained one to treat black as foreground on white pages, and also because one was instructed to process the information as black irregularly shaped objects.
Now process the information in Figure 1 differently. Process the black as background and the white as foreground. One will see the word PLAY in capital letters. The point here is that the way in which one processes structurally organized information is crucial to the meaning derived from it. The reader might reflect on this example the next time his students dont get the point. They may be generating black objects instead of words.
For a demonstration from the verbal area, read the paragraph in Figure 2 and generate a title for it. The words seem to apply to many tasks,but identifying a specific title is difficult for most readers.
The paragraph seems very vague-until one is told that the title of the passage is 'Washing Clo