2023-03-21 17:59:31
Noelia Saacute;nchez-Peacute;rez amp; Carmen Gonzaacute;lez-Salinas
通信。Carmen Gonzaacute;lez Salinas.Facultad de Psicologiacute;a, Campus Universitario de Espinardo - 30100 Murcia (Espantilde;a) 电子邮件: cgonzale@um.es
copy; 教育与心理学I D i和EOS编辑部(西班牙)。
收到了。 04/30/13最初 接受。06/03/13最终验收:07/19/13
Ajuste Escolar del Alumnado con TDAH: Factores de Riesgo Cognitivos, Emocionales y Temperamentales
接收。 30/04/13正式 受理: 03/06/2013最终受理:19/07/13
一个考虑到适应过程中两类变量的影响的概念是调整。这个概念指的是一个人的特点(例如,他们的能力、个性和兴趣)与环境中的要求和机会之间的协调程度(Chess amp; Thomas, 1990)。在学校环境中,积极的调整会促进建设性的经验,而不良的调整则会带来消极的经验。同时,积极和/或消极经验的积累会影响儿童对他们自己、学校、教师和同伴的表述和评价(Rothbart amp; Jones, 1998)。如果典型发展的儿童发现很难适应教育环境的要求,那么对于有缺陷的儿童来说,这当然更加困难。
作为构成课堂多样性的特殊教育需求人群的一部分,估计有5%的学童存在注意力缺陷障碍,可能还伴有多动症(ADHD)。这种疾病的临床表现可通过以下症状来确定。(1)注意力不集中,表现为没有充分注意细节,或在学校作业或其他活动中不小心犯错;(2)多动,即过度运动和难以坚持安静的活动;(3)冲动,或发出草率的反应或行动(First, Frances, amp; Pincus, 2002)。
与正常发育的儿童相比,多动症儿童在获得数学和语言技能方面存在缺陷(Bruce, Thernlund amp; Nettelbladt, 2006; Kim amp; Kaiser, 2000; McConaughy, Volpe, Antshel, Gordon amp; Eiraldi, 2011)。这两个子领域对学业成功极为重要,因为它们是其他类型的学校学习的基础。
在研究这些学术困难的原因时,最新的研究指出了执行功能(EF)的缺陷(Lambek等人,2011年;Schoemaker等人,2012年;Willcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone amp; Pennington, 2005年)。执行功能的概念将一系列认知技能组合在一起,这些技能需要自愿和有意地在工作记忆中保持信息,管理和整合信息,以及解决刺激和反应选项之间的冲突(关于回顾,见Miyake amp; Fiedman, 2012)。让我们考虑一下执行功能的每一个组成部分,以及它们是如何介入教学过程的。
第二部分是抑制性控制,指的是激活特定的信息,当这些信息不是最充分的,或者是不正确的,就抑制自动反应。抑制性控制在一些活动中得到实践,在这些活动中,儿童必须对某些刺激作出反应,而忽略其他刺激,遵循教师以前的指示,或者当学生必须抵制玩耍的诱惑而不完成他们的学校作业。一些研究发现,与典型发育的儿童相比,多动症儿童的抑制性控制能力较弱(Lambek等人,2011年;Schoemaker等人,2012年)。至于抑制性控制在学习成绩中的作用,答案来自于对非临床人群的研究,该技能的分数越高,在数学、字母识别和语音意识方面的表现就越好(Blair amp; Razza, 2007)。
执行功能的第三个组成部分是在注意机制中发现的,也就是在聚焦和注意转移方面。一方面,高效的信息处理需要有能力在可能的分心情况下继续关注一项任务,另一方面,它需要有能力灵活地改变自己的注意力,从而调整行为(Blair amp; Ursache, 2011)。在学校,低注意力控制不仅会影响到学生的关键时刻,如准备考试或老师的讲解,也会影响到常规任务,如使用学校议程(例如,难以记下在家做练习和检查自己的笔记)。罗杰斯及其同事(2011年)对多动症儿童的研究发现,注意力不集中的程度与阅读和数学的成绩呈负相关。这种结果模式在非临床人群中也得到了复制(Merrell amp; Tymms, 2001; Tymms amp; Merrel, 2011)。同样,Razza, Martin和Brooks-Gunn(2012)的研究发现,5岁儿童的注意力集中能力与9岁时的学习成绩之间甚至存在预测关系。
一般来说,注意力的功能是促进学习,促进更多的注意力和对任务和解释的积极监测,因此,它鼓励参与活动和学习环境(Razza, Martinamp;Brooks-Gunn, 2012)。如果学生的注意力水平不能满足学校任务的要求,就像患有多动症的儿童那样,学习技能的获得会受到影响。
最后,另一个与学习成绩有负面关系的方面是多动症。除了在这方面发生的干扰和老师的警告外,阅读和这种过度运动倾向之间的关系也被分析。一些研究表明,更多的活动与这种学术能力的低水平有关(Tymms amp; Merrel, 2011)。然而,其他研究发现,活动量大的儿童比活动量小的儿童有更好的学习成绩(Rudasill, Gallagher amp; White, 2010)。可能影响这种结果差异的变量之一是儿童的发展阶段。在学龄前阶段,活动水平与能量、好奇心和动机等特征有关,而在较晚的年龄阶段,高活动水平可能表明抑制性控制能力低和行为调节能力差(Rudasill等人,2010)。
School Adjustment of Pupils with ADHD: Cognitive, Emotional and Temperament Risk Factors
Noelia Saacute;nchez-Peacute;rez amp; Carmen Gonzaacute;lez-Salinas
Facultad de Psicologiacute;a, Universidad de Murcia
Correspondence: Carmen Gonzaacute;lez Salinas. Facultad de Psicologiacute;a, Campus Universitario de Espinardo - 30100 Murcia (Espantilde;a) E-mail: cgonzale@um.es
copy; Education amp; Psychology I D i and Editorial EOS (Spain)
From different research perspectives, the cognitive and emotional characteristics associated with ADHD in children have been identified as risk factors for the development of diverse adjustment problems in the school context. Research in nonclinical population can additional- ly help in understanding ADHD deficits, since children with specific problems for attentional focusing, inhibitory control, or impulsivity, allow to isolate the effects of these variables on their adjustment into school. This paper reviews studies of children diagnosed with ADHD and in typical development population with and without specific difficulties, with the purpose of obtaining a better understanding of the mechanisms that can lead ADHD children to devel- op a poor adjustment into school. Finally, in the intervention field, the reviewed programs offer promising results for the improvement of ADHD childrenrsquo;s adjustment into school.
Keywords: children, ADHD, adjustment, temperament.
Received: 04/30/13 Initial acceptance: 06/03/13 Final acceptance: 07/19/13
Ajuste Escolar del Alumnado con TDAH: Factores de Riesgo Cognitivos, Emocionales y Temperamentales
Desde diferentes aacute;mbitos de investigacioacute;n se han identificado las caracteriacute;sticas cognitivas y emocionales asociadas al alumnado con TDAH como factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de una variedad de problemas de ajuste en el entorno escolar. Por otro lado, los estudios en nintilde;os y nintilde;as de poblacioacute;n no cliacute;nica que presentan problemas aislados para la focalizacioacute;n atencio- nal, el control inhibitorio o la impulsividad, han permitido aislar el efecto de dichas variables sobre el ajuste escolar. Dichos estudios permiten arrojar luz sobre los procesos implicados en aqueacute;llos los nintilde;os con TDAH. Este trabajo realiza una revisioacute;n de la literatura en este tema, incluyendo estudios en poblacioacute;n cliacute;nica con TDAH y en poblacioacute;n de desarrollo tiacute;pico con y sin dificultades especiacute;ficas, con el fin de obtener una mejor comprensioacute;n sobre los mecanis- mos que pueden conducir a los nintilde;os y nintilde;as con TDAH a desarrollar un pobre ajuste a su entorno escolar. Finalmente, en el plano de la intervencioacute;n, los programas revisados ofrecen resultados prometedores para la mejora del ajuste de los nintilde;os con TDAH al contexto escolar.
Palabras Clave: nintilde;os, TDAH, ajuste, temperamento.
Recepcioacute;n: 30/04/13 Aceptacioacute;n inicial: 03/06/2013 Aceptacioacute;n final: 19/07/13
Schools offer children in our society an environment for learning and social interac- tion. Since school objectives include acquisition of knowledge and development of competen- cies required within each culture, the school context is characterized by constant challenges and demands, putting childrenrsquo;s adaptive mechanisms to the test on a daily basis. The adapta- tion they make will be a function of both endogenous (personal) variables and exogenous (context-related) variables.
One concept that takes into account the influence of both types of variables in adapta- tion processes is adjustment. This concept refers to the degree of consonance between a per- sonrsquo;s characteristics (e.g., their abilities, personality and interests) and the demands and op- portunities within the context (Chess amp; Thomas, 1990). Positive adjustment in the school context promotes constructive experiences, while poor adjustment brings with it negative ex- periences. At the same time, the accumulation of positive and/or negative experiences has an impact on childrenrsquo;s representations and evaluations of themselves, the school, the teachers and their peers (Rothbart amp; Jones, 1998). If typically developing children find it hard to ad- just to the requirements of the educational context, it is certainly more difficult for children with impairments.
As part of the special educational needs population that forms part of classroom diver- sity, an estimated 5% of schoolchildren present Attention Deficit Disorder, which may be accompanied by Hyperactivity (ADHD). The clinical profile of this disorder is identified by the following symptoms: (1) Inattention, shown by not paying sufficient attention to details, or by making careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities; (2) Hyperactivity, that is, excessive movement and difficulty in sticking with quiet activities; and (3) Impulsiveness, or emitting hasty responses or actions (First, Frances, amp; Pincus, 2002).
Children with an ADHD diagnosis, as compared to non-clinical samples of children, present more frequent adjustment problems at school, that is, they tend to have low levels of academic performance and poor social relations, and they may display behaviors that interrupt classroom dynamics, sometimes altering the classroom climate. In order to determine the causes of adjustment problems presented by ADHD children, most studies have focused on a single aspect of school life, such as academic performance, relations with teaching staff, or
relations with classmates, such that the literature on this topic seems fragmented. One objec- tive of this study is to perform a review that integrates the research studies that address this field of study, in order to offer a global view of the contribution of cognitive and emotional aspects of ADHD children in their adaptation to school.
On the other hand