2022-09-14 19:52:34
Online Video Advertising: What Works and What Fails
2013 looks to be a strong year in online video advertising, with interactivity and targeting as the keys to success. But be careful, because one size does not fit all.
By James Careless
For the rest of the April/May 2013 issue of Streaming Media magazine please click here
When it comes to the global state of online video advertising as we enter 2013, the news is both 'wow!' and 'ho-hum.'
Wow: Online video advertising earned just over $1 billion in the first two quarters of 2012. This total comes from the 'IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report,'which was prepared for the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) by PricewaterhouseCoopers and released on Oct. 11, 2012. In the same two-quarter period in 2011, online video advertising earned $891 million.
'This represents an 18 percent increase over the same period in 2011,' says Randall Rothenberg, IAB president and CEO. 'This is one of the strongest growth rates in the entire online advertising sector, which totaled $17 billion in the first six months of 2012.' Ho-hum: When you compare online video advertisings performance to the entire video advertising sector -- including broadcast television -- its performance isnt that hot.
'In 2011, the total TV advertising market in the U.S. was worth more than $70 billion,' says Bill Niemeyer, a senior analyst with The Diffusion Group. 'In this context, the money online video advertising captured -- lets say $891 million times 2, which makes $1.782 billion -- a small share of the combined TV/video ad market.'
More ho-hum: The IABs report says online video advertising had a 6% share of total online advertising revenues in the first two quarters of 2011; the same percentage reported for the first two quarters of 2012. This could mean that online video advertisings growth is mainly due to the overall growth of online ad revenues as a total category -- rather than online video advertising staging a breakout on its own.
Interactivity is, perhaps more than anything else, what makes the web different from TV, radio, and print. Yet only 10%–15% of current online video ads are interactive. “The other 85 percent are simply repurposed TV ads, where the viewer is just supposed to sit and watch,” says Tim Avila, VP of product marketing for video ad platform BrightRoll, Inc. “Thatrsquo;s sad, because research proves that viewers exposed to interactive ads have higher product awareness than viewers exposed to non-interactive ads,” he said.
Interacting with online ads motivates consumers to dig deeper into the content and makes them more willing to buy whateverrsquo;s being advertised. So, in other words, this means is that 85% of online video ads are not achieving their full potential.
But hope is on the horizon: At the time this article was being written, theInteractive Advertising Bureau (IAB) was on the verge of releasing a series of standardized interactive online video ad formats.
“The idea is to provide advertising agencies with the same kind of standardized ad formats that are used for 30-second radio and TV spots,” says Peter Minnium, the IABrsquo;s head of brand initiatives. “This will hopefully make them more comfortable with purchasing interactive online video ads, and allow this format to achieve the growth and dominance it deserves.”
“We want to provide the agencies with turnkey solutions,” echoes Seneca Mudd, the IABrsquo;s director of industry initiatives. “If we make it easier for ad agencies to buy turnkey solutions, chances are that more agencies will do so.”
In proposing these new formats, the IAB is thinking very, very big. “We want interactive online video ads to become the lead horse in the race for brand advertising dollars,” Minnium declares. “Thatrsquo;s what will happen with this medium, if we are doing it right.”
One Size Does Not Fit All
The fact that the IAB is proposing a series of interactive online video ad formats -- sources say the range is between four to six formats -- illustrates a simple reality: When it comes to interactive online video ads, one size does not fit all.
“Interactive video ads can encompass the full screen or appear in a portion of the screen and either pause or preempt the content of the video,” says Peter Koeppel, founder and president of the direct response advertising agency Koeppel Direct. “These types of video ads permit a range of interactions, such as signing up for an offer, requesting a coupon, clicking to obtain more information about a product or service, determining the location of a retailer, or taking you to a shopping cart.”
There are all kinds of ways that interactivity can be married to an online video ad. The application can be as simple as a button that allows viewers to skip the ad after 5 seconds or as complex as the ability to click on aspects of the video itself to drill down to more details. It is also possible to provide Facebook and Twitter links to let the viewer share the video with friends if they so choose, and to steer them to product-related feeds on th
“这比2011年同期增加18%,”IAB总裁兼首席执行官Randall Rothenberg说。“这是整个在线广告行业增长率最强的一个,在2012年的前六个月累计达到了170亿。
“2011年,整个电视广告在美国市场的价值超过700亿美元,” The Diffusion Group的高级分析师Bill Niemeyer说,“在这种情况下,在线视频广告拍摄对的钱,让我们说 8.91亿美元的两倍,这只是17.82亿美元的电视/视频广告市场的一小部分份额。”
互动性,或许比什么都重要,使网络不同于电视,广播和印刷。但目前只有10%–15%的在线视频广告具有互动性。Tim Avila,brightroll公司在线视频广告平台产品营销副总裁,说“其他85%的的在线视频广告只是简单地改变用途的电视广告,观众只是坐着观看。”“这是可悲的,因为研究表明,暴露于互动广告的观众比暴露于非交互式广告的观众有着更高的产品意识,”他说。
IAB品牌项目的负责人Peter Minnium,说“我们的想法是为广告公司提供相同的标准化的广告格式用于30秒的广播和电视广告。这将使他们更方便购买在线互动视频广告,并允许这种格式实现应有的增长和优势。”
IAB行业倡议主管Seneca Mudd附和说:“我们希望为这些机构提供全套解决方案,如果我们使广告代理商更容易购买全套解决方案,那可能有更多的机构都会这么做。”
Koeppel Direct广告公司的创始人和总裁Peter Koeppel 说“互动视频广告可以包含全屏幕或出现在屏幕的一部分,暂停或抢占视频内容。这些类型的视频广告允许一系列的交互作用。例如注册报价,要求优惠券,点击获取更多关于产品或服务的信息,确定零售商的位置,或者带你去购物车”。
视频广告创意策略平台 Tremor Video的高级总监David Sanderson说 :“看视频互动广告的一个基本前提是在1–10的互动规模中将一个标准的片头广告看为1。”“以一个标准的片头广告作为你的信息的基础,你有成千上万的方法来分割互动视频,”Sanderson解释说。“你可以添加,增强,应用功能,产品特点,布局,附加视频,动态反馈,社会联系机制、天气、电影票、零售、购物、投票、搜索、下载和上传。你可以在所有互动媒介,包括生态基、手机、平板电脑、联网电视甚至网页内做到这些。”
选择正确的网络视频广告格式会带来很多的收获。例如,匹兹堡广告代理Brunner曾与brightroll合作开发关于Cub Cadet RZT零回转割草机的交互式网络视频广告。
布鲁纳集团媒体总监Candice Puzak说“互动元素旨在支持国家“试驾”运动,让人们最先体验我们产品的质量。在线视频表现不错,但我们希望人们能够通过我们的广告发现这个事件,所以我们在视频片头增加了一个交互式叠加。当观众点击叠加时,他们能够进入附近试驾活动。”
Cub Cadet看到添加交互性的预卷视频广告后,点击率增加了128%。
提供数字视频出版、内容和广告产品和服务的公司OneScreen Inc的首席执行官Atul Patel回答说“一个基本的“行动纲领”,可与在线视频交互表达的广告,非常有效”“聪明的办法是提供一个一键响应按钮或其他一些简单的方式回应”Patel说。“这种方法远比做出复杂的需求更成功,比如要求观众填写在线表格,因为它作为一个跳板,从电视广告的过渡,而对于电视广告,观众并不习惯所有方式的交互。”
Jivox的总裁兼首席执行官和Jivox交互式视频广告平台制造商Diaz Nesamoney建议:“总的来说,保持广告中的交互性独立是最好的,点击带来颠覆性的用户体验,而且当它带用户脱离广告内容时需要用户的参与。”
Innovid知道很多关于成功的在线互动视频广告:iRoll互动前滚平台为网页/移动客户提供如电影马达加斯加3,尼桑和HTC公司这样的内容。在2012年该公司看到其iRoll产品在这一年需求增长400%。Innovid的首席执行官Zvika Netter说“在英国等全球市场,我们看到逐月增长100%”
Innovid看到其iroll互动广告的需求,像这样的HTC One X手机,2012年增长400% 。
这是Innovid的方法的其中一个例子。Netter说,在战略层面上,“我们同意IBMrsquo;s Yuchun Lee的新营销4Ps:基于许可的,劝说,个性化,和存在的基础” 。4PS方法的目标是“为消费者提供价值,并说服他们参与。”工具包括幽默、问答、游戏来吸引消费者想要了解更多关于广告的产品/服务,他补充说。“零售商、电影制片厂和汽车制造商还可以扩展他们的零售业务,并把任何在流的播放器变成一个弹出式存储”。
另一种出错的方式的是不用目前在用的智能手机、平板电脑和电脑来创建交互式广告。Brightcove公司的云视频高级产品经理David Regan说,“品牌在做互动视频广告时所面临的最大的挑战是所有平台都必须支持这种广告格式,”“这不仅仅是iOS、Android、黑莓的问题:一些老的观看设备不支持屏幕上的互动,而新的设备能支持,”他说,“交互式在线视频内容生产者必须考虑到这个事实,并准备多个版本来解决它。”
一个困扰了YuMe的市场营销部门的高级副总裁Ed Haslam的问题是,在线视频广告的互动功能,使人们远离他们浏览的内容。“你没有看到宝洁公司的电视广告告诉你,从你的椅子上起来,走出去,现在去买肥皂,“Haslam解释。“然而,一些互动的在线视频广告正是这样做的:他们试图打破你远离媒介消费那一刻,来引导你到其他网站,带你远离内容。”