2022-12-29 11:40:37
第一章 初唐和盛唐
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry:the High Tang 外文文献原文 First chapter :Early Tang and High Tang During the seventh and eighth centuries, major and fundamental changesoccurred in Chinese poetry (shih #). In the early seventh century, poetrywas primarily a stylized form of social discourse practiced mainly in courtcircles. By the end of the cighth century, poetry, while retaining its func-tion as social discourse, had also become a conscious art form serving avariety of ends and practiced by a wide range of literate Chinese. Neverin traditional China was poetry an autotelic "pure art" in the Westernsense: it was bound both to occasion and to concepts of poetry as the ex-pression of inner nature or as a vehicle for the enduring principles of thecivilization But during the course of these two centuries, poetry was trans-formed from a minor diversion to an art that fully embodied these private,social, and cultural values. The court poetry of the Early Tang rigidly circumscribed the occasions for composition, the topics, the diction, and the structure of poetry.It was a poetry to be enjoyed most at the time of composition, and itsquality depended on the fulfillment of clear standards of judgment. Butthe history of Early T ang poetry is primarily a history of the breakdownof that old world of poctry, which was thrcatcncd both by prose polemicsagainst it and by an increasing individuality in the poets themselves. Majorchanges, however, awaited the second and third decades of the eighthcentury, the beginning of the High Tang. The High Tang began in mute rebellion against the Early Tang.There were no manifestos, no denunciations of the preceding age; in fact,the first generation of High Tang poets rarely acknowledged even theexistence of their Early Tang predecessors, preferring to look past them tomore remote ancestors. Rebellion is a form of close relationship, however,and despite all the changes in High Tang poetry, its paternity is unmis-takable: its poetic tradition was that of the Early Tang. High Tang regu-lated verse (lü-shih ##) had its origins in Early Tang court poetry; theHigh Tang ku-feng t m came directly from the Early Tang poet ChenTzu-ang R f 3 and the opposition poetics of the seventh century.1 Theheptasyllabic songs of the High Tang retained many of the topics, modalassociations, and conventions of diction of the heptasyllabic songs popularin Empress Wus reign.? The conventions of a yungwu 390 topic (anobject or phenomenon. the common consolations in parting poems,and the formal structure of a journey through a landscapc all had theirroots in the poetry of the Early Tang. On the other hand, during the second and third decades of the eighthcentury, the Early Tang style was radically modified, and genuinely ncwelements were introduced. The nature of these changes was in part deter-mined by a deep dissatisfaction with Early Tang poetry, particularly withthe constricting formality of court poetry. The same dissatisfaction withthe court poets art had been one important aspect of the Early Tang itself,but the antithetical impulse had largely been lost in sterile polemics. Through the early decades of the eighth century, this antithetical impulse found a new freedom of concrete poetic expression. If the EarlyTang poet was bound by decorum, the High Tang poet was fascinatedby the lack of decorum - both in stylistic convention and thematically inthe exaggerated gestures of the eccentric. If the court poct was committedto aristocratic society and its ambience, the High Tang poet turned hisinterest to lower social types and their life, finding in them a true aristoc-racy of the spirit. If the court poet proudly held to mannered formality,the High Tang poet would love what was plain and straightforward. Ifthe Early Tang poet disdained the showiness of bold metaphors and sty-listic tours de force, then the High Tang poet delighted in them. If theEarly Tang poet 5aw poetry as essentially a social phenomenon, then theHigh Tang poet was drawn to private values and themes of reclusion,even in 5ocial poetry. The liberation that High T ang poets found in the antithetical impulsewas neither constant nor universal, but that impulse helps to explain themultiple, often contradictory directions that High Tang poetry took, Par-ticularly in the early decades of the High Tang, the new poetry was unifiedby its negative relationship to the Early T ang: the stern moralizing of theJhuku sentiment (pp 891 and an interest in popular songs (anathema tofu-ku) could stand side by side as gestures against the aristocratic decorumof court poetry. The best High Tang poets possessed the full technicalrange of the court poet and court poetry was a complex craft with considerable range- but High Tang poets were also able to ignore or modifydetails of that craft, producing a virtuosity and control that no court poetpossessed. Parallel to the changes in forms, themes, and the conception of poetry,a profound change tok placc in the social basis of poetry. During theEarly Tang the center of poetic composition had been the imperial courtand the lesser courts of imperial princes and princesses. During the. First half of the scventh century, poets were often members of the old literaryfamilies of the Southern Dynasties, and there was a strong continuity inpoetic training as well as a conservatism in approved practice. This tradition was supported by members of the royal farmily and their favorites, onwhom poets depended for appreciation and advancement. During the late seventh and early eighth centuries, a series of eventschanged the situation dramatically. In 68o poetic composition was intro-duced into the chinshih examination.- The chinshih examination wa
- 贬谪诗的传统
- 隐逸与陶潜的复兴
- 日常应景诗
- 古风
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry:the High Tang 外文文献原文 First chapter :Early Tang and High Tang During the seventh and eighth centuries, major and fundamental changesoccurred in Chinese poetry (shih #). In the early seventh century, poetrywas primarily a stylized form of social discourse practiced mainly in courtcircles. By the end of the cighth century, poetry, while retaining its func-tion as social discourse, had also become a conscious art form serving avariety of ends and practiced by a wide range of literate Chinese. Neverin traditional China was poetry an autotelic "pure art" in the Westernsense: it was bound both to occasion and to concepts of poetry as the ex-pression of inner nature or as a vehicle for the enduring principles of thecivilization But during the course of these two centuries, poetry was trans-formed from a minor diversion to an art that fully embodied these private,social, and cultural values. The court poetry of the Early Tang rigidly circumscribed the occasions for composition, the topics, the diction, and the structure of poetry.It was a poetry to be enjoyed most at the time of composition, and itsquality depended on the fulfillment of clear standards of judgment. Butthe history of Early T ang poetry is primarily a history of the breakdownof that old world of poctry, which was thrcatcncd both by prose polemicsagainst it and by an increasing individuality in the poets themselves. Majorchanges, however, awaited the second and third decades of the eighthcentury, the beginning of the High Tang. The High Tang began in mute rebellion against the Early Tang.There were no manifestos, no denunciations of the preceding age; in fact,the first generation of High Tang poets rarely acknowledged even theexistence of their Early Tang predecessors, preferring to look past them tomore remote ancestors. Rebellion is a form of close relationship, however,and despite all the changes in High Tang poetry, its paternity is unmis-takable: its poetic tradition was that of the Early Tang. High Tang regu-lated verse (lü-shih ##) had its origins in Early Tang court poetry; theHigh Tang ku-feng t m came directly from the Early Tang poet ChenTzu-ang R f 3 and the opposition poetics of the seventh century.1 Theheptasyllabic songs of the High Tang retained many of the topics, modalassociations, and conventions of diction of the heptasyllabic songs popularin Empress Wus reign.? The conventions of a yungwu 390 topic (anobject or phenomenon. the common consolations in parting poems,and the formal structure of a journey through a landscapc all had theirroots in the poetry of the Early Tang. On the other hand, during the second and third decades of the eighthcentury, the Early Tang style was radically modified, and genuinely ncwelements were introduced. The nature of these changes was in part deter-mined by a deep dissatisfaction with Early Tang poetry, particularly withthe constricting formality of court poetry. The same dissatisfaction withthe court poets art had been one important aspect of the Early Tang itself,but the antithetical impulse had largely been lost in sterile polemics. Through the early decades of the eighth century, this antithetical impulse found a new freedom of concrete poetic expression. If the EarlyTang poet was bound by decorum, the High Tang poet was fascinatedby the lack of decorum - both in stylistic convention and thematically inthe exaggerated gestures of the eccentric. If the court poct was committedto aristocratic society and its ambience, the High Tang poet turned hisinterest to lower social types and their life, finding in them a true aristoc-racy of the spirit. If the court poet proudly held to mannered formality,the High Tang poet would love what was plain and straightforward. Ifthe Early Tang poet disdained the showiness of bold metaphors and sty-listic tours de force, then the High Tang poet delighted in them. If theEarly Tang poet 5aw poetry as essentially a social phenomenon, then theHigh Tang poet was drawn to private values and themes of reclusion,even in 5ocial poetry. The liberation that High T ang poets found in the antithetical impulsewas neither constant nor universal, but that impulse helps to explain themultiple, often contradictory directions that High Tang poetry took, Par-ticularly in the early decades of the High Tang, the new poetry was unifiedby its negative relationship to the Early T ang: the stern moralizing of theJhuku sentiment (pp 891 and an interest in popular songs (anathema tofu-ku) could stand side by side as gestures against the aristocratic decorumof court poetry. The best High Tang poets possessed the full technicalrange of the court poet and court poetry was a complex craft with considerable range- but High Tang poets were also able to ignore or modifydetails of that craft, producing a virtuosity and control that no court poetpossessed. Parallel to the changes in forms, themes, and the conception of poetry,a profound change tok placc in the social basis of poetry. During theEarly Tang the center of poetic composition had been the imperial courtand the lesser courts of imperial princes and princesses. During the. First half of the scventh century, poets were often members of the old literaryfamilies of the Southern Dynasties, and there was a strong continuity inpoetic training as well as a conservatism in approved practice. This tradition was supported by members of the royal farmily and their favorites, onwhom poets depended for appreciation and advancement. During the late seventh and early eighth centuries, a series of eventschanged the situation dramatically. In 68o poetic composition was intro-duced into the chinshih examination.- The chinshih examination wa
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