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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 教育技术学 > 正文


 2021-05-13 23:21:07  

摘 要





The growing popularity of electronic whiteboard teaching media, elementary school, junior high school and high school teaching environment has gradually transformed from the projection screen to electronic whiteboard. In order to adapt to the changes of classroom teaching environment, schools and teachers need to make corresponding changes in instructional mode and teaching model, so that it can be better suitable for the teaching environment of electronic whiteboard. At present, the research of electronic whiteboard is mainly focused on the use of the status quo and the investigation and analysis of the resultt of using electronic whiteboard, only a small amount of research on the teaching model. In the study of a small amount of teaching model, mainly carries on the research of universal teaching model, which lack of subject specific, and lack of subject characteristics and designing on the style, so the reference to the actual teaching is limited..

Therefore, this paper based on the early literature analysis, and combining online learning, investigation and interview etc. to obtain data information.It Starting from the teaching environment of electronic whiteboard, combined with the characteristics of junior high school chemistry, and the teaching mode of development design is done.The teaching model included six parts, that included situational import, target presentation, subject analysis, task release, group presentation and summary and feedback to start instructional activities. At the same time, this article through the form of case design, to simulate and test of the appication of the teaching model in the electronic whiteboard environment, then improve the deficiencies. The research aim to explore the teaching model on the electronic whiteboard environment ,which is suitable for junior middle school chemistry teaching .At last, hope it can be helpful for the frontline teachers.

Key words: Electronic whiteboard, junior middle school chemistry, teaching model


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究方法 2

1.4 研究内容 2

1.5 研究思路及创新点 3

第2章 教学模式概述 4

2.1 教学模式 4

2.1.1 教学模式的构成要素 4

2.1.2 教学模式对课堂教学的重要性 4

2.2 教学模式的指导理论 5

2.2.1 建构主义理论 5

2.2.2 四段教学法 5

2.2.3 认知主义学习理论 6

2.3 教学模式研究对促进电子白板运用的指导意义 6

第3章 电子白板的应用 7

3.1 电子白板简介 7

3.2 电子白板功能在初中化学教学中的优势 7

3.3 电子白板的数据研究 8

3.3.1 数据收集 8

3.3.2 数据分析 8

3.3.3 结论 9

第4章 基于电子白板的初中化学课堂教学模式设计 11

4.1 化学学科分析 11

4.2 基于电子白板初中化学课堂教学模式设计思路 11

4.2.1 情境导入 11

4.2.2 目标呈现 12

4.2.3 主体剖析 12

4.2.4 任务发布 14

4.2.5 小组展示 14

4.2.6 总结与反馈 14

4.3 基于电子白板的初中化学课堂教学模式 15

第5章 基于电子白板的初中化学实验课 16

教学模式设计实例 16

5.1 实例设计过程 16

5.1.1 情境导入 16

5.1.2 目标呈现 17

5.1.3 主体剖析 17

5.1.4 任务发布 19

5.1.5 小组展示 19

5.1.6 总结与反馈 19

5.2 实例教学课件 21

5.3 教学模式运用的可行性分析 21

第6章 结束语 23

6.1 研究结论 23

6.2 研究中的不足与展望 23

6.2.1 不足之处 23

6.2.1 研究展望 23

参考文献 25

附录 27

致谢 33

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

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