2020-05-25 23:42:39
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告
1. he has a reputation for avoiding award ceremonies.He was the first writer to be awarded the Booker Prize twice: first for Life amp; Times of Michael K in 1983, and again for Disgrace in 1999.On 2 October 2003, Horace Engdahl, head of the Swedish Academy, announced that Coetzee had been chosen as that year's recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the fifth African writer to be so honored and the second South African after Nadine Gordimer. In his fiction Disgrace, it reveals problems which happened in the age of the transition from the old to the new between all kinds of people in South Africa by detailed description.He shows deep worry and is quite helpless in face of the consequence of colonialism in South Africa for the colonists and settlers and their offspring. apartheid South Africa,Cai Yun and Tuo Jianming#8217;s(2006) exposes the existential plight faced by the people of modern times and reveals the author's sympathy for the human misery and his humanitarian concern for mankind.
Works Cited J.M.Coetzee,Disgrace,published by the Penguin Group,2000 J.M.库切,耻 张冲 郭整风译,译林出版社,2002 Cai Shengqin.[蔡圣勤],库切小说《耻》中的人性形式解读,《西南民族大学学报》(人文社科版)第26卷第11期,2005 Cai Yun,Tuo Jianming.[蔡云,脱剑鸣],析J.M.库切小说《耻》中超越种族的生存困惑,《兰州大学学报》(社会科学版)第34卷第1期,2006 Li Fang.[李芳],《秀拉》的女性主义解读:[硕士学位论文]。山东:山东师范大学,2009 Liu Jianping.[刘建平],《耻》中的篡越及不同结局:[论文集中的析出文件]。 包头:包头师范学院,2014 Qin Yinguo.[秦银国],评库切小说《耻》的主题与创作技巧的完美统一,《三峡大学学报》(人文社会科学版)第30卷第3期,2008 Zhang Chong,Guo Zhengfeng.[张冲,郭整风],越界的代价#8212;解读库切的布克奖小说《耻》:[论文集中的析出文件]。外国文学,第5期,2001
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
Practically speaking, many scholars have studied various kinds of themes on Coetzee#8217;s fiction Disgrace, among which ”Cronus” is the most common and controversial topic shared or analyzed by scholars. Certainly, ”Cronus” is the central idea of this fiction. Salvation, apartheid, ”Cronus” and humanitarianism has been well documented in many works. However the topic ”which make people disgraceful? the weaknesses of human nature or people's existence dilemma” has not been mentioned by scholars. It is considerably worth talking about.