美国主流媒体对中国政治新闻报道的文体学分析——以CNN报道一带一路为例A Stylistic Analysis of the News Reports on Chinese Policy in American Mainstream Media—A case study of CNN's reports about "One Belt One Road"开题报告
2020-04-07 08:41:53
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
english news, as one of the most common practicestyle of modern english, exerts a significant part in people’s daily life andit is divided into oral news and written news which can be discovered onnewspaper, broadcast and internet. for the reason that people rely on news toget new information, the mainstream media like cnn, a famous basic cable andsatellite television news channel in america, have to be responsible for conveyingthe latest happenings to readers objectively because of its crucial influencesin society.
stylistic is a subject that uses modernlinguistic theories and methods to study style. halliday, a linguist whodevelops systemic functional linguistic model of language, suggests that thereare three functions of language—ideational function, interpersonal function andtextual function. and he thinks that field of discourse, mode of discourse andtenor of discourse have close relationships with the use and functions of language,therefore, english news also has its own features and functions differentiatingfrom other kinds of style.
news report can report events in all fields,and the content about domestic and international political issues is a part ofenglish news. most countries attach great importance to political and economicnews report as it has significant impacts on society and citizens. one belt oneroad is a strategy proposed by the chinese government which is aimed at developingdeep relationships with countries along the routes on many areas and establishinga genuine fate community together. as a great strategy which is related tobenefits of many countries, people from different countries hold variousopinions on one belt and one road. the reports from media of the united states whichis a nation possesses considerable power and complex relationship with china,have a crucial influence on americans’ opinion, at the same time , it also be affectedby their viewpoints about one belt one road.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
Thispaper will focus on English news reports about one belt and one road covered byCNN and trys to explore American mainstream media’s attitudes to Chinese politicalpolicy and issues according the results of analysis. Inorder to get the result as accurate as possible, several pieces of news reports from CNN’s officialwebpage will be chosen, and the contents of these news reports are related toone belt and one road including the forum held in Beijing, the steps taken by Chinesegovernment and so on. After reading these reports carefully, the paper will analyzereporters how to construct the formation of news reports and how to use thewords and grammar. By concerning on text structure and language features inthese news reports, readers will find the characteristics of English news and themedia’s thoughts about this Chinese significant policy that if they are agreeable,disagreeable or neutral to it. According to American mainstream media’sattitudes, the directivity of ideology which is hided in reports and presentedby reporters’ writing skills may be found.
3. 研究计划与安排
before 15th,january settlementof the title
before 25th,february submission of theoutline
before 25th,april submission of the first draft
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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