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英文广告中的性别话语建构探析 Analysis of gender discourse construction in English advertisements文献综述

 2020-04-14 16:29:16  


With women images applied more and more todifferent kinds of English advertisements, it has significant meaning toanalyze the gender discourses and their underlying discourse rights andidentities of women. Inthe early advertisements, women often appeared as the followers, problem makersand advisors in gender relationships, acting as beautiful vases,good wives and good mothers. Obviously, their genderidentities are stereotyped and stereotypical reflect the gender relationbetween males and females. In the recent advertisements, women began to appearas confident, independent and professional figures. The roles once monopolizedby men are gradually taken place by women and some gender roles which appear inadvertisements break through the traditional gender stereotypes. But there arestill many subtle gender inequalities hidden in advertisements and in mostcases they cannot be perceived. Therefore, how gender roles are portrayed inEnglish advertisements is worth studying. Numerous researchers in the field ofsociology, gender studies, marketing, psychology and cross-culturalcommunication have studied gender discourse in advertising,and they analyzed the power relationship, socialvalues and implicit sexist ideology behind it.

The purpose of this paper is to find out gender discourseand the implicit sexist ideology in English advertisements, discover thereasons why such gender discourse came into being and at the same time providesome implications for advertisers and common readers. Advertisements withcreative value play an important role in shaping consumers' self-imagination. Thevalues embodied and advocated in advertisements can have a positive or negativeimpact on social members. Because the process of advertising communication is aprocess in which people share social culture, and it is also a process in whichsocial values are constantly transmitted, strengthened and the public receivesocial and cultural education. The construction of gender discourse is not onlypractical for advertisers but also for common people who don’t have theconsciousness of noticing the gender roles hidden in advertisements. Byinvestigating how the gender discourse in English advertisements representsideas about femininity in English context as well as the sexist ideologyimplicit in discourse from various aspects, the analysis of gender discourseconstruction in English advertisements helps to eliminate the opposition andhierarchical order of gender, and promote the construction of more inclusivegender discourse. Furthermore, it can provide new advertising strategies foradvertisers to market their products and new perspectives for common people tohave consciousness to uncover the hidden gender discourse and to combatsuppression of women. Information of hidden social norms behind advertisementscan also be get to see whether there are improvements of women’s statuses inmodern society. Some scholars contend that advertising is a mirror of theexisting values and traits of a culture and we can get information aboutvalues, beliefs, styles and life activities of a culture from this form ofcultural expression. Changes in advertisements content are consistent withsocial changes, thus dynamic changes among gender roles made in recent yearsrequires us to investigate women images in advertising environment.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


Thispaper mainly focuses on the construction of gender discourse in Englishadvertisements. The paper is going to investigate how the gender discourse inEnglish advertisements represents ideas about femininity in English context aswell as the sexist ideology implicit in discourse from various aspects,discover the reasons why such gender discourse came into being and at the sametime provide some implications for advertisers and common readers. Therefore,the paper comes up with some methods to eliminate the opposition andhierarchical order of gender, and promote the construction of more inclusivegender discourse, provide new advertising strategies for advertisers to markettheir products and new perspectives for common people to have consciousness touncover the hidden gender discourse and to combat suppression of women, thuspromote the improvement of women’s statuses in modern society. This paper isgoing to: firstly, list some English advertisements which includes genderdiscourse, analyze the ideas about femininity represented in context andimplicit sexist ideology in discourse; secondly, make a comparison between pastand modern advertisements and investigate the changes of the implicit sexist ideologyand social values behind them; finally, come up with some suggestions foradvertisers and common people to combat the suppression of women. Qualitative analysis and literature search will be used in this paper.

3. 参考文献

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