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汉英习语互译的功能对等研究Chinese-English Translation of Idioms in the Light of Functional Equivalence Theory任务书

 2020-04-17 20:29:55  

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2. 参考文献

1 (2010).application of functional equivalence theory in english translation of chinese idioms. journal of language teaching and research, 1 (6),880-888. 2 (2012).metaphor, idiom, and pretense. nous, 499#8211;524. 3(2014).idiom comprehension in english as a foreign language: analysability in focus. procedia - social and behavioral sciences, 98,499 #8211; 503. 4 (2008).idiom comprehension in bilingual and monolingual adolescents. dissertation abstracts international,69-08a. 5(2006).cultural knowledge and idioms. international journal of english studies,6(1),27-41. 6 ethnocultural specific of idioms: from traditional to innovative paradigms. journal of history culture and art research,7(2), 78-89. 7(2018).letting the cat out of the bag: efl college students#8217; attitudes towards learning english idioms, international journal of higher education,7(1), 24-44 8 (2015).the fascination of translating idioms, philology and cultural studies, 8 (57) , 35-68 9(2014),从翻译操作过程重新解读,《中国外语》,28(6) 10(2014),翻译研究中的元功能对等,《外语教学》,1672-9382 11 (1993),从跨文化角度看习语翻译,《外语教学》,14(1) 12(2009),中国大学生英语习语理解策略研究,《外语教学理论与实践》,2 13(2008),英语习语层次性分类及其翻译策略,《山东外语教学》,4 14(2002),英汉习语及其文化信息的传递,《解放军外国语学院学报》,25(6) 15 eugenea#8226;nida(2005),《翻译科学探索》(toward a science of translation),上海:上海外语教育出版社。

16 郭著章(2010),《英汉互译实用教程》(a practical course in translation between english and chinese),武汉:武汉大学出版社。

17 高永伟(2014),《当代英语习语词典》(an english chinese dictionary of idioms in current use),上海:上海译文出版社。


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