2023-05-21 19:23:13
Acta Montanistica Slovaca Volume 20 (2015), number 2, 141 - 147
Application of logistics principles when designing the process of transportation of raw materials
Ľubomiacute;r Ambriscaron;ko 1, Daniela Marasovaacute; jr2., Peter Grendel3, Stanislav Lukaacute;č4
The article focuses on the proposal of rationalization of the transportation of magnesite in a mining company. The inclusion of a transportation process in a companyrsquo;s logistics model provides a comprehensive view on the operation of a company as a whole. The application of generally applicable logistics principles may result in the increased efficiency of the transportation process. A part of this article deals with increasing the efficiency of the conveyor belt system operation by proper dimensioning in terms of their capacity and rigidity. The main input of the rationalisation proposal is the analysis of technical parameters of belt conveyors. The article points out possible ways how to improve the transportation process within exploitation and processing of raw materials by applying cost-efficient tools for designing the logistics systems. A general procedure of logistics system designing is divided into five fundamental steps, particularly the project identification, paradigm selection, logistics system analysis, project synthesis, and project evaluation. The contribution of this article consists in the practical area, in the form of applying the logistics approach when designing the logistics system of transportation of magnesite in a mining company.
Key words: designing, raw materials, logistics, conveying, belt conveyor
Transportation represents an integral part of the logistics system in each mining company. It accounts for approximately 20-30% of a companyrsquo;s overall production costs. Investments in new transportation systems are required only at the opening of new deposits or due to measures increasing the strictness of ecological limits. The investment environment connected with the mining industry is quite unique when compared to the environments of other typical production industries (Cehlaacute;r et al. 2009) .The most frequently used mineral transportation system is the road transport. At present, other alternatives are being searched for, particularly for the road transport, as this transport mode requires high costs (Turnbull 2013). An appropriate solution is a continuous belt conveyor system with the crushing section directly in the quarry, using portable crushers (Drottboom 2013). A priority within the engagement of belt conveyors is to ensure smooth material flow with the lowest possible risk level (Scaron;aderovaacute; 2012). Development trends in the field of belt conveyor systems are primarily focused on the energy consumption reduction (Bajda et al. 2007), belt conveyor structural component material savings (Mantič et al. 2013), (Grinčovaacute; et al. 2015),reduction of the negative environmental impact during the belt conveyor operation (Grujič et al. 2011), (Marasovaacute; et al. 2002),belt conveyor service life extension, (Andrejiovaacute; 2013), (Andrejiovaacute; et al. 2014). Assessment of transportation systems for minerals may be carried out while applying several methods [for example AHP (Andrejiovaacute; et al. 2015),DOE (Ambiscaron;ko et al.
2014)] and procedures, especially the simulation and mathematical modelling (Grinčovaacute; 2014), (Marasovaacute; et al. 2001). Appropriate tools for identifying the processes of conveyor belt damage during the operation include also regression models (Grinčovaacute; et al. 2009),(Fedorko et al. 2014) and the logistic regression (Andrejiovaacute; et al. 2014).
Belt conveyor system technology is acquiring its specific place in the in-plant transportation system in every company and represents a stabile mainstay of the efficient in-plant transportation. On the other hand, however, this transportation mode must also be well dimensioned, so that the material flow is smooth, efficient, and cost-effective. A lot of companies do not use the potential of this technology to the maximum extent. They spend a large amount of money on the operation, maintenance or repairs thereof. However, it is frequently the case that individual conveyors are over-dimensioned, which finally impacts their overall efficiency. Over-dimensioning, especially of conveyor belts, results in significant increase in operating costs. The article
- Ing. Ľubomiacute;r Ambriscaron;ko, PhD., Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of Koscaron;ice, Letnaacute;9, 042 00 Koscaron;ice, Slovak Republic, lubomir.ambrisko@tuke.sk
- Ing. Daniela Marasovaacute; jr., PhD., Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of Kosice, Letnaacute; 9, 042 00 Koscaron;ice, Slovak Republic, daniela.marasova@tuke.sk
- JUDr. Ing. Peter Grendel, PhD., Driving School Grendel, Secondary School Automobile, Moldavskaacute; 2, 040 11 Koscaron;ice, Slovak Republic,
Ing. Stanislav Lukaacute;č, PhD., District Environmental Office Rož ňava, Scaron;afaacute;rikova 17, 048 01 Rožňava, Slovak Republic, st.j.lukac@gmail.com
Ľubomiacute;r Ambriscaron;ko , Daniela Marasovaacute; jr., Peter Grendel and Stanislav Lukaacute;č: Application of logistics principles when designing the process of transportation of raw materials
is focused on the implementation of logistics designing tools with the aim to rationalise the process of continuous transportation of magnesite using belt conveyors.
Material and methods 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料
Acta Montanistica Slovaca Volume 20 (2015), number 2, 141 - 147
运输是每个采矿公司物流系统的一个组成部分。它占公司总生产成本的约20-30%。只有在新的存款开始时或由于提高生态限度的严格性的措施,才需要对新交通系统进行投资。与其他典型生产行业的环境相比,与矿业相关的投资环境是独一无二的(Cehlaacute;r等,2009)。最常用的矿物运输系统是公路运输。目前,正在寻找其他替代品,特别是对于公路运输,因为这种运输模式需要高成本(Turnbull 2013)。一个适当的解决方案是连续皮带输送系统,破碎部分直接在采石场,使用便携式破碎机(Drottboom 2013)。在皮带输送机的参与范围内的一个优先事项是确保物料以最低的风险水平顺利流动(Scaron;aderovaacute; 2012)。带式输送机系统领域的发展趋势主要集中在能源消耗减少(Bajda等人2007),带式输送机结构部件材料节省(Mantič等人2013),(Grinčovaacute;等人2015),减少(Grujič等人,2011),(Marasovaacute;等人2002),皮带输送机使用寿命延长,(Andrejiovaacute; 2013),(Andrejiovaacute;等人2014)。可以应用几种方法进行矿物运输系统的评估[例如AHP(Andrejiovaacute;等,2015),DOE(Ambiscaron;ko等人2014)]和程序,特别是模拟和数学建模(Grinčovaacute; 2014),(Marasovaacute;e等2001)。在运行过程中用于识别输送带损坏过程的适当工具还包括回归模型(Grinčovaacute;等,2009)(Fedorko等,2014)和逻辑回归(Andrejiovaacute;等,2014)。
皮带输送机系统技术正在每个公司中获得其在厂内运输系统中的特定位置,代表了高效的厂内运输的稳定的支柱。 然而,另一方面,这种运输模式也必须具有良好的尺寸,使得材料流动是平稳,高效和成本有效的。 很多公司在最大程度上不使用这项技术的潜力。 他们花费大量的钱来操作,维护或修理。 然而,常常是个别输送机的尺寸过大,这最终影响其整体效率。 尺寸过大,特别是输送带的尺寸过大,导致操作成本的显着增加。本文重点介绍物流设计工具的实施,旨在合理化使用带式输送机连续运输菱镁矿的过程。
本文的方法是基于物流系统设计的一般程序的应用。 运输系统设计,在物流参数方面,由(Bindzaacute;r 2010)处理。 物流系统被认为是由子系统和组件组成的系统,其在相互连接时执行分配的功能。 带式输送机系统是使用带式输送机提供材料输送的输送系统。 皮带输送系统的基本组件包括皮带输送系统技术,技术基础和立法。 定义物流系统意味着定义其结构,功能和目标。
带式输送机系统设计可分为三个层次,特别是物流参数,结构参数和具体参数的设计(Bindzaacute;r 2008)。带式输送机系统设计中的努力旨在调整物流系统的一般程序的五个基本步骤,以适当的方式设计运输系统的各个基本部件。设计的第一步是项目识别,即确定被动和主动后勤部件的特征参数和因素。带式输送机系统中的被动部件是被输送的材料。识别还包括材料的几何符号,机械,物理和化学性质的定义。主动的物流部件是带式输送机,并且在识别阶段中,知道其技术和经济参数是重要的。在综合识别中,也应该知道运输系统的控制方法。第二步是范式选择。当选择范例时,可以应用闪光分析,目的是获得关于所检查公司的最大可能量的信息,并提出消除初始观察到的缺陷,这是头脑风暴的内容。闪电分析以一个思想研讨会结束;任务解决方案根据其重要性被置于序列中,包括确定其执行的最后期限。迄今获得的知识有助于选择进一步程序(案例研究,重新设计,系统分析)的最终战略。所有策略的一个共同特点是优化运输成本,增加适应经济,技术和生产条件变化的能力。输出是采用用于特定运输模式的评估标准及其控制方法。在设计过程的第三步,物流系统分析,分析选择和执行之后,收集关于运输技术的详细和准确的信息。没有分析,进一步的设计程序将不是有效的。理解带式输送机物流系统的基本部件的相关的相互连接和性质有助于获得所检查的物流系统所需的知识。交通系统的复杂性和程度影响关于基本分析类型的决策:SWOT分析,多标准分析,分析层次过程,启发式或系统分析。设计的第四步是项目合成。在获得的知识和信息的基础上,特别是从分析,我们设计一个更有效的交通系统。此步骤包括提交最终的技术和经济解决方案,包括执行更改及其验证。设计的第五个和最后一步是项目评价,包括评价确定目标的实现。
本文将物流系统设计的工具应用于在斯洛伐克最大的菱镁矿开采和加工厂中使用带式输送机运输菱镁矿的系统的评估。拟出售的最终产品的数量每年约为35万吨。在销售整体材料的情况下监测销售的最高年度增长,该材料与死的烧焦菱镁矿一起成为公司的主要销售商品。该工厂生产用于冶金和陶瓷工业,特别是砖菱镁矿,渣添加剂 - 渣渣,碱性整体耐火材料。化学工业产品包括原始菱镁矿和砖灰,建筑行业产品包括菱镁砂和各种级分的砂。在整个生产过程中的材料流动通过来自地下的原矿的运动在轨道上或在矿用输送机中运表面朝向1和2度破碎,然后到旋转压机。
使用带式输送机设计用于运输菱镁矿的物流系统的项目的目的是在采矿公司中提高带式输送机系统操作的效率,同时以案例研究的形式应用物流系统设计原理。 菱镁矿(以下简称LSTM)的运输物流系统是基于一般物流系统设计原则(Malindžaacute;k 2010)。 LSTM设计过程如下:
被检物流系统中的被动组件是镁石,粉末密度rho;= 1.7 t.m-3。 菱镁矿性能在通过运输系统后不会改变。 所检查的运输系统的主动部件是所选择的7个带式输送机的集合(图1)
检查的皮带输送机的输入技术参数在表1中列出。每个皮带输送机(BC)通过进料斗和通过滑槽填充。 输送带的速度为1.31m.s-1。 运输时间因素对于实际运输系统不是决定性的。
BC parameters and |
M4 |
M6 |
M7 |
M8 |
M44 |
M45 |
M48 |
designation |
L[m] |
270.55 |
75.55 |
16.8 |
155.55 |
36.8 |
111.55 |
98.25 |
delta; [0] |
30 |
10 |
45 |
30 |
0 |
20 |
30 |
nh [ks] |
405 |
120 |
27 |
180 |
66 |
138 |
90 |
nd [ks] |
29 |
13 |
3 |
18 |
8 |
12 |
10 |
[0] |
30 |
30 |
40 |
45 |
30 |
30 |
40 |
B [mm] |
1,200 |
1,200 |
1,200 |
1,200 |
800 |
800 |
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