1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Literature Review This chapter consists of two sections. Section 2.1 briefly explains basic definitions of sexism, sexism in language and sensitivity to sexism in English. Section 2.2 mainly reviews some valuable and related studies. 2.1 Basic definitions 2.1.1 Definitions of Sexism According to the Webster#8217;s Dictionary, sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on sex, especially the discrimination against women. It also relates to the behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, sexism is prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women on the basis of sex. According to the Longman Dictionary of the Contemporary English, sexism is the belief that one sex is weaker, less intelligent, or less important than the other, especially when this results in someone being treated unfairly. According to the Wikipedi
1. 研究目的与意义 中央空调即中央空气调节器(central room air conditioner),用于调节空气的温度、空气的湿度。中央空调是一种用于给一般封闭空间区域提供处理空气温度变化的组装机组。它的功能价值在于对该闭空间或区域内空气的温度、湿度、流速等参数进行调节,以满足人体舒适或工艺过程的要求。美国大发明家威利斯#8226;哈维兰德#8226;卡里尔于1902年设计并安装了第一部空调系统,由此他被称为制冷之父的。而我本次论文研究的课题是中央空调系统中锅炉温度控制器设计,重点是在于锅炉温度控制器的设计,由于试验模拟器材与实际情况存在模型大小差距,一般在实验室都会用电阻炉或者火炉代替锅炉完成其在系统中作用。而在本次设计中我也是采用的电阻炉。因为电阻炉作为常用的加热设备,能对温度、压力进行实时而精确地控制,是节约
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献) 文献综述 英汉幽默语用分析对比基于电影《功夫熊猫》 A Comparative Pragmatic Analysis of the Humors in Kungfu Panda 1.Introduction As a cognitive experience, humor is a special art which is able to stimulate laughter and give people entertainment. Humor is universal and everybody can use it with no limitation of people#8217;s ages or cultures. People can smile and laugh or play jokes to make something pleasant and funny when they want, thus, this behavior is regarded as being humorous. However, some of the humorous behaviors differ from region to region which are incompatible to each other. The thesis aims to analyze it from the perspective of pragmatic based on the movie Kungfu Panda. This part includes the research background and the need for the research. 1.1 Research background In our daily life, humor plays a major role to make us feel excited and content. Life without humor is bored.
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)文 献 综 述1 研究背景及意义我国客车产业自上世纪五十年以国外卡车底盘改装客车,到改革开放后开始的产业化、专业化、规模化发展,直至发展到现如今我国汽车工业和全球客车工业的重要组成部分,经历了从无到有,从弱到强的发展历程。而随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的行动范围不断扩大,道路情况愈发复杂多样,这就对客车性能的安全性、操作稳定性、舒适性和经济性提出的更高的要求。[1]在汽车技术发展的过程中,转向传动系统无疑处于十分重要的一环。客车的转向系统结构复杂,对零件的可靠性要求高,也是客车底盘设计难度大,技术含量高的部分。客车转向传动系统的功用为保持或改变客车形式方向,由方向盘、转向轴系和转向器组成。随着道路条件的改善和高速路的不断发展,现
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1. IntroductionMetaphorical competence (MC), according to Gardner and Winner (1978), is the capacity to paraphrase a metaphor, to explain the rationale for the metaphors effectiveness, to produce a metaphor appropriate to a given context and to evaluate the appropriateness of several competing metaphoric expressions. Danesi (1986) was the first to introduce the notion of MC into the domain of second language (L2) learning. Foreign language learners are bound to be confronted with all kinds of metaphors in the target language and comprehending them is necessarily important. A lack of MC will result in such a situation where learners can express L2 in a correct and acceptable way, but not as typically as native speakers (Danesi 1995). Consequently, developing MC and mastering metaphorical ways of the target language should necessarily become an important goal of L2 learning.Idioms are a common phenomenon and the term idiom has a
全文总字数:17541字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Transmission is a key partof the power transmission system, it can not only reflect the performance andfuel economy of vehicles, but also change the working efficiency of the engine,it can smoothly change the transmission ratio, transmit the input shaft torqueto the output shaft, make the engine under various conditions to keep normaloperation, improve work efficiency and transmission efficiency. According tothe transmission ratio changes in different ways, the transmission can bedivided into three types of pole type, non-pole type and comprehensive type.According to the different operation mode, it can be divided into three kinds:forced operation type, automatic operation type and semi-automatic operationtype. More commonly used is the ordinary gear transmission, usually will alsocooperate with the use of synchronizer, synchronizer can make the transmissionin the process of car driving shift does not occur impact. I
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.1研究的目的及意义 卸船机是利用连续输送机械制成能提升散粒物料的机头,或兼有自行取料能力,或配以取料、喂料装置,将散粒物料连续不断地提出船舱,然后卸载到臂架或机架并能运至岸边主输的地方送机系统去的专用机械。使用卸船机可大大提高卸货效率,保持环境清洁减小粉尘污染,使货物卸载过程高效环保。卸船机的种类比较多,其中可分为连续卸船机和非连续卸船机,在非连续卸船机中主要有抓斗门式起重机、转斗岸桥等设备。在连续卸船机中包括链斗式卸船机、螺旋式卸船机、斗轮式卸船机、夹带式卸船机等。随着经济全球化的发展,特别是矿石及煤炭等散货的海运量不断增长。我国各大港口的吞吐量也呈不断上升的趋势。为了提高港口企业的核心竞争力,适应港口散货装卸设备专业化、大型化
全文总字数:4900字1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述) 1本课题的意义 鳄鱼多用于皮革生产,而剩下的鳄鱼肉尚未得到充分研究和利用,造成了极大的资源浪费。研究表明,鳄鱼肉富含蛋白质和人体所需的氨基酸、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素以及多种稀有生物元素,营养丰富,味道鲜美,能降低胆固醇,强身健体,提高人体的免疫力[1]。由于鳄鱼独特的体型构造,很难采集到像猪肉那种大块的肉状,而只能在其身上取下碎肉,因此将其做为制作中式香肠的原材料是十分合适的。传统的中式香肠是一种大众化的肉制品,主要以猪肉为原料,经过切碎或搅拌后添加各种调料灌入肠衣或其他包装材料而制成的产品。它是一种综合利用肉类原料的产品,既可用精选原料肉制成品质优良、营养丰富的高档食品,也可利用肉类加工过程所形成的碎
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1. Introduction English as a worldwide language plays a more and more important role in the world communication. Thanks to reform and opening up, we need more and more foreign exchanges. Therefore, high oral English proficiency becomes the pursuit of many university students. Based on statistic results, Rivers (1978), a famous American applied linguist, demonstrates that the percentages of listening, speaking, reading and writing in communication are 45%, 30%, 16% and 9% respectively, among which listening and speaking account for 75%. However, in the EFL practice in China, oral English teaching is a weak point. Many students#8217; oral English ability remains far less desirable and most of them still cannot communicate effectively in English. Self-efficacy belongs to the category of psychology, which was proposed by the American psychologist Bandura in 1977. It refers to the individual's speculation and judgment on whether
1. 研究目的与意义 With the incredibly rapid development of science and technology, the world has becoming more integrated. People from various nations and religions have more affinity consanguinity than before and communicate more frequently with each other. Foreign language plays an important role in the cross-cultural communication. As we all know, when communicating with native speakers, pragmatic failures inevitably come into being. And some of them may lead to terrible misunderstandings, affecting the smooth process of cross-cultural communication.Only when understanding and taking measures to avoid pragmatic failures in cross-cultural communication, can people in the world communicate well. The distance among people from different countries will be narrowed. The world will be more prosperous.2. 研究内容和预期目标The thesis intends to give a detailed analysis of pragmatic failures. The thesis mainly consists of five parts: introduction, cross-cultural communication