1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1固色剂的概况 1.1固色剂的发展 (1)双氰胺树脂固色剂 第二次世界大战以后,在直接染料、酸性染料、丝绸的固色方面一直采用双氰胺和甲醛为原料通过缩合制备出聚合物固色剂 Y。固色剂 Y 的主要机理是染料的 D-SO3-和 Y 型固色剂的阳离子形成色淀盐,把染料亲水基团封闭,降低活性染料的水溶性,从而提高染料的色牢度。 后来发现 Y 固色剂在织物整理后会释放很高的甲醛,使用该固色剂整理的幼儿内衣会导致皮肤发炎,严重会发生溃疡,无醛固色剂的研究开始受到人们的重视。欧盟国家开始颁布法律公布禁用有醛固色剂以后,无醛固色剂开始全面代替固色剂 Y 在纺织固色领域中使用。 (2)多胺缩合物 胍与多烯多胺的缩合物,经过脱氨、环化成咪唑等合成带阳离子的聚合物,与染料阴离子形成色
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Planetary gear reducer is a widely used industrial products, such as transport, metallurgy, machinery, etc. Planetary gear transmission has many outstanding advantages compared with general gear which is widely used in gear reducer. Planetary gear reducer has many advantages such as small volume, light weight, compact structure, big transmission power, large carrying capacity, large transmission ratio, high transmission efficiency, good stability, etc. However, it also has some disadvantages such as relatively complex structure, high manufacturing quality requirements, fast oil temperature rise due to the small size, small heat dissipation which needs higher request for lubrication and cooling.Internationally, Germany, Denmark and Japan are in a leading position in the field of planetary gear transmission, especially in the area of materials and manufacturing processes. In China, our country has got the technology of planetary gear design and
1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述)本课题的意义、国内外研究概况、应用前景等(列出主要参考文献)一、课题意义近年来,我国鸡蛋行业呈现出不断壮大发展的趋势,然而价格波动幅度大幅增加。2013年11月8日,鸡蛋期货正式在大连商品交易所上市交易,尝试以期货的形式进行价格发现、平抑价格波动、缓解鸡蛋产业的市场风险。然而,鸡蛋产业具有一定特殊性与代表性,涉及众多参与主体,上至蛋鸡孵化企业、养殖企业,下至贸易公司、大型超市及加工企业等。同时,鸡蛋又属于大众生鲜产品,不同于其他农产品单一的风险来源,鸡蛋企业经营毛利润来自于鸡蛋销售价格与产蛋成本价格之差,产蛋成本包括固定费用以及饲料的浮动成本。鸡蛋还是一个季节性非常强的品种,价格波动剧烈,常年涨跌幅度高达50%,同时年度变化周期
1. 研究目的与意义 1.研究背景 1.1 复杂情绪定义与分类 心理学对于情绪的定义为:是对一系列主观认知经验的通称,是人对客观事物的态度体验以及相应的行为反应,一般认为,情绪是以个体愿望和需要为中介的一种心理活动。情绪可以分为积极情绪,消极情绪以及中性情绪。复杂情绪就是指在同一情感事件中,个体同时或连续体验至少两种不同情绪的一种情感状态(Rothman Melwani, 2017)。 复杂情绪主要分为同时的复杂情绪与连续的复杂情绪。连续的复杂情绪是两种或多种不同的情绪在个体状态之间快速变化或运动,一种情绪首先出现然后被另一种情绪所取代(Sinaceur, Adam, Kleef, Galinsky,2013)。相反,同时性的复杂情绪是个体对一种刺激同时做出不同的反应并经历两种或更多的情绪(Larsen, Mcgraw, Cacioppo,2001)。Kang和Shaver(2004)认为复杂情绪主要由两个因素组成
1. 研究目的与意义With the highly developing of commodity economy and international trade, we are now in an age of globalization, when business around the world spare no effort to market their products or services in the world marketplace and to build their brand images on a global basis. In a competitive market, the brand name of a product is one of the key factors for a company to achieve success. At the same time, the translation of brand names becomes increasingly important and influential in the economic life. The translation of brand names is not only a simple language conversion, but also a bridge between Chinese and Western, linking culture, business, and goods with consumers closely, so a correct translation of brand names becomes more and more important. And because of the perspective of cultural differences between China and Western countries, there are varied rules and methods of the translation of brand names. So, I choose this topic to do my research. 2. 研究内
1. 研究目的与意义In recent years, marvel movies have been introduced to domestic cinemas and enjoyed wide popularity. However, the quality of subtitles has triggered a great deal of controversy. From the perspective of Eco-translatology adaption and selection, this paper decides to first, collect different versions of subtitle translation of Marvel films and then compare and evaluate the subtitles through linguistic, cultural, and communicative dimensions in order to indicates the applicability of Eco-translatology in subtitle translation. The essay intend to arouse more scholars '''' attention to subtitle translation, to bring more standardized, more professional subtitles to the audience, and then promote in-depth exchanges between Chinese and Western cultures.2. 研究内容和预期目标1.Research Contents 1 The research will mainly focus on the subtitle translation in Marvel movies from the perspective of Eco-translatology. So the Research contents will be divided into the
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献) 文 献 综 述 Pause is a very common phenomenon in spoken English, which is defined as a break or filler of equal to or longer than 0.2 or 0.3 second (Riggenbach, 1991; Zhang Wenzhong, 2002). Learners need pausing linguistically and physically when they speak English. It often happens when speakers don#8217;t know how to say or what to say. Some researches classify pauses as filled pause, unfilled pause or silence (Lennon, 1990; Smith and Clark, 1993; Richard, 2002). Pause has the function to adjust speech speed and to arouse the attention of listeners. Therefore, pause is an essential part of communication. Numerous analyses on pauses have already been made by many scholars so far, among which some have talked about the influence of pause on oral fluency and disfluency. And the researches are from home and abroad. 1. Researches on pauses abroad Richards (2002) holds that pausing, typical of filled pauses and sile
1. 研究目的与意义Since China has played a more and more important role around the world, a great number of foreigners are willing to come to China as tourists or investors. Therefore, the translation of public signs from Chinese to English is of great significance in leaving them a good impression of China. At the same time, to build international metropolis, many Chinese cities are devoting to create an international language environment for these foreign guests. However, there are still a lot of problems existing in the practical translation of public signs. Most domestic studies of the C-E translation of public signs simply list some general mistakes such as spelling errors and cultural misunderstandings, thus fail to combine the practical functions of the public signs with translation theories. This paper will study the translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalism and will have some intensive researches of the functions and language style of public signs
全文总字数:2149字1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 当前很多高校都普遍存在“教师上完课就走,师生交流时间少”的现象,特别是很多学生本身自主学习能力相对较弱,而本校教学知识容量大,如果在课堂上没有很好的消化课程内容,课后又没能及时与教师交流沟通,容易使学生失去学习信心,甚至因此而放弃课程学习,从而影响学生的就业与工作。 随着计算机技术和网络技术的不断发展,网上学习越来越成为许多人的选择,相比于传统意义上的课堂学习,网络学习具有即时、随意、方便、快捷等优势。开发一款学习应用一定会受到广大学子的青睐。同时该应用还应具有操作简单、功能俱全、可扩展性好、易于维护等特点。 本人开发这款应用主要将实现下列功能:(1)课程搜索,搜索想要学习的课程(2)最热课程,展示最热门的课程(3
全文总字数:1530字1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 随着微电子技术以及集成电路技术的不断发展,无人机的发展十分迅速,与传统的固定翼无人机相比,多旋翼无人机,结构更加简洁,安全更有保障,控制更加灵活,价格低廉。这些特点导致无人机的市场发展前景很好。本论文旨在利用PID的控制算法能够对无人机悬停进行姿态控制,提高无人机的平衡能力,为无人机的发展做出一定研究。 国内外研究现状 国外对四旋翼无人机的研究现状国外四旋翼无人机研究相对较早,始于上世纪初期,法国 Breguet 兄弟于 1907年将他们制造的世界上第一架四旋翼直升机进行了试飞,但是由于当时技术条件的限制,特别是自动控制理论尚未形成体系,所以这架四旋翼直升机没有采用任何自动控制理论,所以试飞效果也就仅仅能够短时间离开地面。在随后的几