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    1. 研究目的与意义在日常学习生活中接触到了微电影广告,并对其逐渐产生了浓厚的兴趣。在实习的过程中,接触到越来越多该类型的广告题材,使我将之作为毕业论文的研究对象。众所周知的是,伴随着物联网技术的发展,年轻一代的时间越发碎片化。习惯快速接受信息的我们对纯文字和冗长的视频失去了耐性,我们迫切希望寻找到一种简短并且具有冲击力的短片,在满足我们视觉渴望的同时,也贴近我们的生活。于是乎,微电影应运而生,而广告行业也在微电影的助推作用下产生了微电影广告。微电影广告顺应着企业的需求,在潜移默化中给目标受众灌输品牌标志和品牌文化,提升品牌影响力。理论意义:微电影广告是新起之秀,作为新事物,学术研究相对较少,尤其是特定银行领域的研究,更是少。而一个新生事物的发展不仅需要外部环境


    全文总字数:2078字1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 随着社会的发展,各种各样的企业如雨后春笋般冒出,如何在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出,抓住客户的眼球从而实现公司的长远发展,成为所有企业的当务之急。客户关系管理(CRM)系统,是一种以“客户关系一对一理论”为基础,旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制,它的最终目标是吸引新客户、保留老客户以及将已有客户转为忠实客户。此系统的宗旨是:向每个客户建立联系,通过同客户的联系来了解客户的不同需求,并进行针对不同客户的个性化服务,从而实现更高效率的销售管理,市场营销等等。 此次系统设计就是为了建设出一种更加符合中小型企业实现客户关系管理需求的CRM系统,以节省成本,提高工作效率。通过对已有客户交易数据的分析,来找出潜在客户,维持老客户


    1. 研究目的与意义 1.1背景:可燃气体传感器主要用于可燃气体的泄露预警检测,在化工、消防、煤矿行业中应用较多,在新能源汽车和环境监测必不可少,但目前大部分可燃气体传感器灵敏度、稳定性和寿命都不理想。可燃气体传感器的主要参数指标有:响应恢复时间、响应值、温度影响、湿度影响、抗硅烷中毒性能、抗硫化物中毒性能、线性度、长期稳定性等,掌握气体传感器的主要参数指标是熟练制备和应用传感器的基础。 1.2目的:本论文通过测试不同商业化可燃气体传感器的主要性能参数,系统分析不同商业化可燃气体传感器的优缺点,掌握可燃气体传感器的工作原理、指标参数,并动手制备可燃气体传感器并测试。 1.3意义: 本研究有望发展并研究出性能优异、寿命时间长、长期稳定且可大批量生产的可燃气体传感器,为新能源的推广

    Der Einfluss des Englischen als L2 auf den Erwerb des Relativsatzes im Deutschen als L3 英语(二语)对德语(三语)关系从句习得的影响开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Literaturbericht文献综述 Der Zweitspracherwerb hat eine lange Geschichte in der westlichen Welt. Die Forschung des Zweitspracherwerbs reicht in die Nachkriegszeit zur#252;ck. Im Zeitraum 1940er- 1970er spielte die behavioristische Spracherwerbstheorie eine wichtige Rolle. (Hufeisen, B. und Riemer 2010) In dieser Zeit gehorte die Theorie des Zweitspracherwerbs nur zu einem Teil der Didaktik. Eines der wichtigste Ergebnisse ist die Kontrastivhypothese. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg hat Lado die Kontrastivhypothese vorgebracht. Diese Hypothese stammte von der Theorie vom amerikanischen Behavioristen Skinner. Er verglich die Merkmale der unterschiedlichen Sprachen und prognostizierte den Schwerpunkt des Fremdspracherwerbs und die mouml;glichen Fehler, die die Sprachlerner machen kouml;nnen. (Lado 1957) Das heiszlig;t, man kann durch die Unterschiedlichkeit zwischen der Muttersprache und der Fremdsprache die Schwierigkeit des


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Thedevelopment of new energy vehicle has became the tendency of the nowadaysautomobile industry. The traditional fossil energy is non-renewable, and itcontributes to a large number of pollution when it burnt. So energy-saving andenvironmental protection is the theme of automotive development in today’ sworld. The appearance of new energy vehicle solve these two problems. Amongthose new energy vehicle the electric vehicle(EV) is the most significant, andit has a mature technology. EV has a huge development prospect in commercialvehicle especially in engineering vehicle. So designing some reliablefunctional engineering vehicle is very meaningful. Steeringsystem is the mechanism which is used to hold or change the driving directionof vehicle. The property of steering system greatly determine a vehicle’sperformance and service life. With the advance of the automobile, peopleimprove the requirement of steering system. It should not only pr

    教师支持对大学生英语自我调节学习的影响:自我效能感的中介作用Research on the relationship between Teacher Support and Self-regulated English Learning of College Students—Evidence of Mediated Effects with Self-efficacy开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) University is an important stage for students where they step half into the community, making independent arrangements for their learning without the supervision of their parents. After the strict management in high school aiming at the specific goal- college entrance examination, this is the first time for students to re-explore the meaning of learning and to plan for the future. First of all, English as an important tool to meet the need of English Grading Test, job requirement or even postgraduate exam, is definitely a ridge which every college student should cross. Secondly, under the fact that English is a compulsory course in the university, students perceived teacher support behavior will affect their academic self-regulation of development, and will thus affect their academia performance. In addition, self-efficacy is another factor influencing self-regulated learning. Students with higher self-efficacy are more involved in lea


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) In the 1980s, SRAhmed proposed the famous Ahmed normalized model. And the Ahmed model was analyzed experimentally in the low speed wind tunnel. By changing the posterior inclination of the model, the model surface pressure and the six component force were studied and tail flow field were measured. The research on the thermal comfort of the car occupants is mainly aimed at the study of the velocity field and the temperature field inside the compartment under the condition of opening the air conditioner. In 1974, Nielsen in Denmark took the airflow in the ventilated room as the object of study, and simulated it with CFD technology, which had a milestone significance for CFD in the field of HVAC. GM's combination of CFD fundamentals, developed VINE3D software, the software is the first dedicated to the car thermal environment analysis of common software. In 2007, Meng Qingchao of Hunan University studied the velocity field and airflow organizati


    1. 研究目的与意义 1.目前,随着我国证券市场不断成熟,上市银行日益增多,无论是银行还是投资者都非常关注上市银行的经营绩效。无论是企业还是投资者都可以很好的利用绩效评估。判别分析要处理的问题一般有一个已知分类的数据集,判断分析基于对预测变量的函数组合。这些预测变量应当能够充分地体现各类别之间的差异。 2. 研究内容和预期目标 2.通过判别分析法对上市银行进行综合评价,综合评价结果为绩效分析提供依据,继而分析出影响绩效的因素,以便对症下药,改善财务状况,提高经营绩效。对投资者来说,特别是中小投资者,为其提供了投资参考数据。 写作提纲:先写判别分析的思想,原理,方法,再对上市银行分类的指标进行选取,最后结合判别分析这个方法在银行分类中的应用。 3. 国内外研究现状 3.自上个世纪 30 年代


    1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述)课题意义:本课题意在测试水稻冠层穗-叶模型在行播水稻场景反射光谱模拟上的适用性及缺陷性,综合评价该模型的优点及不足,为优化和改进该模型打下了基础。国内外研究进展:Verhoef和Bunnik等在Suits模型[1]的基础上加入了少数垄几何结构参数,将作物的垄假设为周期性矩形棱柱体,通过改进间隙率和参数系数实现了行播作物反射率的模拟[2];Jackson等[3]和Kimes[4]将作物的垄简化为实心的无限长箱体,底部紧贴地面且光线不可穿越,初步实现了行播作物几何结构的模拟。周凯等[5]以适用于连续植被冠层光谱模拟的4SAIL模型为基础,借鉴Kimes行播作物几何光学模型,融合GeoSail模型中场景反射率合成的思想,构建了适用于行播作物场景反射光谱模拟的冠层辐射传输模型(4SAIL-RowCrop模型)。赵丽云[6]等将

    Discourse Analysis of American Media Reports on Chinese Medicine - Taking New York Times as an example 美国媒体中医报道话语分析——以纽约时报为例开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义This paper is composed of five chapters. Chapter one introduces the background information and the brief outline of the paper. Chapter two reviews the relevant literature of the paper, summarizing the study of Critical Discourse Analysis at home and abroad and the previous research on the development of Chinese medicine in America. Chapter three mainly contains the theoretical framework of the paper, including the Three-dimensional Analysis Model and the Systemic-Functional Grammar, and the data collected from the texts of the sample reports. Chapter four specifically analyzes the sample reports. Chapter five is the conclusion of the paper, that is, the major findings, suggestions and limitations of the paper.By studying the texts of the related reports in the New York Times and analyzing their preferences through the methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, it will help people in the business of Chinese medicine understand the attitudes of mainstream American so






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